Chapter Thirteen: Pasta and Pyjamas

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Piss Boy
Chapter Thirteen: Pasta and Pyjamas

     IT WAS about ten o'clock when I woke up the following day, and Scott was sat in front of the fish tank, clad in his pyjamas as he lightly tapped on the glass.

"Hunny, what are you doing?" I inquire, untangling myself from the blanket as I stand.

I stretch my arms and let out a yawn, trying to get the stiffness in my body to dissipate. Scott gives me a side glance, and smiles softly as he continues to stare at our fish, "I think they like their new home," he says, and I nod in agreement.

Although the tank was on a stand, he was sat criss-cross on the floor in front of it, and therefore his height was a bit disproportionate to the height of the tank. Nevertheless, he stared excitedly at the tank, letting out a small laugh as Jesse followed his finger.

As he traced patterns onto the tank, the fish slowly followed, and I stepped into the bathroom to relieve myself.

Getting Scott something to keep himself busy was the right course of action, and seeing him happy was the biggest reward of all.

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I walk to my last class of the day, Psychology. It's a very informative class, and the professor teaching it is kind-hearted and gentle, therefore the class was enjoyable for me.

"The brain, much like other organs, has a responsibly to pertain," the profesor says, "and in order for the brain to properly function, we, as humans, need to properly take care of them." Her wrinkled face was illuminated by the light, and her thinning hair moved with every turn her head made. "Does anybody want to give an example of how brains can be better taken care of?"

"Well, most people don't even realise it, but we put our minds in a lot of stress. If that was another muscle, such as the heart, it'd collapse. So, making room for more down-time would be a great way to maintain a healthy brain." Jonathan says, nudging his glasses up lightly as Professor Jenkins nods.

"Precisely. To delve deeper into the subject of stress, I'll give a couple of examples of unhealthy stress." She says, and someone intervenes,

"Isn't all stress bad, though? Shouldn't we work towards eliminating stress as a total?"

"No, because if you're a parent of a child, stress is a normal emotion that you'd feel when applying them to a school environment, such as a school or daycare centre. It shows that you care for your child's wellbeing. That, would be a healthy stress. Unhealthy stress, however, puts your mind to work and doesn't give it rest. Even when you're not doing anything, you're still stressed, but the root of the problem cannot be found.

"For example relationship issues would play a major factor. If your spouse is constantly making you worry, so much so that you have no time for anything else, it may be something that rings alarms in your head. If a situation like that occurs, it is important to try to bring it into the light with your partner, and work towards eliminating it altogether." She says, and smiles as she waves her hand in the air dismissively.

"I think we've spent a bit too much time talking about that one, let's move on to the next one ... "

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