The Ending With Ups and Downs

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Kendall P.O.V 

    Last night was the last time I would ever see Kacey. Today is the burial and I'm completely broken inside. I never ever imagined myself saying goodbye to Kacey so young, especially since Kylie's only three and we planned on having more children in the future. It's so lonley without her here, she always cracked me up with her jokes and crazy thinking. The hardest part of it all, is that I have to try to be happy for Kylie's sack and I just don't know how much longer I can keep it up. My other half's gone and I just don't know how to function without her here. I just wish she was here again.

    Right now Kylie, James' family, Carlos' family, Logan's family, and my parents are in a limo following the hearse to the cemetery. My stomach's in knots and I feel numb from all the pain and sorrow. Kylie and McKayla are both pretty depressed. Kylie's on my lap and McKayla's sitting next to me with her head on my chest. Out of all of us, I think they're taking it the hardest. We pull into the gated cemetery and get out. I carry Kylie and hold McKayla's hand, we sit down in the first row. I take a deep breath, and sigh. This is it, the ending. The service starts and I get all choked up. 

Priest:"Are there any last words anyone would like to say before we bury Mrs. Kacey Brielle Schmidt?"

I stand up and turn to face everyone. 

Kendall:"I would just like to thank everyone who has helped Kylie and I in anyway during this very difficult time. I also would like to say that Kacey loved each and every single one of you guys. She loved helping people in anyway she could. A few days before she got into the car crash she was planning to make her own charity for cancer research. She always wanted to make an impact on this world, she wanted to change things for the better. I will always love her with all my heart and keep her dreams and goals going, as long as I shall win." 

As the tears stream down my face I walk over to her coffin and put my hand on it. I look down and whisper to her.

Kendall:" Babe, I will never forget the times we had nor will I ever stop loving you. The love we have is untouchable and unbreakable. I promise to take care of Ky and to keep your dreams going. I love you so much." 

I kiss her coffin and go sit back down, McKayla hugs me with tears streaming down her face. 

Priest:"If no one has anything else to say, it's time to put Mrs. Kacey to rest."

The grave diggers start to lower Kacey's coffin into the ground. All of sudden McKayla and Kylie shoot up and start screaming. 

McKayla:"Wait! You can't just put her in the ground!!" 

Kylie:"That's my mommy, what are you doing to her!?

James and Carlos run over and pick them up. James whispers something in my ear, before running off with them.

James:"We got them, don't worry."

I just put my head down and start to cry. This can't be happening right now....

James P.O.V

I grab Kylie and Carlos grabs McKayla, they start kicking and yelling for us to put them down. 

Kylie:"Put me down, they can't do this!!"

McKayla:"She doesn't deserve this disrespect!! Let me go!!"

We reach a bench, they start crying the second we sit down. Carlos and I just try to comfort them the best we could. All you can hear is thier sobs until, McKayla calms down and speaks up. 

McKayla:"Daddy, why are they doing that to Aunt Kacey? She doesn't deserve it...."

Carlos:"Well baby girl, they're not doing it to be mean. When someone dies they either get burried or they get cremated. In this case Aunt Kacey wanted to be burried instead of being cremated."

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