Chapter VIII "Misfits" |g.edit|

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Author's Note:

Sorry that i was so busy at school, but i am trying to post every week. So this week i wasn't so behind!

Anyway thanks for the reads!

As always please comment and vote tell me what you think so far? Love you all have a nice day!


Thank god those two finally left me alone after I had a severe meltdown in front of them. They let me go out on the porch and just give me a moment to breathe. I couldn't deal with so many people around me, asking me constantly if I was okay. I was not okay, and it was just way too tedious to be confirming their suspicions that something was going on with me. I sit on the nice wooden rocking chair. My feet picked up as I bent my knees to my chest. I just looked out on the trees that were a couple of meters away from this nice modern cabin.

These were a different kind of trees than the area where Kole's pack was. These look tall, but they're scattered about. But they had this sweet lingering scent to it that sort of makes it a little hard to distinguish some smells around here. The trees had this auburn look that just made this place a lot more surreal and almost inviting as well. Then I see this little dark brown wolf breaking through the trees, and then this kind of normal brown wolf that's twice in size of her appears, and Ciara is riding on top of the regular brown wolf.

Ciara takes one look at me, and she beams her pearly whites at me, jumping off of the big wolf she was on top of, and she crosses the field to reach me. She jumps over the fence on the porch and sits perfectly on the edge of the fence looking at me.

"So it looks like you were approved by our moms. So welcome to the Misfits." She winks at me and starts clapping. I arch my brow and give her a confused look, behind her. I see the wolves coming a bit closer. They were slightly different from Kole's wolf form, and they looked a lot more like your typical wilderness wolf except they probably could be bigger than the average wolf size.

"I wouldn't say I'm approved," I tell her, and I see both wolves shift slowly into their standard human bodies. The boy was stark naked, but I managed to just look straight at his sort of boyish face, he was handsome but not in a cover of GQ magazine. His attractiveness was the best friend hot looks — the kind you secretly want to be more than friends. The girl next to him was clearly of our age, but she was pretty petite with an hourglass figure. Again I focused on her Latin looks, with long locks of dark brunette hair.

"Oh please you wouldn't be standing outside carelessly if you weren't thumbed up, right-" Ciara turns, and when she sees the naked boy she turns this dark rogue color and immediately covers her eyes.

"Marshall! For fuck's sake put something on!" Ciara whines and I see the little Latina girl go in front of the porch fence taking out a chest. She tosses on a strap dress and tosses, Marshall some boxers.

"Ciara, you've seen me naked enough times to know that this is how I look when I shift back." He retorts and slips on the boxers.

"I think it's pure of her; she's not used to seeing any of us shift back yet." The Latina girl giggles and she goes towards me jumping the fence and sitting next to Ciara before she gives me this little smirk.

"I'm Bo; you must be Dom verdad?" She asks, and I kind of take a moment.

"You're lil Bo?" I point to her, and her face reddens as well when she turns to look at Ciara.

"Neta, that's not cute Ciara." She retorts to her and Ciara just grins.

"You are little, hence lil Bo."

"I'm five feet!" Bo counters

"That's lil! You're small and cute, just like a chihuahua." Ciara reaches over and starts pinching her cheeks, and Bo slaps her hand away.

"That's not cool Ciara, just because I'm Latina does not mean it's okay to call me a Chihuahua." She counters, by this point Marshall has made his way up the steps and just leans against the fence.

"Sorry about that, Dom? I'm Marshall I'm a half wolf-like, Bo. But if what Ciara tells is true, you're not ready to tell us what kind of hybrid are you?" His tone is soft and almost considerate. Guess he's the voice of reason in a house full of women.

"It's not that I am not ready to tell you all, I don't want to," I tell him back, my eyes ice-cold when he just looks at me and takes in my attitude.

"Hey, we get it. You're going through some shit, but don't take it out on us. We have just as much mierda que tu. " Bo jumps up, and you can tell even if she was little she would throw down with this family of misfits.

"No shit lil Bo, I'm in a cabin that's tucked away in the middle of a forest that is heavily scented with the trees. Hiding all of your scents, not to mention you have a noble vampire and a Lycan as your mommies, meaning they're protecting you all. The fact that you wave the flag of 'HYBRID' so proudly is possibly the main mierda  that all of you have in common." I stand up, and I'm literally towering over the little pup. Not realizing that Spanish was rolling off my tongue with zero English accent.

"Te voy a putiar wei." Bo threatens me her eyes shinning their wolf beast eyes. My gaze shines, and I just feel this rage and power radiating out of me. I lock eyes with her, and I see something in her, I see her inner wolf as I took command.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and sit." My voice was not my own as this little Latina clenches her jaw shut and literally sits down on the porch floor. Her legs crisscrossed as she starts whining, Ciara is at my side.

"Dude that's enough!" Ciara pulls at my arm, and I yank it off away from her. Marshall comes to me his hands reach to grab at my shoulders. My bicolor gaze locks with his as well.

"Stay." My voice commands, and it's like Marshall pulls away and just stands straight when Ciara smacks me across the face.

"You're hurting them stop it!" My hand immediately grabs at her throat, my grip iron solid as I look back at her. Slowly raising my hand when I see her feet dangling. Her hands trying to claw at my own. To try and get away from me.

"You want to know what I am? I'm a half vampire and half Lycan." My fangs grow out as I looked at her terrified gaze.

Welcome to the Misfits, yeah right.

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