Chapter Three: Not Enough Sleep

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Piss Boy
Chapter Three: Not Enough Sleep

AFTER SCOTT and I finished watching Brave, he fell asleep on the bean bag, again.

-- Scratch that. He was asleep almost halfway through the movie. I took his empty plate and cup to the kitchen, setting them in the sink before heading to the bathroom. Scott's clothes were on the countertop, indeed smelling of piss. I had wanted to throw them out, but refrained myself from doing so just in case Scott somehow valued the ragged clothes.

I sprayed the bathroom with air freshener multiple times, washed Scott's clothes with a tremendous amount of detergent and washed the countertop. After this I walked back into my room and watched Scott for a while as he slept. He would murmur things every few moments and I watched him, feeling a little creepy as I did so.

I laid under my comforter, unable to go to sleep. So, I kept watching Scott as he struggled in his sleep, his murmurs getting more and more inaudible as he did so.


I finally got fed up with it.

I got out of bed, my hair undoubtedly sticking up everywhere due to me turning and tossing in my bed, trying to get some shut eye. I made my way to Scott. As I tip-toed over to where the boy lay in the corner, he let out a whimper and moved in his sleep.

"Hey, Scott." I whispered, nudging his shoulder. In response he moved a bit and his face scrunched up. "Wake up, buddy." I tried again, this time a bit louder. He moved his limbs again but didn't wake up. I poked away at his face, partly giving up in my sleepy state.

Suddenly, he sat up, flinching away from my touch. Even though I wanted to ask him what he had been dreaming about, his teary and fear filled eyes caught me off guard. He was crying?

"It's okay, Scott, it's okay. It was just a dream." I cooed, reaching out to pull him into my embrace. He flinched away, the tears that had pooled at his eyed over flowing and trailing down his face. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I smiled softly, reaching out again. Scott didn't flinch so I took that as a good sign.

Hesitantly, I pulled him into a hug. He slowly moved his arms so that they were around my neck and then placed his head in the crook of my neck. I would've thought that I would be uncomfortable and awkward in a situation like this but I wasn't. A warm feeling settled in my chest knowing that I could help Scott calm down and that he trusted me enough to hug him. Although that still didn't make sense. Why hadn't he wanted a hug? He truly looked terrified.

I dismissed the thought as soon as I remembered the cause of his crying. He had a nightmare, which probably scared him enough to flinch away from me. Hell, if it was enough to make him cry, I'm sure it would be enough to make him flinch. I can't even begin to imagine what his dream had been about.

Scott's hiccups and sobs filled the quiet room and I patted his back reassuringly. The urge to ask him what he had been dreaming about was great, but I restrained myself. What if he started bawling his eyes out again? I can't do that to him.

So instead I gently picked him up bridal style and walked him to my bed. He clutched onto my shirt and buried his face in my chest. I smiled, comparing him to a kitten in my head as I placed him down on my bed. He curled up into a ball and I joined him on the bed. I draped an arm over his small form as a sign of comfort as I pulled the comforter over us with my other hand.

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