Fixing Mistakes

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Kendall P.O.V 

The past few days have been very interesting. I've been out of the hospital for a couple of days now. Things are slowly falling back into place. I'm not in anymore pain so I can do everything that I could do before I got hurt. I still haven't heard back from Carlos, I'm guessing he knows he was wrong. Kylie and McKayla are still really clingy and sleep with me at night. I started to homeschool McKayla yesterday and it went really well. She listened and payed attention to everything that I taught her. I also started to book our trip yesterday. I asked James and Logan if them and their families wanted to join, so they're all coming. I hope to make up with Carlos in time so him and his kids can join us. I'm teaching McKayla U.S history right now. 

Kendall:"What was the state that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in?"

McKayla:"Washington DC."

Kendall:"And the date?"

McKayla:"April 14,1865."

Kendall:"Alright my little genius, last question. Where and what time did it happen?"

McKayla:"Ford's Theatre at......"

The doorbell starts to ring. 

Kendall:"Hold that thought, I'll be right back."

I go to answer the door. When I open the door, I can't believe my eyes. It's Carlos. 


Kendall:"Hi..... Come in."

He walks in and we sit down on the couch. 

Kendall:"What brings you here?"

Carlos:"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said what I said. I guess I was just jealous that my daughter loved you more."

McKayla:"I don't love him more...."

We look behind us to see McKayla walking towards us, she sits down next to me.

McKayla:"I love you both equally. I just really need Uncle Kendall more these days, thats all."

Carlos:"Then why don't you trust me and tell me everything."

McKayla:"Loving and trusting are two different subjects. I love you because your my dad and you raised me but trusting is a totally diffrent thing. You never gave me a reason too. You always left with out notice and when ever I wanted to tell you something you pushed me away. How am I supose to trust someone who was never there for me?"

Carlos:"When you put it that way, I guess you have a point."

McKayla:"What I've learned in the past two weeks is that I was alone for so many years. I never had a family that did things and laughed, here we do that everyday. Uncle Kendall always checks on me and makes sure I'm happy, you and mom never did that. I didn't want to leave but if I didn't, I knew I would have killed myself. I just need you be more of an uncle at this point, until you can show me the real you. Maybe then I'll start to trust you."

Carlos:"I agree. So does this mean you're gonna call me Uncle Carlos for now on?"

We all start to laugh at the thought of that.

McKayla:"I don't know, should I?"

Carlos:"It's what ever you want Kay."

She looks at me and I shake my head.

McKayla:"I'm gonna still call you dad but remember act like an uncle to me."

He nods in agreement. 

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