🔸Imagine 4.5.2 - Imagine catching Thranduil playing with you and Legolas' son

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★Imagine catching Thranduil playing with your supposedly missing son, Cael.


★Imagine Legolas and Thranduil suddenly having a father & son moment because of a particular memoir.

Part four:

Turning around, she saw the Great Elvenking, Thranduil donning a pair of poorly woven flowers, twigs and stems -that made him look the closest he could to an elk- on his head in the stead of his usual crown.

He was sitting on the grass in the middle of the palace's expansive courtyard with Cael across from him, messing around with the berries on his real crown.

"Eh, what is this, grandpops?" [Y/n] overheard her son ask as he plucked one bright red berry and showed it to his grandfather.

Thranduil sat the parchment he had been reading down to look at his grandson and the fruit in his tiny hands, "Why that, my little heaven, is a raspberry." He answered with a small smile, his tone intelligent and cheerful. Not minding that his crown for the day was completely at the mercy of the curious little boy.

Cael's [e/c] eyes widened as he muttered a silent 'ooh' before asking another question, "Can I eat it?"

"Of course you can." And that was all it took before the little ellon plucked a couple of more raspberries from the crown and popped them into his mouth all at once.

Thranduil's shoulders were shaking as he chuckled heartily at the scene in front of him. Retrieving an embroidered handkerchief from within his robes, he gently wiped at the elfling's stained lips.

Cael seemed to have shifted his attention from his grandfather's crown to another one of the many wooden toys he had brought with him before they went out for a morning walk.

It was a little replica of the first bow Legolas had ever had as a child.

"Grandpops, what is this?" He jumped in front of the older ellon -completely taking Thranduil's mind off the work he had brought with him- while waving the toy in his hand "I saw Ada using one of these once to get me the reddest apple from the top of the taaaallest tree back in Loth-loth..." Cael stumbled with the complicated placement of letters and pouted his lips as his brows furrowed in concentration to get the word out of his mouth, but to no avail.

"Lothlorien. Was it the place you were trying to speak of, my dear child?" Thranduil filled for him and opened his arms when the little elfling nodded furiously and seemed just about ready to launch himself straight into someone at the moment.

Cael had always been a touchy child with a penchant for random and surprising hugs and Thranduil seemed only more than happy to comply.

Finally giving up on having work done, the king laid the last of his parchments on the pile beside him as he now gave his grandson his full undivided attention.

Cael was still looking at the bow in his hands quizzically.

"That was your Ada's very first bow. I gave it to him as a present when he turned the exact same age as you are now."

So it was his.

"But why is it not with ada? Why is he not using it? Does he not like it?"

And it was the exact moment that Legolas decided to make their presence known as he strolled to the pair who sat on the ground with his wife in tow.

His gaze was fixed on his son when he answered, "I liked it," before it shifted to his own father, "in fact, I loved it. I still do." He smiled as he sat down with them, [Y/n] following suit.

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