Chapter III "Kole, Stop" |g.edit|

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Author's Note:

Wow this has been a while you guys sorry, life took a toll of me and i didn't have time to write let on continue with Dom and Kole's story. I mean these two are a great duo and when i came back online it was the first story i needed to update. Thank you for reading if you're still interested. I hope this long awaiting chapter has not disappointed you all.

As always comments and votes are encouraged! As well as following me please!



Stepping out of bed now, finding a new pair of jeans and an unwrinkled shirt, I look outside of Kole's bedroom window. Thinking back on what should've happened if the unexpected visitors had not come at the time. I look at Kole wandering farther away from the packhouse land into the forest. I guess it's safer to not have any of the vampires know of the packhouse. I bite my lower lip, closing my eyes and thinking that Kole is still here.

"Get out! You're trespassing!" I whip my head around when I hear Leo's trembling voice. Wait, what? I go towards the door, hearing something break downstairs.

"Leo?" I call out, looking down the hallway.

"Run!" I hear Leo's voice gurgle, and my eyes widen when I smell the hint of blood, I go back inside, and as I try to close the door behind me. Someone pushes it wide open, making me tumble to the floor.

"Rude as always I see." I hear her voice as my eyes lock with my Aunt Olivia's cold brown gaze.

"What the hell are you doing here? What did you do to Leo?" I mumbled fighting to get back on my feet when her hands reached towards me and pulled me to my feet.

"He's still alive if that's what you're asking, but we have to get you out of here." She lurked around the room, scrunching her nose in disgust, but I could only assume it was due to the hormone scent and wolf. She wandered a bit more before she found my chucks and tossed them over to me. I caught them out of reflex before she went into Kole's closet. Now I can see that her pushing nature hasn't changed.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Liv but the last time I saw you you were finding ways to ship me off to a boarding school. So allow me to decline your order to move my lovely behind out of here." Holding onto my chucks one hand, she tosses me a jacket, and I catch it out of instinct again.

"Look Dom we don't have time for this when you went to Barcelona you made yourself known. There's a big bad guy out there that thought you were gone and for years your uncle and I fought so hard to keep you hidden from him." She was in my face, her blue vampiric eyes staring at me. Is she trying to make me feel guilty? Because it's working.

"Yes, I may have resented you for so long because while we were trying to protect you, we moved away from the vampire society. You might not know exactly know how hard it is to live without having a connection to the vampire realm. To forget about everything that our family clan has achieved to be one of the greats to protect one of our own... Isolation can make someone resentful and bitter. But I made a promise to your mother that I was going to protect you at all costs, even if you wind up hating me." She said almost her tone breaking when I saw her eyes simmer down.

I didn't say anything at all because what could I possibly say that would change the situation. I just grabbed onto my chucks and slipped them on. I see Liv let out a sigh as she sees me at least not throwing another fit.

"Okay, we don't have time for you to pack anything we have to go." She says, grabbing onto my arm as she tugs me outside of the room. I felt a panic running through my veins, it was the kind of fear that radiated in my body. It wasn't my own; it was someone else's.

We ran down the hallway when we slipped through the kitchen a huge brown-furred wolf was thrown right in front of us. Breaking the door wide open, my eyes were darting to everywhere, the kitchen table was cut in half. Glass was shattered across of the floor some food that was on the counters were dripping on the sides.

"Liv what's happening." I breathed feeling panic when I didn't see Kole. I let go of her hands when I dashed towards the wide-open door frame to the outside. I don't think I was completely prepared to see blood spilled on the grass in front of me. Wolves that were scattered on the floor not making any movement.

"What the hell is going on?" I let out a breathy sigh when I feel Aunt Livy at my side. Her nose scrunched up as she holds on to my shoulder. Trying to pull me away.

"Dom, we have to go, please it's not safe." She beckons me to her side, and I feel my body just heavy and my heart racing when I feel the panic stuck in my throat, feeling this sense of chains wrapping around my veins in some weird way.

"I can't leave my mate. Livy I can't leave Kole." I said, trying to pull away from her, my eyes darting through every visible crack in the faraway woods. Trying to search for him, he disappeared through those trees he needs to be there now.

"Dom he can't be near you. We have to go." Aunt Liv manages to snake her arms around my waist and hoists me up. Guiding me towards the replica of the hummer that I burned down a while ago.

"No! It's Kole! I can't leave." I stammered when all of a sudden I finally see dark brown wolf form of Kole break out of the woods. I thought that I was going to feel this sense of relief, and I was trying to push my aunt away, but just then I see a man breaking out of the woods as well. His piercing hazel colored eyes having this beast tint to them touches Kole's fur and almost... pet's him like if he was some kind of household dog.

"Kole!" I call out to him, but it's like he almost doesn't react. My aunt lets me go but steps in front of me.

"This isn't her fault, Tyson! Leave her alone!" She calls out to what I could assume was to the man standing next to Kole. His light mocha-colored skin looked so... familiar. His short tamed locks were a brown tint. But his hazel beast eyes simmered away and displayed these sapphire blue eyes. The shade of my sapphire blue eye.

"But she is my problem, Olivia, just like she should've been your family's problem." Tyson's laugh is bitter as he keeps petting my Kole. What frightens me is the fact that Kole is not moving. He's allowing this?

"This isn't what your brother would've wanted Tyson, just turn around and this won't get bloody." Aunt Liv's voice cracks in slight fear, and that keeps my whole body frigid and stuck in place.

"No, but then again she's the reason he's dead." He takes one step towards us, Kole easily mirroring his actions.

"Well, I guess I should be thankful, she is the reason I became King." He lets out another bitter chuckle my aunt pushing me. Her arm against my chest.

"Then you should be grateful then, perhaps think that maybe she should be let be?" Liv tries to keep her tone suggestively. Her eyes flickered towards the car for a moment before keeping gaze with Tyson.

"You have a point... but then again this is about blood. Keeping our bloodline clean from mistakes like her. Can you even imagine? The Salvatore Legacy having a speck of mutilation like her in our bloodline? I figured the Pierce Clan should've known better as well. But at last, the cleaning job rests on me. And how poetic will her death be... by the hands of her own mate?" Tyson laughs and his eyes turn back to beast honey eyes.

"Kole go feast." His voice commands to my mate, I was confident my mate wouldn't listen, but in a second Kole's werewolf takes off towards us. His hazel eyes locked on me, and I'm frozen in a cocktail of shock and fear.

"Dom run!" Aunt Liv shots at me, but I can't move.

Kole... stop...

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