Chapter Fifteen: I Guess So

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Piss Boy
Chapter Fifteen: Very

WHEN I awake the next morning, I am greeted by a massive headache. To which, I raise my hand to my head, and groan. Next, I notice I'm only in my trousers and am freezing, uncovered on the couch. And then, I notice that Scott is laid next to me, also on the couch, with the blanket on the floor.

     I can smell the alcohol in the air, and glance at the table to see an open tequila bottle.

     "Shit," I mutter, remembering that Scott hates alcohol with all of his fragile little heart. So, I get up in a rush -- which does no justice to my throbbing pain -- and throw out the bottle, seeing as it was empty. As I do so, my phone rings and wakes Scott.

     "Mmm, wh-wh-what t-time i-i-s-s i-it?"

"Uh, just about eight," he opens his eyes wide, immediately jumping off the couch and going into the bathroom. "Ah, right, class starts early for you today," I mumble, and tiredly go back to the couch.

By the time I had gone to sleep last night, it was a bit past midnight, and because I woke up so early, I feel like crap.

     "Did you feed Alex and Jesse already babe?" I inquire as he walks into the room again.

     "Y-Y-Y-Yes," he says, tapping the glass before grabbing his hoodie and entering the bedroom again. A couple minutes later, he steps out fully dressed.

     "It starts at nine o'clock, relax," I say with a chuckle, and Scott hurriedly puts on his shoes with a pout.

     "I-I-It's a-a-already-y-y eigh-eight th-th-thi-i-irty," I nod, and slouch. Scott joins me on the couch with his bowl of cereal, and by the time he's finished eating it's eight-forty. That leaves him with just the right amount of time to get to class five minutes early.

     "I'll see you after classes, sweetie," I say, and place a soft kiss to the top of his head. He nods with a small smile on his face, and then leaves.

'I miss him'. The words echo in my head, and Scott's fragile sounding voice repeats it over and over and over again in my head, causing me to throw my head back.

"I wish I could just know ..." I mutter, and drag my hands down my face as I stare at the door, wishing for Scott to come running in and for him to explain everything to me.

- - -

"I-I-I'm b-b-back," he smiles, and jumps onto my lap immediately. I didn't have much classes today, so they started late and ended early, meaning I was there when Scott left, and then when he came back.

"Good, I missed you," I say, and wrap my arms around him. I place a kiss on his cheek, and I can see something flash in his eyes as he flinched away, but then furrows his eyebrows together and leans closer. "Is something wrong, babe?"

He shakes his head, as if to reassure me, and wraps his hands around my neck.

"Do you wanna talk about yesterday?" I ask, and he blushes, and nods slowly. He moves closer, and puts his ear to my chest. "Are you ready for that stuff?" I ask, and he shrugs his shoulders at me. "The next step?" He groans at that, to which I respond, "Then do you want to stay with what we're doing?" Scott lets out a content sigh, followed by a single nod, before he departs his head from my chest and looks at me.

"Wh-Wh-Whatever y-y-y-you w-wan-n-n-nt," he says, a small smile on his face as he moves his hands a bit higher, intertwining them with my hair. I groan as he pulls on my hair, and say,

"No, it's not. It's what you want too, I need your consent first," he shakes his head, tugging at my hair harder, and then slams his lips onto mine. Although if takes me by surprise, I manage to pull away, "Scott, your say matters." He nods hesitantly, and then leans forward again, to which I do the same.

His tongue prods at my lips, trying to get in, and I grant him permission, his tongue exploring every nook and cranny in my mouth. We pull away breathlessly, and I wipe a bit of drool from his lips.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry-y-y," he mumbles, trying to catch his breath as he does.

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry for,"

"F-F-Fo-o-or y-y-yester-r-r-day-y-y," he says, and he plays with my hair as if he's unsure of his word choice.

"Scott, yesterday was amazing, what's there—"

"N-N-No! N-Not-t-t th-th-th-that," his face turns a bright red colour, and I frown at him. Could he be talking about ... ?

"Is it about what you said?" He nods his head slowly, and when I reach up to cup his face, he holds his breath and closes his eyes. "It's okay, baby,"

     "N-N-No, it-it-it's n-n-ot-t," he whimpers, leaning into my chest. "It-It-It's-s-s n-n-n-not-t-t-t-t," sobbing, Scott releases his hands from my hair, and lowers them to my waist, where he holds on for dear life.

     "Can you tell me what you're talking about so that we can sort this out?" He tries to say 'yes' but it comes out as a hiccuping, stuttering, gasping mess. "Hold on," I place my hands under his thighs, holding him up while I stand. He grasps onto my bare back, and his head is above mines now, so he rests his chin on top of my head. I grab a notepad and pen from the nightstand, and kneel down in front of the bed for Scott to stand.

     He does, and I hush him soothingly as I hand him the notepad, knowing that he can't speak all too audibly at the moment.

     "Do you want to tell me about it?" He nods his head, and then writes down,

     What do you want to know?

     Carefully thinking of my words, I decide on, "Who? Who is he?"

     Uhm, its a bit hard to explain ... he was my boyfriend, but not quite

     "How come?"

     We weren't partners -- he was like my boss

     Something in my mind clicks, and Scott's submissive behaviour all adds up to one thing: he was abused, by his last partner, but there's one last question,

     "Was this a voluntary thing?"

     I guess so

     Scott gives a weak smile, and then tears start to pour from him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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