Eliza (31)

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The song in this chapter is from an old movie called Once Upon A Time. It's really weird but I love it and my cousin REALLY REALLY LOVES IT (he's older than I am), so I had to use it. -L

I wake up, and my first thought is of Maria. Then I take notice of the pale white room and the thin blankets I'm covered with.

Immediately, dread and guilt clenches in my stomach. I blacked out. I remember. I fell after thinking too much about the whole... Maria-James Brown thing. Oh god, she must have come back to find me like that.

I sit up, frazzled. This isn't the first time this has happened. The first time was when everyone was out of town. That was worse than this. I think.

I take in my surroundings. Classic hospital cot, table on my right with a glass of water. I take it gratefully and down it in one gulp.

My shoulders slump, bringing me back to the present. This wasn't supposed to happen. I can normally manage it better than this! Then again, normally I have a regular sleep pattern and actually drink water. So maybe this shouldn't come as a surprise.

I need to apologize to Maria though. She must have seen me like that. Is she okay? I know she probably saw that awful man again, despite my pleading her not to.

I move my legs to the edge of the bed just as Angelica and Peggy enter.

Peggy bursts into tears the moment she sees me. "Liza!"

I smile, standing up to embrace her. "Hey Peggers! Hey Ang!"

She buries herself in my arms, hiding her face while our older sister comes and envelopes both of us in her arms. We sink to the floor, a relieved, and crying mess.

When I catch my breath, I apologize to both of them. "I'm sorry you guys, I just got so worried, and I haven't slept or kept myself hydrated lately-"

"Eliza, it's okay," Angelica cuts me off. "We're just glad you're fine."

Peggy sniffles and backs away slightly. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out chocolate. "It wards off dementors, you know."

I beam at her thoughtfulness. "Thank you! Oh, and it's my favorite kind." I happily accept it, taking an unnecessarily large bite.

She grins softly and scoots back so Angelica can take the spotlight.

"How is Maria?" I ask her.

"She's doing..." Angelica makes eye contact with Peggy. "She's doing okay."

Peggy bites her lip. "Yeah. She's okay."

"C-can I see her?" I ask.

Peggy gives a wide-eyed glance to Angelica.

Angelica takes a deep breath. "Um... We can go see...?"

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask them both.

Our younger sister hides her face. "Angelica will tell you, yeah."

"Maria... Maria was stabbed. She lost some blood-"

"What?" I exclaim, standing. I run to the door, flinging it open. No, I don't know where her room is. Yes, I will find it.

Thirty-seven rooms later, I find hers.

"Maria!" I cry out, running to her bedside.

She looks away from her other visitors. "Eliza...?"

I throw my arms, carefully, around her. I'm sobbing, but I can't find it in me to care. "You're okay! You're alive!" I pull away. "You're... ticked that I'm being dramatic. Right. Sorry."

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