Kendizzle Returns

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Kendall P.O.V


Their heads shoot up and look at me with disbelief. I sit myself up and am able to open my eyes fully now. 



They engulf me with a hug. Even though I'm in a lot of pain I don't mind, I missed them like crazy. They lay down next to me on either side of my bed, I wap my arms around them. 

Kendall:"I missed my girls so much! It's good to be back."

McKayla:"Uncle Kendall, if you only knew the amount of stress and pain this caused everyone....."

Kendall:"Well sweetheart, in a few days everything will back to normal and I have a surprise for you guys in the works."

Thier eyes light up. 

Kyle:"What is daddy!? What is the surprise!?"

Kendall:"I don't want to give to much away but we're going some where with a castle...."

McKayla stands up and starts jumping up and down. Kylie looks at her confussed.

McKayla:"Oh my gosh!!! Ky, do you know what this means!?!?"

Kylie:"No.....I'm only three I don't think as fast as you!"

I start to crack up.

McKayla:"Ky, we're going to Disney World!!!"

Kylie stands up too and starts to jump up and down. I pull out my phone and start to make an Instagram video. 

Kylie:"I'm gonna be able to meet Belle!!!"

McKayla:"I can finally get to ride Tower of Terror!!!"

The video finishes up and I post it. 

@kendallschmidt Disney World here we come!! ;)

After five minutes of jumping with happniess they come lay back down next to me and fall asleep. They must be exhusted, after all it's after midnight. About an hour later the doctor comes in, I'm guessing since the girls never went back out. 

Doctor:"Nice to see you awake again Mr. Schmidt. How are you feeling?"

Kendall:"I'm in some pain but other wise I feel great."

Doctor:"I'll have one of the nurses come and give you something for the pain. I have some friends outside anxious to see you. If it's not to late, do you mind if I send them in?"

Kendall:"Not at all, you can send them in."

The doctor leaves to get them. Moments later James, Logan and Micheal come barging in.

Kendall:"Shh......Kay and Ky are sleeping."

Logan:"Sorry dude, we didn't know. How are you feeling?"

Kendall:"I feel fine for the most part, except for the pain I have by my scar. Where's Carlos by the way?"

Micheal:"He got into a fight with Kay...."

James:"I texted him about it and he replied with this......"

He hands me his phone and I start to read the text.

Carlos: She's alittle brat who only cares about herself. I have better things to worry about then her. She's got Kendall wrapped her fingers now so why should I care! Tell her if she hates me so much to have Kendall file for custody because I'm done with her shit! I'm not taking her back in so if Kendall doesn't want her put her in a foster home or sell her. I don't care what happens to her anymore!

I shake my head in fustration and pull out my phone. That's his daughter he's taking about, not some stranger on the side of the road. I look up and see everyone is staring at me. 


Micheal:"You look like your about to commit murder....."

Kendall:"Well did you read what your dad wrote in that text?"


I hand him James' phone and he reads it. When he finishes reading it, he's clenches his fists. 

Micheal:"How can he write something like that? Sell my sister!? Is he messed up in the brain or something! Did you tell him off yet? If not I'll do it! He's so disgusting!"

I hand him my phone and he reads my text to him, his mouth drops when he's finishes.


Kendall:"Yeah..... No one messes with the people I love especially the little ones."

Logan and James:"What did you even write?"

I hand them my phone and they read it. 

James:"Damn! Kendizzle returns as a bitch."

Logan:"You do know that he's gonna shit himself when he reads this?"

Kendall:"I know I was alittle harsh but in the past eight months she got raped twice, her mom wants nothing to do with her, and she lost Kacey. The poor thing is broken and he wants to break her even more by doing this to her? No, that doesn't fly with me."

James:"I guess you got a point."

Micheal:"Wait, my sister got raped twice!?"

Kendall:"Yeah, but I think she should tell you the story."

Micheal:"Fair enough."

Logan:"It's almost two in the morning, I think we should get going."

James and Micheal come over by me to pick up Kylie and Mckayla but I stop them.

Kendall:"Leave them here. It's been a long day for the both of them and they look to peaceful to move."

James:"If that's what want. But doesn't Kylie have school tomorrow?"

Kendall:"Oh yeah, your right. Umm....Do you mind coming back in the morning to bring her?"

James:"That's not a problem. I'll stop by your house and pick up clothes for her before I come and get her."

Kendall:"Alright, thanks man!"

They say their last goodbyes and leave. Ten minutes later the nurse comes in with the pain medication. 

Nurse:"Here you go. Do you need anything else?"

Kendall:"Actually I was wonder if I could get a blanket for my niece and daughter?"

Nurse:"Sure thing, I'll be right back with them."

She leaves the room to go get the blankets. She comes back minutes later with them and puts one on Kyile and one on McKayla. 

Kendall:"Thank you so much."

Nurse:"You're very welcome. If you need anything else or in pain just press the call button and I'll be happy to help you."

I smile at her and she leaves. I kiss Kylie's and McKayla's forehead and fall asleep peacefully. It's nice to have my two favorite girls by my side again. 

Carlos P.O.V

I woke up to my phone binging. It was a text from Kendall. What does he want it's two in the mornig. I slide open my phone and read it. 

Kendall: So you want me to have custody of McKayla!?! Get something straight she's your daughter and always will be no matter what!! The only reason why she's trusting and comfortable around me is because I make her feel wanted!! She's been through so much in the past eight months and all you want to do is give up and get rid of her!! If I hear one more disgusting comment about selling her or she's a brat I will have all your kids taking away from you!! I'm a nice guy to a certain extent, when you mess with the people I love I turn into the devil!! 

I just start to panic, I can't believe Kendall would even think to do something like that. I have to fix things, and quick!

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