Aaron (39)

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I know this is mentioned, but just heads up: Sarah Burr is Aaron's sister. Read the oneshot if you want to have more knowledge. Also thank everyone for the lyric war in Alex (6). That totally made my day and frankly, that was hilarious! -C

    As I stumble downstairs, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I come to the awkward realization that everyone is already awake.

    Peggy is the first to react. "Yes! Go put on your coat, Burr! I told you he was coming, Ang!"

    Ang nods in defeat. "I submit. Aaron, wake up. You're about to go down."

    "Uh, what?" I finally get out.

    Alex practically pounces on me, already having his thick, black coat on. He is the least used to snow. He wears an Eskimo hat and scarf and gloves too. "Snowball fight, Burrsicle! Team Ang versus Team Herc! They're deciding teams outside!"

    John grins at him and finishes dressing up. "I think you'll probably be on our team."

    "If it's girls versus boys, that's bunk," Maria comments, trying to find a way to not have to wear pants out in the snow. In the end, she resigns and goes to change out of her dress. Eliza winks at us and goes to help her decide what to wear.

    Hercules shrugs. "That's up to me and Ang to decide. I feel like this is just so we can't spy on any team."

    "What do you mean?" Jenna asks.

    Peggy squeaks. "I have this headcanon that if Hercules was reincarnated, he used to be a Revolutionary War spy. Spying on those Brits, don't you know? For America!"

    The room goes silent as everyone slowly nods. "I bet Alex would be in the government," John says.

    "Who cares about the past when the snow is outside?" Alex replies.

    Everyone turns to glare at him. "History is important."

    I laugh under my breath as I finish bundling up. Then, I go over to Jenna and surprise her by sneaking a kiss in. I ignore the reproachful look from Peggy. "Thanks for letting me sleep in."

    "No problem babe." She smiles warmly at me. "You slept well?"

    "Would've slept better if you were there," I flirt.

    Someone throws their hat at us. When I look around, Thomas subtly coughs surprisingly realistically and winks.

    Jenna scowls at him and pecks me on the lips again. "You excited?"

    "To get picked last for the team like middle school? Oh joy," I deadpan.

    Hercules clears his throat. "You won't know that until we get outside and we're allowed to pick our teams."

    "Well here's a little secret," Jenna whispers. "I have literally never had a snowball fight."

    "Wow, where did you grow up?" I laugh, tickling her sides.

    She throws her head back and laughs. As she gasps for breath, she forces out a weak. "Texas!"

    "Lovebirds, hurry up," whines Alex. "I wanna go play in the snow!"

    Jenna falls away from me and collapses on the floor, reaching for her hat. "There we go..."

    "Ang, you going to pick me or Eliza?" Peggy calls to her older sister.

    Alex practically pounces on her. "We'll find outside! Let's go! No more chit-chat!"

    He eventually shoves everyone out the door. Ang and Herc go and discuss teams off to one side.

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