Chapter Nine: Rollercoasters

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Piss Boy
Chapter Nine: Rollercoasters

AFTER SCOTT and I are ready to go I lead him to my black car. Nothing too fancy, wouldn't want to flaunt my wealth. My parents love to and I don't want to be like them, it'll make Scott feel out of place and probably self-conscious.

     "S-So, wh-where're w-w-e-e going?" The curly haired angel asks, I smile and land a kiss to the corner of his lips before letting him take his seat beside the driver's seat.

     "The beach, is that okay with you?" I look back at Scott after I get into my car, starting the engine as I smile softly. He nods and smiles back, holding onto my hand that lays on the armrest between us. "You can pick the next place we go to," I say, starting to drive slowly to the beach. It isn't all that far away, only a fifteen minute drive from the dorms.

     When I don't hear a verbal answer from Scott I look over at him to see him smiling at the scenery outside. His smile is hesitant and I wish I could stare at him for more time but I quickly look at the road, deciding that I'd rather look at Scott later and not never.

"How're you doing, then?" I squeeze the hand that holds Scott's, smiling at the road as we near the beach.

"F-F-Fine," he answers, and I look at him as he stutters and his eyebrows furrow, lips forming a pout.



     Scott and I walk down the beach, his eyes straying to my hand every now and then. From the little time that I've been outside with him, I can tell that he doesn't like public affection or attention. But his eyes, staring at my hand that stays by my side, makes me rethink my conclusion.

When I move my hand, he looks slightly disappointed that it's only to fix my hair seeing as a breeze had messed it up. Not too long after doing this, I place a hand around his waist and pull him a bit closer as we walk. He doesn't react all that much, but a relaxed smile lays on his lips, telling me that he's fine with it.

     As Scott and I walk, nobody seems to be paying attention to us, and that makes me smile. I feel like we're just ordinary, that we won't get any hate because we're human, no matter what gender we fall in love with.

"This isn't so bad, is it?" I inquire, smiling down at Scott as I squeeze his hip. He has his usual small dimpled smile as he shakes his head, staring at the rollercoasters.

"C-Can we g-g-g-o-o ..." he doesn't finish his sentence, instead pointing at where he had been looking before. I nod, smiling brighter as we walk towards the huge rides and excitement radiates off of Scott.

"Which one do you want to go on first?" I sigh out, staring in awe at the amazingly tall joyrides along with the curly haired boy I've come to like. I look back at him after eyeing a couple of them, seeing him smiling at me. He quickly points at one with many turns and hoops when I look back to him.

     I'm taken aback but say, "That one it is, then," even though I have to admit that it does look pretty scary.

As we near the line Scott seems to start to doze off, so I pull him closer to me and let his head loll onto my shoulder as we stand on line. I run my hand up and down his arm, landing a small kiss to his hair before I look up and at the line ahead.

"Hopefully you'll be awake for the ride, yea?" I ask, the informality of my speech slightly bothering me but at the same time not. It's not how I would've spoken last year, or even three months ago. And definitely not how I would speak to my parents or family members. If you aren't like them you're automatically less-than and therefor you wouldn't get the same privileges as the rest of the family. Trust me, that's a lot to miss out on.

Scott nods slightly as his eyes droop shut. I pull him along as the line moves along and I watch as group after group are seated and smile as they get strapped in. The ride starts off wild, to get your blood pumping only to slow down for a good half-minute. From there it has loops and twists which makes you confused, thank god I'm looking at it beforehand.

"Scott, bud, time to wake up," I gently nudge the curly-haired boy beside me, smiling when his eyes open into slits to look at me. "It's almost time to go," he nods and yawns, stretching out his hands slightly before blinking rapidly and looking at the rollercoaster.

     A couple of other people get strapped in before we do, us being in the last cart of the ride. I grab Scott's hand before we even start to move and he sends me a teasing smile because of it. I blush faintly, moving closer to him and laying our conjoined hands on my lap. As we start to move and things get too much for my poor heart, I squeeze into his hand so hard that Scott actually winces at it.

     "O-O-Ow," he mumbles and I try to mumble an apology but my breath catches in my throat. I instead move closer to him, letting go of his hand to wrap my left arm around him. I hold onto his left hand that way, his head settling onto my shoulder with a smile.

When the ride is over and I've closed my eyes for the majority of it, I pull Scott out of the cart as soon as we get unbuckled. My newly found fear of rollercoasters causes me to pull Scott away from all of the scary rides, and out of the section all together. We walk until I spot a field of grass, people scattered around on it. I pull Scott into that direction and he seems to be falling asleep again, making me sigh at his adorable pout.

     "T-T-Tired," he yawns out and I nod, wondering if he knows of his 'condition' as I pull him against me. He leans into me as he walks, struggling to pick up his feet in his newly found drowsy state. I sigh and stop walking, lifting Scott up bridal-style. When we reach the grass I walk more into the field and then sit down, leaving Scott to lay on my lap as I bend my hands behind my head and lay back.

     What a wonderful day.


So this is really late and I'm sorry but writer's block is my only excuse.

I try to update frequently but I'm just saying this now: the next updates will be really spaced apart. Sorry but I'm busy as hell.


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