Chapter V "Ciara"|g.edit|

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Author's Note

Thank you all for keeping such a strong support and interest for Dom and Kole's story. I hope that you all are not disappointed with this chapter. Tried to have a bit of a flash back to what happened to Dom next.

As always thank you for being the best audience! Comments and Votes are always welcomed!


My mother hoisted me up in her arms, her arms wrapped around me tightly as she could while she ran through the forest floor. I could hear her struggling breath against her chest, and all I could think about was my father. We left him behind, and I didn't want to leave. My mother makes a sharp turn, and there's this tension between her and whoever was trying to get to us.

She stops right behind this huge jagged tree before the scent of blood hits my nose. I glance down and see my mother bleeding at her side.

"Mama..." I barely whispered before her hands cover my mouth. She shakes her head, and we're still for seconds. Seconds that made my little heart flutter hard against my chest. My mother's eyes shift from her soft chocolate eyes to her bright blues! I could see water gathering in her eyes when she hugs me to her.

"Domi..." She breathed so softly it was hard to catch. "Think of your father, remember when he turned into wolfie?" She whispers to me. My bi-colored gaze locking with hers as I slightly nodded.

"I need you to think hard on that wolfie, you can turn into a wolfie too." She whispers to her, and she just starts slowly combing my curls away from my face. I wanted to turn into a wolfie. I mean when father turned, I thought he looked so big and reminded me of a bear. I closed my eyes and thought about my father. How his fur felt so soft under my touch. His honey-colored eyes looking at me

Before I knew it, I wasn't touching my mother with my hands, I was feeling her on my four limbs. When I opened my eyes, I saw the look of relief in hers. I could see my hands, they weren't hands anymore. They were paws! Beautiful red looking furry paws.

"Good Domi, now run. Don't stop running until you find Aunt Livy." I whined and kept touching her chest before she hugs me. 

"Mama is going to be right behind you, just playing tag with someone." She whispers to me, and I think. I understand her analogy. She didn't want to be it. 

"Now go Domi, run, and keep running. I love you soo soo much." I hear her soft cries, and she places me on the ground. My four little paws finding stability when I turned to look at her, whining 

"Run baby run." She ushers me away, and my little paws hit the forest floor, and I ran... not wanting to be "it."


"Hey. Come on, girl, wake up." I hear a loud voice break into my subconscious, my nose felt like it was burning with some residual water that was traveling up my canal.

"Shit, what the fuck happened to you." I hear the voice, and I start feeling hands on my shoulder. Slowly my mind started doing a full body assessment of myself. I could feel the searing icy pain on my shoulder.


My abs felt sore, and my legs felt like they've run a fifteen-mile marathon without a break. The pain felt like a slow simmer compared to the searing pain on my back. I even think my own soul was done for the entire month. Being attacked by your mate... it's something that leaves a massive ton on your heart and a bitter taste in your throat... and it wasn't the water that managed to go through.

"How the fuck are you bleeding blue?" I hear her hiss under her breath when I feel something tightening around my shoulder. Surely where Kole bit me. I groan a bit in pain, and I hear the girl next to me, breath out.

"Oh, thank God you're alive. Come on, you got to help me out here." She starts to help me sit up, and that's when I open my eyes a bit. At first, I was kind of trying to focus my vision a bit when I make direct eye contact with the mocha-skinned colored girl. Her light brown eyes connecting with mine. A flicker of vampiric blue flashed in her irises, and she dropped her hands

"What the hell?" She mumbles, and I groaned when my back hits the ground again

"Great way in helping the wounded," I muttered and tried to use my one good arm and sit up a bit, that's when my hands sort of sink into the wet sand. I looked around, and I see that we were just three feet away from the shore. There weren't that many trees, but I could see a vast amount of water that wasn't even part of a river. Could this be a lake?

"Yeah well never met a girl with two different colored eyes, so sue me." She tells me, and I rolled my eyes.

"I've met a couple of dhampirs in my life, that doesn't mean I'm going to run," I tell her when she hoists me to my feet, and she looks at me.

"How the fuck do you know that I'm a dhampir?" She asks me clearly on the defense, especially when her hands tightened around my arm.

"Your eyes, when you looked at mine there was a flicker of the trademark vampire blue. Except it didn't complete your entire irises. So that means you're not a full vampire." I tell her before I leaned in and took a whiff.

"Mmm yep a tad sweet with a hint of blood, you recently fed," I tell her and she just still stares at me. Not sure if she was okay in letting go of her defensive nature in front of me. Or just let me drop to the floor and leave me there.

"I knew you kind of smell different, but you aren't a dhampir. Or that I could tell." She tells me trying to give me one more analytical look before I waved her off.

"Look, I appreciate you saving me from possibly drowning or worse but... I had a long day with someone after my ass. Can you take me to warm and dry clothes?" I asked her as nicely as I could muster. After all, I came from Lycans and werewolves attacking me, and I don't know how long I've been floating on the river or lake.

"Yeah yeah, if you turn out to be a problem Lady Kaede can deal with your ass." She smiles at me, although there was a hint of a bitch behind it. She wraps her arm around my waist, and kind of half carries me. Allowing her to carry my weight while we drift farther away from the lake.

That didn't stop from nerves just filling my psyche, I ran for my life again. It seems like every episode of my life where I have to run without turning my back someone dies. The instinct part of me wanted to go back to Kole I wanted to make sure that he was alive... after so many years of being apart, there was a chance for us to be happy. Then he was taken, and I had zero power to save me. That's what was killing me inside, aside from the fact that we haven't solidified our mate bond. Even if I could go back to him... I wouldn't know where to look.

"Ciara, that's my name by the way." The girl with this gorgeous afro looks back at me and tries to smile. I guess she could sense my turmoil or something.

"Dom. My name's Dom." I tell her when I start seeing this cabin up ahead. It looked like it was hidden behind a couple of trees. Wonder why someone would call themselves a Lady? Was she a Lady of the Lake or something?

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