Chapter Four: Nightmares

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Piss Boy
Chapter Four: Nightmares

THOSE THREE words. Those three words came out of Scott's mouth.

"Daddy, that hurts." I didn't have time to process it as I feel asleep after he had said it, but I remember it clear as day now.

What was Scott dreaming about? What had Scott gone through? I wanted to talk to Scott about it, but was too fearful to actually do so. I didn't want to bring up any memories for him -- and I certainly didn't want to see him cry again.

So instead I kept that to myself and watched Scott as he woke up. He looked calm, his movements slow and zombie like. I took that as him just not being a morning person and disregarded it.

He walked into the bathroom, this time taking less time then he did last time he stayed over. But that didn't mean that I had any time to freshen up, but I didn't mind, once again.

"We're not going to have any time to eat if you take so long in the bathroom." I tried to sound irritated as I said it, but it came out as soft as it had sounded in my head when I thought of it.

I wanted to know just what he was doing in the bathroom for so long, but didn't ask, as usual. I'm just too curious for my own good.

"Yeah ... sorry about that ..." It didn't sound like Scott had finished his sentence, but he pulled his bag on and started walking towards the door. I did the same and soon enough we were at Algebra, not late this time.


I walked through the halls, rushing to fourth hour. A brown haired girl walked beside me, sending me a innocent smile. I furrowed my brows at her, not bothering to smile back. As I entered the classroom, I realized that she too had this class. Much to my utter confusion, she decided to sit next to me.

"I'm Liz," she said, leaning onto my side of the table. I let out a grimace as her shirt collar dipped, exposing those.

"Uh ... Okay," if she was just going to flirt -- or attempt to do so -- then she wasn't worth my time. I was definitely not interested in people who just gave themselves away, like she was doing at the moment.

It was rude, I'll admit, that I didn't give her my name in return. She huffed lightly, turning to face the teacher. But it irked me to no end when she decided that she needed my attention.

That's when she slid her hand over into my personal space and touched my leg. It was gentle and didn't get a reaction from me but just the thought of someone thinking I was that easy completely dismayed me.

Glaring at her I shoved her hand off of my thigh and scooted away from her as I used to do to the kids in my table when I was younger.

I had never been the social type, and had been labeled things for it in the past, but I'm trying to be social and that should count for something.

Liz was a ... interesting person to say the least. She may have given off the slutty -- not that I would ever label someone or judge someone for it -- vibe but she kept to herself.

The brunette actually did her work and took notes, completely going against my better judgment. She seemed like a, "okay," friend once you get past her being a little too close and a little too touchy.

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