Chapter Ten: I Promise

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Piss Boy
Chapter Ten: I Promise

AFTER A noteworthy day spent with Scott, we reach my apartment at a quarter to twelve. When Scott had dozed off in the field, I hadn't bothered to wake him and instead just watched the clouds until they were no more. That was when I realized that we've been out for a while and decided to wake Scott up.

     "I'm s-s-sleepy," he murmurs, and I nod as he sits on my bed. He yawns and curls up, still in the same clothes that he was laying in the grass with. I don't mind, in my own state of drowsiness as I take off Scott's shoes and pastel-pink socks, smiling at the memory of picking them out for him a while back. I change him into some sweats and a jumper before I too changed.


After classes are over and Scott and I meet at my dorm, we decide to go out again.

This time, however, I let him pick the place we're going to.

"Have you thought of where we're going?" I ask, grasping his hand as we walk back to my place.

He hesitates, takes a deep breath, then shakes his head, "I-I've thou-gh-gh— thought of a-a-a lot of places-s-s, but can't de-decide." He's practically whispering the words into the air, but I manage to catch them.

"Alright, well, what are some of the places you thought of?"

"A-A-A-Arcade, b-b-beach, o-or the p-park." He sighs, grasping my hand tighter as a buff man with a livid look on his face bumps into him.

The man, just a little taller than I am, looks down on Scott and starts to yell, "Get out of my way, faggot," he looks at our attached hands and pushes Scott roughly onto me "I'll rip your eyes out if I see you again." He huffs away, not looking back, with his head up high as a couple of bystanders stare.

I feel Scott shaking in my arms, and he looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I-I want t-t-to s-s-s-st-st-stay h-h-h-h-home." He sobs, and I pick him up bridal style, prepared to take him to his wanted destination: home.

When we get home, Scott doesn't spring out of my arms like I expected him to. He just keeps sobbing. I sit him down on the bed, put my hand on his chin, and make him look into my eyes.

"Listen to me, Scott. That guy was an asshole, no doubt about it. You shouldn't be crying over such a filthy guy like that. It's okay, Scott, I promise," he doesn't seem to believe me, staring straight into my eyes as he keeps on crying; each tear shed a stab to my heart.

I wipe away his tears, and he starts to avoid my eyes. Sighing, I put my hand on his cheek, cupping his face as I slowly place my lips on his. I can hear his breath catch, and he opens his mouth accidentally. I take that moment to explore his mouth, and he puts his shaking hands on my shoulders as I push him back onto the bed.

"You're not a faggot, you're a prince in my world." Scott whines under me and I push harder into the kiss, hoping that it would show him just how much I mean my words. He had wrapped his legs around my waist along the way, and his shaking has stopped.

I can feel him smile into the kiss, and that's all I need to know that my job is complete. But, I am proven wrong when I touch his shoulder and he flinches, sitting up quickly and tenderly touching his shoulder again.

"What? What happened? Did I hurt you?" I quickly try to see what had happened to his shoulder, but he cowers away from me. "Scott, I need to see what happened so I can help you, please." I approach the head of the bed again, and he doesn't move any further away from me.

Slowly, I pull his shirt off of him, and quickly see the bruises and scars that cover him. I close my eyes for a second, putting my head on his chest, before taking a deep breath and completely taking his shirt off.

I spot a new bruise, more yellow and purple tinted than the blues and dark purples on his shoulder.

"Did I do this? I'm sorry," I say, looking into Scott's eyes as he shakes his head.

"I-I-I-It was th-th-th-th-the guy f-f-f-f-from before-ore." He stutters out, and I've never had my emotions change so quickly. I ball up Scott's shirt in my hands and I think Scott can sense my anger because he flinches away again, and puts his arms up in a protective manner.

"I'm not mad at you, only at that asshole," I pick his fragile body up from my bed, and carry him to bathroom where I let him stand. "I wouldn't ever had a reason to lay a hand on you with the intent of harm." I take the first aid kit out of a drawer, and quickly take care of the bruise by cleaning it and bandaging it.

     "I-I kno-o-o-ow." He mumbles into the crook of my neck as I lay him onto my bed again.

     "Good." Quickly, I head to the kitchen to get some ice cream. I hear Scott's whine but chuckle instead of answering. "Don't worry I'll be right back."

     When I get back to the bed, Scott had already gotten comfortable and laid down under the blanket, ridding himself of his shoes, socks, and jeans that were thrown onto the end of the bed hastily as I walked in.

     I hand him the ice cream container and a spoon, noticing that the air conditioner isn't working. I go to turn it on, but it still isn't making the room any cooler. Finally, I end up taking off my shirt and laying down with Scott.

     "C'mere," I whisper into his ear, pulling him on top of me as I sit up. He sits on my lap, enjoying his chocolate chip ice-cream. He spoon feeds me some ice cream as he eats, and I turn on the television. After only a couple of minutes, his body goes numb against mine, head falling perfectly onto my chest as he sleeps peacefully.

     I move the ice cream container off of the bed, but don't want to actually put it in the fridge because getting up would disturb Scott's sleep. Instead, I let the ice cream melt in its container beside my bed; but at the same time my heart is melting staring at Scott.


Hi everyone, I'll be updating (slowly) again. I know I've been gone for a year but I hope you all continue to read this book. Sorry for the inconvenience.

P.s. Please feel free to point out any errors when you see them.


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