Chapter VII "Bebe" |g.edit|

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Author's Note:

I am so sorry about the delay on this chapter. I got sick and i was just dying the entire week with a cold flu hybrid. I was literally posting like sentences on this chapter until my cold stopped me. Now i'm feeling slightly better and hopefully i can update on the Prequel as well sometimes this week!

Thank you again, like and comment plz! Need to know i'm on the right path here. 

P.S. Thank you so much to my dear friend value-yourself she made this amazing new cover and i really recommend her to everyone


Lady was indeed a polite woman, she was trying to find an appropriate amount of blood for me, but I honestly was not hungry or thirsty. But it's like she doesn't want to hear it, she keeps telling me that I need to feed or else my body will weaken more than it needs to be. I guess with having three kids under your roof, it can take out the mother nature in anyone. Even a vampire, I suppose.

She sets a nice decent size medium-rare steak in front of me and a glass of blood wine, I didn't move to take either food, and Lady just looks at me.

"No one is going to see you feast if that's your worry. Ciara is away, and there's only you and me here." She tries to encourage me, but I hesitate until I smell the sweet aroma of the blood. Making my fangs slightly grow a bit. I reach over and just gulped down the blood desperately.

Letting the fresh sweet nectar of the blood quench this dryness in my throat. I could feel myself just slowly coming back to life when I start looking straight at the meat. I didn't even bother to grab a fork. I grabbed the meat with my bare hands, and I tore into it. It's meatiness with the slickness of blood just quenching this silent beast in my belly. Feeling my body demanding for e more I get on.

Lady just looked at me carefully, but her gaze didn't bare no judgment or anything like that. She was just cautiously looking at me, like a mother looking at their son that just came from soccer practice. Just feasting on the buffet, she placed before him. Lady fills up my glass, but this time, it was pure blood. My hands reaching for it and I drank some more, feeling like a lost man in a desert drinking the oasis water.

"Kaede darling, I heard we have a new guest?" I hear a new soft ringing voice call out to Lady from outside the cabin. I turned around quickly and hear the footsteps coming to the door. I immediately went to the sink and started washing my face, not wanting to be bloody in front of apparently Kaede's wife!

The door opens, and I hear her coming in. "Bebe you didn't need to buy more food, we can manage." I hear Lady calling to his wife.

"We have a new guest Kaede! Of course, it's necessary to bring in more food. Especially if she's a young one." Bebe's voice was so close I turn off the faucet, and I quickly turn around. I immediately see this gorgeous woman, with golden curls, framing her face, and her blue eyes lock with my own.

"Elyse..." Her eyes dilate looking at me and for a minute there her light tanned complexion pales a bit. Like if she saw a ghost.

"Uh, no, I'm Dom," I tell her not really sure how to respond when she mentions my mother's name. I mean you can't mistake Elyse with Louise or freaking Paula! She said my mother's name, and there was no mistake about it.

Bebe's eyes kind of cleared a bit with the realization that my voice probably did not match my mother's, and she just tilts her head at me.

"I'm sorry, you just... you took me back a couple of decades is al." She tells me, giving me the biggest smile I had ever seen. I just kind of squint my eyes at her.

"So we're just going to skim past the fact that you knew my mother's name?" I tell her and Lady just gives me a look, that wasn't threatening but to just pause on my verbal rants here.

"Well, would it be too much to ask that you do forget that moment?" Bebe smiles at me and puts the bags of groceries on the table. Hmmm, she has a polite, smart ass soul. Now she's definitely someone I want to know.

"Yeah, it would, so back to my original question?" I tell her walking towards them, Lady clearly trying to just remain in the neutral when she grabs a raw roast beef.

"Still hungry?" Lady asks me, and I kind of give her a glare.

"Yeah, hungry for info," I answer, looking back at Bebe when she starts taking out groceries one by one. Inspecting them as if she hadn't seen them in a while.

"Mmm, maybe I should bake some not your business pie then." Bebe counters and I'm literally taken back here. I touch my chest with my hand just looking at this gorgeous woman with silver tongue here.

"Bebe," Lady reaches out to hold her hand and Bebe just shoots her those turquoise eyes.

"Don't Bebe me she needs some manners." It's like I saw a little married couple banter that was actually... normal. I mean, the banters between my Liv and Brad were sometimes out of control but this was actually pretty calm. It made me miss them. They weren't perfect, had I known that living without a connection to the clan was such a difficult life... maybe I wouldn't have given them such a hard time. All of the arguments were centered around me, and at times, I did take it personally.

I feel my eyes start to sting, and I didn't realize that I was beginning to cry. But it's like the knot in my throat tightened, and my eyes were just tired of not reacting. I left them, without wondering if they survived the wrath of a Lycan king. They literally were the only family I had left that was connected to my mother. Liv was the one that found me that night, she only saw a scared little wine-colored pup, and it's like she knew it was me. And what did I do? I ran like a coward, instead of standing with them to fight back.

Tears were pouring down my cheek as I tried to clean them away with the palm of my hands.

"Look what you did Bebe." I hear Lady chastising her when I feel them both at my side. Lady was the first one to hold me.

"It's okay Dom, it's okay. Bebe just has a bit of an attitude she didn't mean anything." Lady's hands started combing at my hair. Lady was just reacting to me as the mother hen that she was, comforting me when she didn't know why I was crying. My vision was blurred with the tears that kept coming out. This knot still there but it loosened a bit. I felt another hand helping me wipe at my tears for a bit. This hand was warmer compared to Lady's slightly chilled hands.

This was Bebe's hand trying to do her best to comfort me.

"Your mother was my best friend, Dom. Now please don't cry." She whispers to me and honestly if I could just mutter the words, it's not you it's me. They're not the problem, I was the problem. I keep losing everyone, anyone that cares for me or I manage to need ends up dead.

"Please... get away from me..." I was crying and trying to breathe through my emotional breakdown. But these two women didn't listen to me. Lady held me in her slightly chilled grasp, and Bebe kept helping me wipe at my tears. Even as I begged them to run from me, they didn't. They focused on finding my heart and tried their best to stop the bleeding from the guilt.

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