Chapter XI "Naked Hug"

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Author's Note:

Well guys i hope i got the girl talk down. I think it was necessary for Dom to just have a girl moment. We all need that sometimes. Anyway, hope you all loved the trailer from last chapter!

Thanks for sticking around for Dom's story. As always please comment and vote.

Show DOM some LOVE!! She needs it.


My entire body was completely sore, my arms, my legs, and my gut felt like they were beaten around like a punching bag. I knew that Bo was most likely going to vent out her anger through her fists but i didn't realize how much of a 'fighting' disadvantage i was compared to her training. And i guess everyone else's training was completely out of my own comfort zone. 

I didn't even get a chance to actually train with Ciara or Marshall because Bo wanted to help me reach my own level of improvement. Saying that Ciara and Marshall were probably going to go easy on me, even after i found my own style of fighting. The problem was that I had just found my fight style it was no where near refined as Bo's power and speed movements. 

Finally after a severe ass whooping Bebe guided me to Ciara's room where i was going to be able to spend the night and rest however much time that i need. I ran a hot bath and slipped my achey muscles into the water. The hot temperature soothing away some of the incoming bruises.  

I guess I'm really not that much of a bad ass...

I sink into the water and just let it swallow me whole right now. The bubbles covering the upper layer of water as my mind begins to wander away. It's not only about guns because Tyson can do whatever he can with being a Lycan. He could easily manipulate anyone from Kole's pack to be his bullet shield. My heart ached at the thought of my pack being hurt.

My pack... I come up for air guilty at the thought of calling Kole my pack. A Luna wouldn't had ran, she would've fought.

I hear a knock on the door. I turn to see the door opening slightly, the sweet cold scent of Ciara leaks out before she even opens her mouth.

"Hey. Care to have a bath mate?" She asks me and I'm taken back a bit. My arms covering my chest even if the thick bubbles were covering me just fine. 

"Uhhh I'm naked." I respond not really sure what to say.

"No duh, but we're both girls and well... we have to manage water here." She retorts back and it sinks into me. This cabin was remote and away from anything unless they use their super speed to travel to the nearest town and that takes a couple of hours, so i heard. 

"Okay. Uh yeah sure just no freaky business please. Bo already kicked my ass plenty enough for attacking you all." I tell her scooting to the right edge of the tub. I try to avoid looking at Ciara while she takes off her clothes. I feel the water splash around us a bit before she sits on the left corner of the water. 

"Sorry about Bo, I mean, sorry about the beating ass part. Not the whole meddling to get to know you." She tells me bluntly and i just scoff a bit when i grabbed the mint floral soap and just tried to wash myself to the point the bubbles still kind of covered me.

"Meddling wasn't the reason I snapped Ciara... sorry about the chocking part." I tell her and her beaming smile just catches my attention.

"Apology accepted but you didn't have to, like i said i meddled when you weren't ready to say anything." She tells me before she moves up to grab the soap as well and she takes her times in lathering her mocha colored skin. I looked back at the bubbles and bite my lip a little. 

"I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be ready..." I tell her honestly, i tucked my wine colored hair away from my face when Ciara's beam slowly faded into a weak smile. 

"We know that it's about your mate Dom, I mean... Bebe knows that it's about your mate she told us that it's kind of a touchy subject for any mate." She tells me and i just looked from her soft smile to the bubbles. 

"I... I guess it's a topic that would hurt anyone. I mean, I maybe you and Marshall might get where i am coming from." I tell her just washing up the soap when i see Ciara's face turn bright dark red. 

"Woah! Marshall and I?! Uh no no it's not like that." She sakes her head and i see the embarrassment in her actions and my statement.

"Oh. Uh I thought you two were ummm I mean you look at him." I was trying to rationalize my deduction. I mean Ciara has this puppy dog look on her face that there was no way I could've mistaken that look. I've seen it romantic chic flicks and every freaking Nicholas Sparks movie!

"No I get it. I guess it's written all over my face even if i don't want to." Ciara kind of flicks on the water before she looks back at me. 

"Okay girl confession time... well vamp and vamp confession time." She grins letting her fangs out and i just shake my head amused at her vibe even if i know that she's pretty embarrassed about it. 

"We're not mates." She looks at me and i could see her eyes misting up a bit before she takes a breath. "I've been having feelings for him for the longest time, but the truth of the matter is that he's still half wolf. I mean there's a high possibility that he will find his mate sometime in his life. I thought... the hope for me and him to be mates died the moment i turned eighteen." She tells me and i feel this ache for her.

Damn, it makes sense though. Wolves mature at the same rate as humans. Once a wolf turns eighteen they have the ability to sense their mates. If their mate is not eighteen they will have a hard time finding them. But once their mate is eighteen, that moment is instant. It's this magic of love at first sight kind of moment. 

The same moment i felt when i met Kole. 

"Damn... I'm sorry Ciara. I just assumed." I mumbled to her feeling really awkward in thsi bath now with her. God she still wants to get to know me? Ciara splashes water on her face and shakes her head a bit.

"It's okay Dom, because I still want him in my life. Even if my love for him can never be at a level of a mate. I want him to find his mate, just like i want to help you get yours back. Because... I can only imagine that my heart break is not nearly as bad as the one you're coping with." Ciara's eyes were still misty but her words were... comforting to me. For someone to just have such a warm heart and want the best of anyone. It's just sad that her first love wasn't panning out.

"I'd hug you... but it's weird doing a naked hug." I tell her and we both burst out laughing. It wasn't awkward anymore. We chatted a bit of normal girl stuff, her admiring my b- cup breasts and me gushing about her curls. 

A supernatural girl talk.

A supernatural girl talk

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