Chapter IV "Mint Chocolate" |g.edit|

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Author's Note:

It's always amazing to see that i still have a few loyal fans out there! Thank you so much for still reading this piece. Dom is not done in telling her story, so just a quick announcements. I am going to recast Domynique. I know it's odd to re-cast in the middle of the story. But the more i write the more Dom morphs for me. Hopefully sometime this week a new cover will be made and I'll premiere the new actress for her!

As always like and comment and tell me what you think so far!

And help with the perfect ship name for Kole and Dom? LOL Thanks and Enjoy!

Dedication barbie66


Kole was not stopping, his beast glare was straight at me. But even if blood-lust was in his gaze and closing the distance between us by each running second, I couldn't force my body to move. I could hear the echoes of my aunt's commands at me. Her hands gripping at my shoulders, trying to shove, push, haul me away from my mate. Everything felt so unreal until I felt my aunt's arms around me, and she puts herself in front of me, being my shield to what's inevitable.

Kole was a foot away from us when I see a body slam against him, trying to tackle him to the ground. The man was tangling and kicking at Kole to try and find a weak spot of some sorts. It didn't click to me who this man was until my aunt's cries started to become crisper.

"Brad!" My aunt's cries were filled with fear her body taking a step towards her husband when she turns to see my uncle, the King of the Lycans, start coming toward us.

"Damn, I thought he would've been handled. I have to say, Olivia, you chose a strong husband." His voice had a taunting undertone, my aunt's gaze was feral as her body tensed and took a step towards him.

"Olive, take Dom now!" I turn to see Brad landing a punch at Kole. But Kole's canines slashed at part of his arm. Blood splattering on both beasts.

"Kole, stop please." I beckoned him taking a step towards the men before I feel my aunt wrapping her arm around my waist and hoisted me up from the air.

"Dom, you can't get through to him. His under your uncle's sire you can't get through to him." She tells me, shoving me inside of the damn Jeep somehow. But I couldn't feel my soul connected to my body anymore. It's like, I felt myself fading as I see Kole taking one huge bite on Brad's shoulder. Blood clearly gushing out of Brad's wound, but I see Brad's body turn and punch Kole right on his eye. I hear the Jeep struggling to start. The engine whining and trying to rumble.

My eyes travel from the scene with Kole towards Tyson. I could see his body contort, his arms growing fur and his muscles developing and defining. In a matter of seconds, his body shifted into this ten-foot tall oak brown werewolf. His honey beast eyes turning as hard as amber as he zeroed in on me. He took three strides towards us and leap. Without warning, he slams down on the Jeep, completely bending the roof of the car. Caving in when the doors popped open, and I get out of the Jeep. Falling on the grass floor, when I looked back up. Tyson's predatory crouch on top of Jeep turning towards me.

I felt my breath stuck at my throat, for the first time in forever, I felt like I was entirely on my own. I see Tyson's legs start to bend back, taking as much momentum as possible. I was frozen solid until I see the door of the Jeep, that was ripped from its hinges slam against wolf Tyson's head.

"Dom, run!" My aunt Liv's command crisp clear to anyone. I scatter back from the scene, turning around as I fumbled back on my feet and I just took off from the packhouse grounds. I couldn't turn back, I couldn't. I already had my feel of the images. Kole attacking and severely hurting my uncle, Brad. My aunt gathering every ounce of bravery she could muster to go up against Tyson, the Lycan King.

My feet were light on the ground as I zipped through the forest. I weaved myself through the trees. Leaping over roots, that were intertwined in the forest-ground. My heart beating as fast as the wings of a hummingbird. My breath was unable to travel down to my lungs. As I ran, and I didn't stop until all of a sudden, I see a cliff?

I manage to stop myself right on the edge of the cliff... the cliff where I first met Kole's pack not too long ago. My feet were about ten inches away from the end, and I hear the crashing of the waves underneath. The sea breeze lightly brushed against my face, and for a moment, I had a sense of clarity as I looked down at the waves.

If I just swim, I could find help

I just tried to think of what to do when the second time the sea breeze brushed against me, I smelled the hint of mint chocolate mixed with blood. My heart skips a beat as I whipped my head around, and I see Kole's wolf form glaring me down at the breaking of the woods.

It's snout dripping of blood, and his canines were baring at me, it's sharpness resembling a perfect set of razors just staring right at me.

"Kole, you don't have to do this, please. I know that you can feel me. You feel that I'm here." My voice is shaking as I try to reason my mate. I force my lead-heavy legs to take a step towards him. He doesn't step away.

"You don't want to hurt me. Whatever the hell Tyson is doing to you, I know that you're strong enough to fight it." I whispered to him. My right hand reaching out for him, trying to sense his wolf or him. My mate could've not just disappeared in submission he just couldn't.

Dom. Run.

I hear Kole's voice clear in my head when I see his wolf lunge at me. His jaw widening, ready to latch on to me. I kicked back from his leap. But his jaw clamped down my arm, my blue blood gushing out as this ice-cold pain snaps me out. I need to survive this!

I feel my canines grow and my claws come out, without thinking for the third time I swiped his snout. Kole wines and his jaw releases me. I felt my arm bleeding, but I didn't stop. I turned and dashed towards the edge again. And jumped with every fiber of strength that I had left. I maneuvered my body. My arms over my head as I dove in the sea, feeling it's cold temperature simmer my heated adrenaline.

My mind keeps racing as I swam against the current.

Don't. Stop. Run.

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