The Carlexa Conflict

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Kendall P.O.V

We're about an hour into the viewing, Kylie hasn't left my side since we got here. There's so many people that knew Kacey here. Kacey's parents, brother, and sister are here, but they're kinda keeping thier distance. Her family was never a big fan of me, since I was always working and convinced her to move from New York to California. I'm currently standing on the side of coffin greeting everyone who came. Kylie's attacted to my leg like a leech and refuses to leave me. I tried to have her go hang out with Jessica in the main room but she won't budge. As I'm hugging Kacey's best friend, I hear yelling coming from the main room. I finish hugging her and pick up Kylie. I walk out of the viewing room and see Alexa fighting with Carlos. James and Logan must of heard the yelling to because they came running out. 

Carlos P.O.V

Carlos:"Leave! Your causing a scene, the world doesn't revolve around you!"

Alexa:"I can come and pay my respects to Kacey if I want! She was like a sister to me, and treated me better then you ever did!"

I cross my arms and shake my head in anger. 

Carlos:"Are you being serious right now!? Kacey hated you! Why do you think I didn't talk or hang out with Kendall alot while we were married? It was because they couldn't stand you and they knew you were going to break my heart! The same thing goes for James and Logan! I lost my best friends that were like brothers to me because I was too stupid to realize that you were a selfish bitch! I'm lucky they decided to forgive me! And they mean more to me, then you ever did or will!"

She just shaked her head and grinned.

Alexa:"You know once I came into your life I ment more to you then your stupid bandmates. I had you wrapped around my finger for sixteen years an enjoyed every second of it. But, I got tired of you after a while and decided I needed someone better. Deal with it!"

Out of no where I see all four of my kids run over to Alexa. They start to bombard her with questions. She just rolls her eyes in disgust.


McKayla:"Where have you been!?"

Tyler:"Did you come to get us!?"

Taylor:"Are we going to be able to see you more!?"

Alexa:"Just stop! Get away from me!"

Kendall, James, and Logan come walk over to me. McKayla runs into Kendall's chest for protection. Taylor hides behind my legs and Tyler goes by James and Logan. As for Michael he stays were he was standing. 

Alexa:"Don't you listen!? I said go!"

Michael:"But, why? I want you to have custody over me. Dad never let's us see you anymore, I'm tried of living with him. I want to live with you!"

Alexa just starts laughing, Michael gave her a confussed look.

Alexa:"You think I would want custody over you?"

He nods and she laughs harder. She then suddenly stops and gets all serious.

Alexa:"Well, I don't nor will I ever want any of you. I have a new life now and don't want anything to do with any of you! So don't try to find me, contact me, or come no where near me! You guys mean nothing to me anymore!"

With that she starts to walk down the hall to the exit. Michael just walks back into the viewing room, Taylor and Tyler follow him. McKayla is still hiding in Kendall's chest, shaking. I look over at Kendall, James, and Logan and they just nod. She was almost out the door, I run up to her and grab her wrist. She trys to get loose, I start to scream in her face.

Carlos:"Who do you think you are talking to my kids like that!?!? And also who do you think you are causing a scene at my best friend's wife's funeral!?!? You know something everyone was right about you, your a piece of shit that causes everyone pain and problems!!!! I hate you so much and can't even believe I ever loved you!!! I was better off with Sammy or some slut because they would have treated me better!!!! If I ever find out that you are talking shit or trying to reconnet with my kids, I will find you!!!! Leave now and never look my way again!!!"

Tears start to stream down her face. With that I let go of her wrist and let her run away. I walk back into the main room. I walk over to McKayla, who's still hiding in Kendalls chest. I bend down and try to get her attention.

Carlos:"Hey, its me. She's gone now, please look at me."

She moves her face out from Kendall's chest. 

Carlos:"Can you come with me? Uncle Kendall has to go back in the viewing room, now."

She shook her head no.

Carlos:"Please, you'll see him later. I promise, I won't let anything happen to you."

She shook her head no again. I look up at Kendall, not knowing what to do. 

Kendall:"Take Kylie back in the viewing room, I'll met you guys in there later."

Kendall P.O.V

I look down at Kylie and see she's fallen a sleep on my shoulder. I hand her to Carlos, and James, Logan, and himself go back into the viewing room. I walk with McKayla over to the couch thats near the main entrance. I sit her on my lap and she instantly starts to cry. 

Kendall:"Shh.....Shh... I'm right here."

McKayla:"The way....she......yelled at.... Michael.... and told..... him she..... doesn't want us...., how... does she... call herself..... a mother......"

Kendall:"I know sweetheart, I know. That was really wrong of her and she should have never done that."

McKayla:"Like.....we were... so.....happy to....see her..... and.... she.....just didn't"

Kendall:"But you know something, you don't need her if she doesn't want you. You have loads of people who will always love you for you. Don't ever change for anyone because your a perfect original that's going to change this world one day. I hate seeing you like this and you know that. I love like you were one of my own, and I will always be here for you, no matter what happens. And remember what I told you last night, when ever you need a break from anything, you can always come over and hang out with Ky and I. Theses next few days are going to be rough, but can you aleast forget about your mom?"

She stops crying and takes a deep breath. 

McKayla:"You're right. I'm just going to forget her because she wants us to miss her and wish we had her back. But after seeing her today yelling at my dad and Michael, I want nothing do to with her. My dad was right she wanted nothing to do with us and it's time to move on, for the better."

She looks up at me with the biggest smile, I smile back at her. 

Kendall:"That's the McKayla I know and love. Ready to go back in?"

She sighs and looks down at her feet.

Kendall:"You can stay by me the whole time, so you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to."

She lifts her head up and nods in agreement. We stand up and walk back into the viewing room. McKayla stands next to me and we greet everyone. We finish the first viewing around four o'clock. 

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