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No ones POV

Ross and Laura stared at each other for a long time. Ross was stunned. He wanted it to happen, but he was in total shock.

Laura on the other hand was mortified. She kissed the boy she claims she hates. But more importantly, she kissed the boy her best friend was dating!

It was the most horrible thing Laura had ever done. Kissing a boy she hardly knew who was her best friends boyfriend!

"Oh my god" she repeated, bringing her hand to her mouth and stepping backwards.

"I didn't mean to. It was an accident!" she protested. She realised how silly she sounded. It wasn't an accident. She kissed a boy she hates in the most loving way possible. Does that even make sense?

"You're dating Georgia. I'm mortified!" she exclaimed and snatched a short breath.

Ross was silent.

"Say something!" Laura demanded in frustration. She hated being the only one talking in awkward and wrong situations.

"It's okay" Ross whispered.

"It's not okay! I kissed my best friends boyfriend!" she shouted again.

"The truth is, I was only dating Georgia to get closer to you. I don't have true feelings for Georgia. I like you-

Ross was cut off by Laura whipping her hand across his unbruised cheek.

"You're sick!" she screamed. "This is unbelievable!" she hollered, throwing her arms up in the air and falling back onto the sofa.

Meanwhile, Ross held his cheek and damaged features. His nose was possibly broken. His lip was busted, and now his cheek was burning red.

Laura didn't have the energy to shout anymore. She had so many things to say. She needed to confront him.

Instead, she picked up her belongings and stormed out of the back room, through the club and outside into the freezing cold street.

Tears were spilling out of her eyes uncontrollably. Her emotions were prevalent.

She felt guilty, mad, ashamed, upset, disgusting. She was amazed at what she had done and what he had done. How dare he manipulate her best friend to attract her. How dare she kiss her best friend's boyfriend who was only using her.

She followed the path stored in her memory back to the car park of the restaurant.

Everything seemed so right at the time.

Now it just felt wrong.

She glanced at Ross' car debating whether it was a good or a bad idea to leave him without a way to get home.

He was broken. Broken hearted and physically broken. He couldn't possibly walk to the car let alone drive home safely.

She had to do what was right, so she walked back to the club and into the back room.

Ross was gone.

She walked through the club when she spotted him in the middle of everyone with a drink in his hand.

She pulled him back by his shoulder. His face was so beaten, that even in the darkness the damage was visible.

The beverage was not a soft drink, but alcohol. Where did he get it from? Where did the guy who attacked Laura get it from?

Ross was already drunk on the alcohol.

Laura dragged him out of the club quite easily since he was light headed and weak meaning he couldn't fight back.

She helped him into the passenger seat of her car and sat in the drivers seat herself.

She didn't care about leaving his car in the car park. She just wanted to get out of the area and back to her safe home.

"Which way to your house?" she asked, rage filling her voice.

Ross pointed in the direction of his house and directed Laura as best as he could; drunk and unstable.

When they arrived at Ross' house, Laura helped him out and guided him to the front door.

"Are your parents home?" she asked, beginning to calm her nerves.

Ross shook his head. "I live alone" he slurred.

"Key?" Laura questioned.

Ross fumbled around in his pocket before slamming the keys in her hand. Laura unlocked the front door and lead Ross to the nearest sofa.

She couldn't help but notice how huge his house was considering it was only him. Why does he live alone when he's got his family?

The house was surprisingly clean, neat and well furnished. She wasn't surprised with the wealth he had, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for him living in isolation.

She snooped around in draws and cupboards for cups and water. She poured a glass for Ross and helped herself to one too. After all, she needed a cool refreshment.

"Here" she mumbled and handed him the glass. He took it with shaky hands and lifted it to his lips. He carefully took a sip on the side of his lip which wasn't cut and swollen and placed the glass on the coffee table directly opposite him.

Laura sat in the sofa opposite him and watched him in confusion. She had so many questions she wanted him to answer. Right now, she wanted one.

"Why did you do that to my best friend?" she asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

Ross took a breath and thought for a bit. "I just wanted you"

Laura tried to stay strong and not feel sorry for him. She was flattered but enraged at the same time.

"You didn't have to use my best friend to get to me. You played with her feelings. It's not right."

He nodded in agreement. "I know" he said. "But how else was I supposed to get to you? You rejected me time after time. I needed a way. Georgia was my solution. It was wrong I know. But I can't change the past"

Laura began to feel angrier. "You're an inconsiderate, selfish jerk!" She yelled.

Ross stared at the ground like a young boy being disciplined by his mother. He only wanted Laura. Only Laura.

"I just wanted you" he repeated. "Why is it so God damn hard for you to realise that I fell for you the first moment I laid eyes on you!" he yelled back.

"That didn't give you the excuse to use Georgia!" Laura fought back. She couldn't hide the feeling of love and emotion building up inside her. She was touched. Absolutely touched. But she had to defend her best friend.

Ross sighed deeply. "Just forget it" he mumbled.

Once Laura had calmed down, she lead him to his bedroom. He crawled into bed with his blood stained shirt on.

"Take of your shirt, it's dirty" she instructed. She assisted him with undressing until he was left in his boxers.

Laura needn't get distracted by the sparks flying in their minds. Ross was attracted to Laura, and Laura to Ross. She couldn't deny those feelings.

Laura pulled the blanket over his half naked body. She headed for the door when Ross spoke.

"I've got some tshirts in my dresser you can sleep in- if you're staying" Ross offered.

Laura nodded and left the room.
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