Telling Kylie

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Kendall P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding migraine. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I was tied down to something. The room was dark so I couldn't see much. My face felt like I was slapped, what happened? I tried to remember all the previous events but my mind drew a blank. I closed my eyes again trying super hard to remember, but nothing. Suddenly the door swang wide open, I opened my eyes to see who it was, it was James. He closed the door and put the light on. He took a seat next to me.

Kendall:"What happened yesterday?"

James:"Well lets see your wife passed away and you were so depressed you walked to a bar and got so drunk that you quote on quote said you 'Never Loved Her and You Never Wanted Kylie'. Does that ring a bell for you. If your face hurts it's becaue I knocked you out cold after you said that."

I looked down and bit my lip remembering some of the events that happened. I felt tears streaming down my face once again. The pain was back and reality set back in. 

Kendall:"James, what am I going to do. I can't take this pain anymore, its eating my insides. I just can't believe I said those things about Kacey and Kylie, I truly didn't mean one word I said."

James:"I know man, it was the alcohol and pain that made you say those things. You just need to stay extra strong for Kylie. She knows thier's something wrong with Kacey. When you stormed out of the school, she was holding onto me like she was terrified. You need to tell her and be honest with her."

Kendall:"Your right, where is she?"

James:"She's downstairs watching tv."

Kendall:"Mind untying me so we go tell her?"

James:"Sure thing bro."

James finally untied me. It's the time that I've been trying to avoid ever since I recieved the news myself. We walked down the stairs and Kylie ran to me. I kissed her forehead and picked her up. I walked over to the couch with her and James turned the tv off. Kylie sat on my lap and James sat across from us. The moment of truth has arrived and my hearts going a mile a minute. I turned her so she was facing me.

Kendall:"Baby girl, Uncle James and I have some very sad news for you. Before we tell you, it's okay to cry and remember we're here for you."

Kylie's facial expression turned from happy to terrifed.

Kendall:"Yesterday while mommy was driving to the store, she got into a really bad car crash. The ambulance came to take her to the hospital but unfortunately she didn't make it. Kylie what I'm trying to tell you is that mommy passed away and isn't coming back."

Kylie instantly started to cry into my chest. I rubbed her back gently to try to calm her down. After a while she lifted her head from my chest.

Kylie:"Daddy, was it something I did wrong? Was it my fault? If it was I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do it. I swear daddy."

She started to cry even harder then before. I started to cry with her, it broke me even more inside knowing that she thought it was her fault.

Kendall:"Hey, look at me. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't my fault, it wasn't Uncle James' fault. It was the crazy driver that crashed into her car's fault. Don't blame yourself ever for this because it wasn't your fault." 

Kylie:" I love you daddy. Promise you won't ever leave me." 

Kendall:"I love you too Ky. I promise to never leave you, I'll always be here for you."

James:"Same here Ky, your dad and I will always be here for you. Now how about a group hug?"

We all gathered around and had the tightest group hug ever. Hopefully these next few days will go by smooth.

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