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After leaving the room, I pour myself a glass of water and find a blanket on the, one of three, couch. I take Ross' gesture of borrowing clothes to sleep in and choose a large hoodie. I slip off my dress in his room, only because he's wasted and knocked out, and put the hoodie over my petit body. The hoodie is just long enough to reach my lower thigh since I'm only covered by my knickers. I feel somewhat naked and uninvited in his clothing. I would think we would have to be closer for me to wear his clothes.

I invite myself into his ensuite bathroom to wash my face. I stare at myself in the mirror and touch my lips. I kissed Ross Lynch? My best friends boyfriend; supposedly. How could he use her like that, to get to me, it's cruel, sick, wrong minded.

I rub my temples at the frustration and stress I'm causing myself. Shutting the door behind me, I creep out of his room before he stirs. "Laura?" he groans. "Yes?" I turn around. "I'm sorry" he says. I pause for a moment. "I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to. Goodnight" I reply firmly and leave.

I create a cushioned area on the couch and nestle up in the blanket and a pillow. He must be lonely in this house. He must be lonely in his life. That's why he's a player? That's why he uses people to get close to others? I don't understand it. But the horrible part is telling Georgia, if we decide to tell her at all.

I close my eyes and keep them tightly shut to relieve stress. Shortly, I fall asleep to the sound of light rain outside.


I wake up to the smell of hot chocolate only to find a mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table opposite me. I rub my eyes and throw the blanket off to see Ross in the kitchen.

"I made you hot chocolate" he tells me

"Thanks" I reply, quite anxious to try the hot beverage. Mainly because I don't know how Ross is in the kitchen, but also because I don't trust that he hasn't spiked it somehow.

I blow over the drink and take a sip. It's surprisingly nice. I try not to get distracted by the drink and decide to start the day, but it seems Ross is the one getting distracted.

I look down at my half naked body and blush. "Uh, sorry" I say and scramble with the blanket. I wrap it around my shoulders and sit at the island with my mug of hot chocolate.

"So, how's your nose and lip?" I ask

"Bruised. They hurt a lot." he replies. I roll my eyes at his 'clever' response.

"Let me ice your nose and lip" I order him to fetch ice and a tea towel.

He collects blocks of ice from the freezer and a towel from the drawer and passes them to me. He sits opposite me and I tilt his head backwards. I rest the ice on his nose first gently while holding his head up with my thumb under his chin. After 5 or so minutes, I move to his lip. We stare at each other awkwardly. I brake the gaze and look at the floor.

"Any better?" I ask.

"Kind of" he vaguely replies.

I take the ice away and place it on the counter. Suddenly, my phone rings and the caller ID reads Georgia Bestie with a picture of us two in Paris by the Eiffel Tower.

I look at Ross and mouth 'it's Georgia'. He stands up beginning to leave but I grab his arm and pull him back.


"Hi Laura, how's Ross?"

"Uh, he's good. Just sleeping"

"Thanks for taking care of him, it's really nice of you"

"No problem"

"I will pop round later if he's alright for it?"

"Uh yeah it should be fine. Maybe after lunch when he's, awake"

"Sure. See you later"

I hang up and sigh. This is getting complicated.

"Are we gonna tell her or what?" I ask, now frustrated, now fed up and now annoyed.

He shrugs and takes a sip of hot chocolate.

"You need to be more serious! You've played with a girls feelings, I'm telling Georgia what you did whether you like it or not!" I scream at him

"Stop screaming at me like some psycho maniac! Why would you want to hurt your best friend like that?" he yells back at me.

I don't want to hurt my best friend. She means the world to me.

"You're the one who hurt her, jerk!"

"If you tell her that I was using her, I'll tell her that you kissed me!"

He's blackmailing me. I stand up and he does the same. I look up to him and try to feel intimidating which is hard since I'm half his size.

"I only did it because I felt sorry for you! You saved me from being potentially raped and it's inevitable that he could have done that!"

"I'm trying incredibly hard to be mad at you while you're wearing just my hoodie!"

"Stop flirting with me!"

"You stop flirting with me!"

"I'm not flirting with you!"

"You kissed me!"


Wow their arguing is annoying😂

Are they going to tell Georgia?🙊

Vote and leave me feedback please loves!💘

You Could Say It's Complicated (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now