Chapter Two: My New Friend

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Piss Boy
Chapter Two: My New Friend

CLASSES PASSED by rather fast today. And the professors actually started teaching the class; so of course I have work to do from them.

     But none of that is important at the moment, because I see Scott. And yes, I see him in algebra, but maybe talking to him outside of school will get me a better understanding of him. Maybe, we can even become friends.

     There he sat, on a swing in the middle of the park. There were little kids running around, glancing at Scott before scrunching up their faces with distaste. Discreetly, the group of kids, playing what looked to be tag, ran in the opposite direction of Scott. He doesn't seem to notice, or care for that matter. He just sits there, as he had done in the beginning of algebra; hunched over. He looked like he was on the verge of falling asleep, and so I tap him to gain his attention.

     The sudden contact with his shoulder must have frightened him, for he flinched away from me and fell off of the swing. That, was not my intention. Honestly, I didn't know that I could frighten a person so much.

     "Here, let me help you up. It wasn't in my intentions to make you fall," I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. As I reached out a hand, wanting to help him up, he flinches back again and helps himself up. "Scott, right?" I asked awkwardly, not having anything to say. His response was to nod and stare at the floor and his old shoes. "Do you want to hang out in my dorm?" I don't know why the idea came to mind, but the words were already uttered.

     "Uh, er, y-yeah. Okay, c-cool," Scott stutters out, stumbling over his words. He doesn't meet my gaze as he talks, nor does he make a movement.

     "Alright, well my name's Vincent," Slowly, I start walking. Scott follows quietly behind me, his jeans making crumpling sounds as he walks. "So what do you like to do on your free time?" I ask, slowing down my walking pace so that Scott and I are now walking side by side.

     "R-re-ead ... ?" The way the words come out of Scott's mouth make the statement sound like a question, making him sound all the more unsure of himself. He peeks up at me through his hair, fear flashing in his eyes before he snaps his attention back onto the floor. I nod, intrigued as to how I could possibly frightened him.

     After about ten minutes of walking in a comfortable silence, we reach my dorm. As Scott was walking by me, the smell that he -- or his clothes -- produced was even more acknowledgeable.

     It was absolutely horrid.

     He smelled as though he hadn't bathed or showered for months. His clothes, they looked like he never changed out of them -- chances are, he probably doesn't. His personality may be a totally different thing but he reeks.

     I open the door for him, trying not to think about him stinking up my room. Scott glances around, his eyes sparkling from the faery lights that hang around my room. His pale blue eyes finally settle on the bean bag and books at the corner.

     "You can sit on the bean bag if you want, Scott," motioning towards the object slumped in the corner, I start walking to the kitchen door. "I'll go get you some water," I turn around just in time to see Scott hesitantly walking towards the bean bag.

     Sighing at his hesitance, I walk into the kitchen and grabbed a cup, filling it up with water. Not bothering to get myself anything, I walk back into my room.

     "Sco-" I start to say but cut myself off when I see that the boy is curled into a small ball and is sleeping on the bean bag. Did he not sleep yesterday? He had almost fallen asleep at the park earlier, it's quite a possibility that he didn't have any sleep last night. I walk to my bed, making sure to make as little noise as I could as I place the glass cup on my bed side table and sat on my bed.

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