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The best thing about living close to your best friend is that you're always together. We live on the same road; her house is number one and mine is number 10. It's a very small road so we're incredibly close.

I walk to her house every morning and we travel to school together by bus. It really brightens up each day, especially because she doesn't like school and I do. All she likes is R5. She's really good at school, but gets in trouble a lot. It's always because she's caught on her phone. Her reason is that she 'needs to always be checking twitter for new updates on R5'. The teachers just laugh and take her phone till the end of the day, but that doesn't stop her. Luckily I'm her best friend, so ill occasionally take the blame.

"Laura I have great news!" she dives from her front porch and screams in my face

"Hey to you too Georgia. What's up?" I jokingly roll my eyes and lead her to the bus

"R5 tweeted that they're having a meet and greet here in Florida! It's at Walmart at five! We have to go Laura we have to go!" she screams excitedly

"We?!" I repeat in shock "Why do I have to go?"

"I'm not going by myself Laur, c'mon, do it if you love me!" she begs, gripping my shoulders and shaking me

"Well...I guess so" I hesitate to say

"YES THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE THANKS LAURA I LOVE YOU!" she screeches and throws herself around the street like a headless chicken on drugs.

"woah woah woah Gee, you don't even have tickets?" I say, probably breaking her heart

"Its in Walmart not a prison, I can get in!" she insists and continues with her victory celebration by the bus stop

What have I got myself into? I see going to meet Ross Lynch as a punishment rather than a reward. I have to admit I'm pretty excited to meet celebrities, just not thrilled that I need to see Ross Lynch. As long as I keep Georgia happy, I'm happy.

When we get to school, all I hear throughout the day is constant blabbering about R5 coming to Florida. Since we're the only ones in school going to meet them, Georgia was the talk of the day. Even the youngest ones in school were giving her tons of attention. Some asking for autographs while others just ranting on about how jealous they were of her, and of course Georgia loved it.

During the last lesson of the day, Georgia sits at her desk on her phone through the whole lesson. It amazes me how she hasn't got caught yet, but this substitute teacher is quite a dummy. You wouldn't believe how many problems I've had to correct for him this lesson.

Suddenly, Georgia's phone goes off.

"Really, you couldn't put it on silent!?" I shout in a whisper to her. I stare blankly at the teacher as he walks up to us.

"Alright, who's phone was that?" he asks sternly

I think about how many times Georgia's got in trouble with her phone this term and decide to take the blame for her. Plus, if her mum found out, she wouldn't let her go to see R5 after school and I couldn't possibly let that happen.

"It was mine Sir" I blurt. I send Georgia a 'you owe me' look and pass the phone to the teacher.

'Thanks' she mouths and gives me a cheesy smile.


"I cant believe I stuck up for you Gee" I complain as we wait for the teacher after school

"I can't believe we're going to be late to the meet and greet!" she whines and falls into the chair behind her.

"This wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have had your phone out!" I argue back

After waiting for nearly an hour, the substitute finally comes back with my phone, hands it to me with a warning and lets us go. The whole bus ride to Walmart Gee is screaming and fangirling over 'her dream coming true' as she describes it. I really couldn't care less about where we're going and what we're going to do. I'd rather be at home studying to be quite honest.

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