Chapter Eleven: I Know What'll Cheer You Up

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Piss Boy
Chapter Eleven: I Know What'll Cheer You Up

I OPEN my eyes quickly when someone abruptly knocks on the door, tightening my grip on Scott as he opens his eyes too.

The knock sounds again and I sigh, running my fingers through Scott's bed head before going to answer the door. I had taken off my jeans and shirt when I woke up in the middle of the night, but after getting out of bed the cold wind hits me.

"One second," I yell, unlocking the door and finally getting to see who woke me up so early.

A shifty man with a greying beard stares at me, clothes torn and the smell of whiskey staining the air around him. His rotten teeth poke out when he speaks and his breath smell even worse.

"Do you know ... a ..-- know a ..." He scratches his head as he trails off and Scott, hearing the man's booming voice, stands next to me behind the door, as I had only opened the door slightly. I don't look at him as I don't want to take my eyes off the man, but he grabs onto my upper arms and tugs at it.

"No, sir, I'm sorry. I don't think I can help you." I say, closing the door right afterwards to see what was gong on with Scott.

He looks down immoderately, grasping onto my arm rightly as he shakes. He lightly pulls my sweater, and I follow him away from the door. When we reach the bed, a chocked sob escapes, followed by a wheeze.

"N-o-o-" He whispers, tears in his eyes as hiccups start to pour out of him. He slaps a hand over his mouth and drowns out his sobs, and my heart breaks again.

"Shh, shh, Scott, it's okay," I wrap my arms around him, pressing him closely to me as I rub his back soothingly. I move his hands from his face and they fall limply to his sides, balling out his eyes in the crook of my neck. "What happened? What was it? Hmm?" I stroke his hair to try to calm him down, but he starts to shake violently.

"Th-Th-Th ... no ... p-p-p-p-p-plea-ea-ea-se," he looks up at me with red watery eyes and if I knew what he was talking about, I'd be able to help him. For now, I wipe away his tears and kiss his forehead lightly, hoping that when he stops sobbing, he can tell me what's going on.


     Surely enough, even after Scott had calmed down, he didn't want to tell me what had happened. He laid in bed, motionless under the covers as he occasionally stared blankly at the wall or ceiling, but for the most part he slept.

     I sat at the end of the bed, trying to figure out what to do. Do I try to ask him again? Or do I focus on trying to make him feel better? Is he too sensitive right now for me to try to make him feel better?

"Scott, you okay?" I ask, seeing that he's opened his eyes and is staring at the ceiling. "What can I do?" I ask, but silence is the only response I'm given.

He grasps onto the blanket, balling it up in a small fist as he buries his head into the pillow. His body tremors and he weeps, looking more fragile than I could ever imagine. He looked even more fragile than when I had first met him, in his raggedy clothing and sorrowful eyes.

     Kneeling beside the bed, I put my hand on his cheek and make him face me. He weeps harder, shoving my hand away as he rolls onto the other side of the bed; away from me.

     I feel my heart stutter, and I can see Scott panicking as he continues to struggle to breathe. Wanting to help him but not knowing how to due to the reaction I just received, I stand there in shock.

     "Scott, please let me help you, it's just me, I won't do anything to you," Scott covers his ears, getting into a feral position as more tears flow out of his closed eyes. His face is scrunched together as I pull him into my arms, he clearly protests by shakily trying to move away from my grasp, but I have none of it.

     After a couple of attempts to get away, he calms down in my arms and digs his mails into my arms as he weeps. He hiccups, trying to get a word out but it comes out too inaudible to understand.

     "Breathe, Scott, breathe," but he doesn't. He doesn't listen to me, instead he tries to say something, and chokes on his own breath. "Listen to me and breathe," I get eye level with him and tell him this, and I'm not sure if he can see me through all the tears flowing out of his eyes, but he seems to follow what I say.

     "I-I-I ... I-I-I-I– ..." he stutters out, making the tears start to flow harder this time as he tries to take the blue blanket off of himself.

     "It's okay Scott, whatever it is, tell me about it later, for now, focus on your breathing. Just breathe,"

     This time, he actually listens, and I can hear him trying to gasp out breathes through hiccups and sniffs and sobs. He wipes at his face with his arm, and seeing this I retrieve some tissues from my drawer and clean up his face.

"Whenever you're ready, tell me what happened," I say. The flowers printed onto the tissue crease and darken when water touches them, the tissue soon soaked from the light dabs I apply under Scott's eyes.

He nods, but doesn't make any movement to say anything. Instead, we sit there and stare at each other as I carefully wipe his face.

"I know what'll cheer you up," smiling, I grasp his hand as he looks at me, anticipating what I'll say next.


"Lets get you a pet fish,"


Hi everyone! Sorry this chapter is so late, I've been really busy and stressed lately. Hopefully you can understand.

I'm currently working on the next chapter, but no promises on when it'll be published.


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