You Could Say It's Complicated (Raura)

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"I've had enough of your babbling Georgia!" I throw my arms up and fall back onto her bed. "Can we please talk about something other than R5 and Ross Lynch, like school or something?"

"School, ugh who do you think I am Laur?!" she laughs and continues to admire her reflection in the mirror

"An annoying fangirl" I mumble

She glares at me through the mirror. "Make that professional annoying fangirl" she corrects. "It's a god given gift"

"Being annoying?" I remark

"Being a fangirl" she corrects again. "you're just jealous" she utters

"Oh please, what's there to be jealous of. Why do I want to waste my life away fangirling over some boyband?" I reply defensively

She pauses in her tracks and slams her hands down on her dresser. "One, they're not a boyband, there is a girl, her name is Rydel. And two, I'm not wasting my life fangirling over them, I'm using my teenage years wisely fangirling over them" she retorts and resumes taking down and putting back up posters.

I take out textbooks from my school bag and begin to do homework.

"What are you doing?" Georgia asks as if I've just taken out a mysterious mechanism.

"Homework. You've heard of it right?" I say sarcastically and try to crack down with it.

"Fangirling is my one priority Laura, you should know that by now" she replies. "There!" she squeals

I look up to her walls. Each and every inch of pink coloured paper is covered by pointless posters of R5 and Ross Lynch

"Don't you just love it!" She jumps up in excitement.

"Uh sure I mean if you like it" I reply, unsure of how to respond to a question like that.

Whenever Georgia smiles I smile. I'll put up with whatever makes her happy, even if it means studying in her Ross lynch shrine.

"If you love R5, then why is there only one poster of them and the rest of Ross Lynch?" I wonder, actually curious of the answer.

"My favourite member is Ross, so I obsess over him more than the rest" she explains

"Surely that's unfair isn't it?" I think

"No of course not. I'm definitely an R5er but I have a favourite. Like a fangirl says, you don't choose someone to be your favourite, they choose you" she says gazing up at the large Ross Lynch poster.

"Right okay, but why him?" I ask seriously

"I just clicked with him I guess. His generosity and kindness, the way he is a true gentlemen and do I even have to mention how gorgeous he is?!" she says

"Don't mention him at all" I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Oh Laura, Ross is such a nice guy, why on earth don't you like him?!" she pouts and sits at the end of her bed beside my book.

"He's not a nice person Gee. He's rude and abrupt like everyone sees in the celeb news and magazines and interviews. He's so self-centred and big headed and clearly only cares about himself" I tell her honestly

"You don't know that" she says defensively

"You don't know he's a nice guy, at least I have proof to go with my theories" I make that point to her clear

"That may have hurt me but you're my best friend. I could never stay mad at you Lolly" she slings her arm over my shoulder causing me to jog my writing


During my walk home I think about Georgia's description of Ross.

'Nice' certainly not

'Generous' he's not even nice

'Gorgeous' I wouldn't say gorgeous but he's not ugly...

The matter of the fact is, no one goes for someone's look, except for Gee it looks like. The perfect guy needs to be sincere and genuine. Not a copy of their true self.

I would never fall for Ross Lynch, out of all the pop stars in the world. Maybe it's just because I've never been into a band or any celebs at all in fact; apart from George Clooney. Now he's a good guy.

Anyway, Ross doesn't appeal to me as 'my perfect guy', but Georgia's opinion is entirely different.

I mean can you imagine me being a fangirl, oh my god, that would be creepy. I laugh to myself and pick up the pace to my house.


That's the first chapter and I hoped you all liked it!

I'm super excited about this fanfiction, mostly because it's totally different to my other ones

Please spread the word and read this as well as my other current ones. I'll update each one equally so when one hasn't been updated, read another! :D

Thanks for reading! Vote, comment and enjoy! :)

-C x

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