~Chapter 23~

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°Melisa's POV°
   I was preparing for the mission to save the Chancellor when a voice echoed in my mind.

   ??? - You will see me soon, child.

   I recognised the voice as the man who had tortured me mentally and gave me headaches that hurt like hell. He was back, but why? He left me alone for three full months, never spoke in my mind until just now.

   Mel - No, why are you back?! I was finally myself again and now you show up! Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why won't you just leave me alone!? Why does it have to be me?

   ??? - Worry not my child, all will be explained in due time. Focus on the mission child, you will need it.

   Mel - Wait, how do you know I have a mission coming up? You're definitely not a Jedi, so how do you know this? Who are you?

   ??? - The Force, child. The Force allows me to see far into the future and I see you, on a mission. What mission it is I do not know, that is all the information the Force gives me. As for who I am, the time has not come to reveal myself to you, however, you will know. In due time, you will call me Master and forget the Jedi.

   I froze at his last sentence, where he said I would call him Master and forget the Jedi. I cut off the connection before he could start to read my thoughts on the matter. I wonder what he meant by that, I wouldn't turn against the Jedi would I? He said he had the ability to see into the future, I wonder if he saw me destroying the Jedi. No, I can't think like that. The Jedi Order is here to stay and protect the galaxy, nothing can change that. I will remain loyal to it, I swear on my life that I will.

   I tossed those thoughts aside, I can't be distracted at a time like this. The mission is just a few hours away, I need to focus on it. I sighed and decided to meditate to calm my mind and help me focus, that's what I always do when I'm distracted. Somehow, meditation seems to calm my mind every single time. At some point when I was meditating, I fell asleep until I was being shaken awake by Anakin.

°Anakin's POV°
   I walked into Melisa's room to see if she was ready since we were leaving in an hour. I found her asleep in a meditation position on her bed, I knew she was asleep because when I called her, she gave no response. Usually, she would snap out of her meditation to acknowledge me. I gently shook her shoulder to wake her up, her eyes fluttered open and she let out a cute yawn.

   I smirked, "wake up sleepy head, we're leaving in an hour. Clean yourself up and I'll meet you in the hangar."

   She gave a simple nod and I walked out of her room to give her some privacy.

(Time skip because I can)

°Anakin's POV°
   We were approaching the coordinates of Grievous' last known position, we were soon out of hyperspace and was greeted with a Separatist blockade.

   I told the commander of my ship to locate which ship the Chancellor is being held captive, turns out it was Grievous' main command ship. Not surprising, I just had to double check that he was there before we boarded the wrong ship.

   Well, phase one of the plan is complete, now for phase two, where the fun begins. I contacted the rest of the group to tell them to meet me in the hangar, I told them that the fun part is coming up and I could feel Melisa smirk through the Force. She always did like destroying battle droids.

°Melisa's POV°
   Once Anakin gave the signal, I smirked and quickly made my way to the hangar for my Jedi Starfighter. When I got there, Ahsoka was already getting into her Jedi Starfighter. Obi-Wan and Anakin on the other hand, were nowhere to be seen.

   "Ahsoka! Where are our Masters!?" I called out.

   "They've already left! C'mon Mel! You're the last one! Hurry up, we gotta get out there and help them!" I gave a quick nod and sprinted to my Starfighter.

   I gave Ahsoka a nod to signal that I was ready and she nodded back, taking off right after her signal. I quickly followed her out of the hangar and into the dog-fight.

   Everything was a blur of quick thinking and reflexes, dodging every plasma bolt that was shot towards me. I was in constant panic during the entire fight, just wanting to live through this.

   Anakin's voice was suddenly blurted out through our com-links, "guys, our entrance is closing! We gotta get in there now! Take my lead!"

   I scanned the battlefield for Anakin's Starfighter and once I caught sight of it, I immediately powered my engines to full speed. Ahsoka was right behind me in hers, Obi-Wan however, was trailing behind with some bug-like droids tearing his ship apart. Anakin, Ahsoka and I managed to get into the hangar with our ships mostly unharmed. Obi-Wan's ship however, was almost squished by the closing blast doors, not to mention the massive amount of damage that the bug droids did.

   When Obi-Wan's ship finally came to a stop, we all jogged towards him to make sure he didn't get hurt when he crashed.

   "I'm fine," he stated, "I doubt the ship is still flyable though." He added a chuckle at the end. For some reason, everything he says sounds sarcastic to me, maybe it's because of his accent.

   "No doubt about that buddy," Anakin's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "now, how about we start looking for the Chancellor. The longer we're here, the less likely we'll be able to escape unnoticed."

   I nodded in agreement and suggested that we find his Force signature to make it easier. However, Obi-Wan countered, saying that the Chancellor wasn't a Force-sensitive and that we wouldn't be able to find him easily through the Force. Anakin suggested that we start looking in the most likely places that Grievous would keep the Chancellor. We all agreed and discussed where we should look first.

   "I'm thinking the bridge of the ship, I'm pretty sure Grievous would want the Chancellor to be within his field of vision so that he can send backup when needed." I suggested.

   "Hmm, that might be possible. I think we should follow our instincts and my instincts are telling me that Melisa could be right." Anakin said after pondering for a while on my suggestion.

   "Then what are we waiting for?! Let's rescue the Chancellor before we get noticed!" Ahsoka yelled, hurrying us in case we get caught here.

   "Artoo, set this hangar on lock down. Stay here and keep communications up in case we need backup, you got it buddy?" I ordered, receiving some beeps of understanding from Artoo.

   "Good, we'll come back for you buddy. I promise." Artoo beeped a reply and I nodded to the rest to set off to the bridge.

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