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After leaving Ross with Georgia, I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. I'm a whirlpool of mixed emotions. I feel like I'm the only one who's ever been in this situation. But I'm sure lots of girls have been in love with their best friends' boyfriend before. But the question is; am I in love?

Nothing like this has ever happened to me, so I'm not used to asking for advice, especially someone who's not Georgia. I feel isolated, when in reality I have people around me to approach.

I just need time.

But Georgia can't not know forever.

Ross and I can't be confused forever; never knowing what the other one is thinking or what page we're both on.

This is tough.

And I don't like it.

I drive home in silence. No radio, no thinking aloud. Just pure, delicate silence. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel infuriatingly, struggling to come to terms with what is going on. I don't even know what I feel. How can I possibly try to fix this?

I pull into my driveway to see both Vanessa's and my Mum's car parked.

I'm in trouble...

Just as I reach into my bag to search for my house keys, the door swings open in a rapid motion with an angry looking Vanessa standing directly I front of me.


"Where were you? Mum and I have been worried sick!" Vanessa exclaims, throwing her hands up in anger.

"Can I come in?" I ask, exasperated.

She replies by rolling her eyes and turning her back on me. I hate my family being ashamed of me, which quite frankly hasn't happened before. My life is definitely going down hill.

In hinds sight, I should've called them and told them where I was, but if only they knew what hell I've been through.

Vanessa pulls me into the kitchen where my Mum and Dad are sat, looking furious. Before I decide to explain everything to them, I realise they have no idea about anything that's happened these couple of weeks.

"I think you all should sit down" I breathe, following everyone's actions.

"And that's why I didn't come home last night"

I finish describing every significant detail of this dilemma I'm in, including Ross' actions towards me in between. I'm met by gawping faces from all members of my family, and the deadly silence only makes me more nervous.

I know what they're thinking: 'this isn't like you' and most probably 'who's Ross Lynch?'.

"Who's Ross Lynch?" They all expectedly ask in unison.

"He's in a band. He's famous" I reply. Not convinced, I add more detail. "That's who we went to see at the meet and greet. Georgia's obsessed"

"Never heard of him" they say again in unison. 'I wish I never had' I think mentally.

I excuse myself to my room, and continue my thoughts in bed finally able to change out of my dress. I realise I took Ross' shirt home by mistake. Another reason to see him again.

His scent lingers on the shirt and I can't help but breathe in the sweet smell. I can't help but see him as the brave guy who took a beating for me in a club by a guy who tried to hurt me.

I don't know if I've fallen in love with the guy, or what he did.

But whatever I have fallen in love with. I've fallen deep.

And I can't stop falling


I tried to end this chapter on a little cliffhanger...kind of.

I really love all the feedback I receive. It encourages me to go on, because something I feel like I'm wasting my time writing stories that I end up hating😢

But anyway, thank you💖


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