McKayla's Secret

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Kendall P.O.V

  It's now Monday morning, the begining of a new week. I have to get McKayla to school, go grocery shopping, and run like ten other errands. My brother Kevin is coming over now to watch Kylie so I can get it all done. Luckly she's still sleeping so I can slip out, without her knowing I left. 

 I walk into McKayla's room and find her pacing back and fourth. 

Kendall:"Kay, what's wrong?"

She just shakes her head and continues. I walk over to her and stop her. 

Kendall:"I'm serious, what's wrong?"

She takes a deep breath and sighs. She lifts up her sleeve to reveal several slits. I pick up her arm and look at them, closely.

Kendall:"When did you do this? But more importantly, why?"

She walks over to her bed and gets her laptop. She brings it back to me and shows me some Facebook comments. I start to read them.

Jack Mino: Your such a piece of shit.....

Ashley Anghy: No one wants you, not even your mom!! 

Sammy Fin: You should kill yourself, no one would miss your sluty ass anyways!! 

There were more but I stop at that one, I look over at her and see tears streaming down her face. I place the laptop on her desk and hug her tight. We break away and sit on her bed. 

Kendall:"When did they start bullying you?"

McKayla:"A few months ago..."

Kendall:"Why didn't  you tell anyone sooner?"

McKayla:"I couldn't....." 


She stands up and starts to pace back and fourth again.

McKayla:"Because the stuff they said was true! They're not lying, no one wants me, I'm worthless and you know it!!

Kendall:"Hey! No your not! They're only saying those things because they have thier own insecurities!"

She just breaks down crying, and slides to the floor. I get up and sit down next her, she hides her face in my chest. 

Kendall:"Shh.... just relax.....I'm right here."

It's silent until she calms downs.

McKayla:"Why did this all have to happen to me? Why does everyone hate me?"

Kendall:"Crappy things happen in life and we just have to deal with them. But everything happens for a reason in life. The key is to surround yourself with the people that love and care about you. I'll try my best to make this stop, because you don't deserve to be treated like this."

McKayla:"Does this mean I don't have to go to school today?"

Kendall:"Depends......I have a few questions first, before I decide."


Kendall:"First off, When did you start to cut yourself? And when did you make those slits?"

McKayla:"I started two weeks ago and I just made the slits that I showed you...."

Kendall:"Ok, I got one more for you. Is there anything else your doing to harm yourself?"


Kendall:"Tell me, and be honest. I won't be mad."

McKayla:"I also am starving myself...."

With that she looks down. I pick her chin up and look at her with all seriousness.

Kendall:"When was the last time you ate?"

McKayla:"Three days ago....."

Kendall:"I'll let you stay home on one condition, I take you to see a psychologist and a doctor and you eat every meal, infront of me." 


Kendall:"Good, now get dressed and meet me in the kitchen."

I walk out of her room and go to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I know I might seem kinda harsh on McKayla but it's because I love and care about her. I don't want anything to happen to her.

In the middle of flipping the pancakes, the doorbell rings. I turn off the flame and run to answer it. I open the door to reveal Kevin. 

Kevin:"Good morning, baby brother!"

Kendall:"Morning, Kevin...."

Kevin:"Woah, why the long face."

Kendall:"I found out McKayla's being bullied..... But that's not the worst part she's cutting herself and starving herself. I'm taking her to a psychologist and doctor today for it all. I swear am I ever gonna catch a break? Between Kacey passing away, Kyile getting stiches and now this..... Is it ever going to end?"

Kevin:"Wow..... I don't know bro. I'm here for you though."

I nod and we walk into the kitchen. McKayla comes down a few minutes later and sits down. I place a plate of food in front of her and she just stares at it. I sit down next to her and start to eat myself. 

Kendall:"You made a deal with me, now eat."

McKayla:"I know, but do I have to eat it all?"

Kendall:"Yes. You haven't ate in three day, you have to be starving."

She stares at it once again and picks up her fork. She takes a couple bits and then stops.

McKayla:"Can I be done?"

Kendall:"No, not until every single crumb is gone."

She sighs and starts to eat again. I get up and go call the doctor and psychologist, to make an appointment for her. After I call them, I call Carlos. 

Carlos:"What up, bro!"

Kendall:"Are you busy?"

Carlos:"Kind of, why?"

Kendall:"It's just..... I went into McKayla's room this morning and found her pacing back and fourth. When I asked her what was wrong she lifted her sleeve, revealing slits and scars. I asked why she did it and she showed me her laptop. It was opened up to her Facebook comments, which were all mean. They said some pretty nasty things. She also told me she's been starving herself. I left her stay home, but I'm taking her to a doctor at 11am and a psychologist at 2pm."


I can tell this caught him off guard.

Carlos:"She never told me anything about getting bullied. When ever I asked her about school she always told me it was good. Do you think I should come over and talk to her now?"

Kendall:"Why don't you come over later tonight."

Carlos:"Alright, I'll see ya tonight."

I hang up the phone and go back into the kitchen. McKayla had finished everything on her plate and was talking to Kevin. I clear my throat and they both look over at me. 

Kendall:"I made your doctor appointments and I called your dad to let him know about everything."

McKayla:"Is he mad?"

Kendall:"More like worried, he'll be over later tonight. Anyways we have to get going, I have to run a couple of errands before you go see the doctor."

She nods and goes out to the garage to the car. I grab my keys and start to make my way out the door, but Kevin stops me.

Kevin:"Before you leave, what do I do when Ky wakes up?"

Kendall:"Tell her I had to take McKayla to the doctor's and run a couple errands. If she's in any pain with her lip and chin give her a teaspoon of Motrin. I should be back around 5pm. Call me if you need me or have any questions..."

With that I walk out to the car and head to Wal-mart.

Today's going to be a very long day............

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