Chapter Fourteen: I Miss Him

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Piss Boy
Chapter Fourteen: I Miss Him

WHEN I wake up the next morning, Scott had already gone to shower and, feeling the cold bed around me, I snuggles deeper into the blankets with a sigh.

After tossing for a couple more minutes, I get up and venture to the bathroom, the cold floor sending chills from my feet to my spine.

"Can I come in?" I ask, and when I hear a faint hum from Scott I open the bathroom door and go relieve myself. The door of the shower blocks my view, but I can see a blurred version of Scott. "Why'd you wake up so early?" I ask, and splash my face with water. I look up into the mirror, but the steam fogging it up is too thick to see myself through. I wipe it with my hand, and then start to brush my teeth.

"I-I-I d-d-d-dunno," he says, and I finish up brushing my teeth a couple minutes later. As I'm about to leave, a thud echoes in the shower and I look over to see if he'd fallen.

     "Are you alright, Scott?" His blurred figure is bent over, and I open the shower door in worry. I see him pick up the soap bar with a sheepish expression, and sigh in relief. "You scared me," I say, and my eyes travel down his body. He notices, and starts to get slightly erect.

     "D-D-Do you wanna-a?" He whispers, and I answer by closing the door. I hear a disappointed hum leave his mouth, and I chuckle as I get undressed. Then, I open the shower door again and step in.

     Scott yelps in surprise when I put a hand on his arm, and cup his face with the other one. Our lips connect and I groan. I pull away, and I see Scott's eyes flutter open as I bend down a little to kiss his neck.

     "Hnng," he moans, and I give him a hickey on his collarbone, the bright red mark standing out against his pale skin and the other darker, more violent tinged marks on his body.

     I push him up against the shower wall, and he shivers as the icy wall makes contact with his bare skin. I place my lips on his again, and easily gain dominance. I gently brush my hand against his sensitive member, and he jerks into my hand harshly. He opens his eyes and blushes right after, and I let out a chuckle at his embarrassment.

"If you don't feel comfortable, you can always tell me, baby," I whisper in his ear, and he nods. Our lips reattach and I continue to stroke his length. I myself am throbbing, aching to meet with any part of Scott, but knowing that he's not ready for that yet, I continue to jerk him off.

"F-F-Faster-r-r," he moans, throwing back his head with a gasp. I give him another hickey on his neck, flicking my finger over the tip of his cock before continuing my movements, but quicker as Scott instructed. Not too long after, white ribbons shoot out from him, and his member goes limp in my hand.

Scott continues to pant, and I jerk myself off to that image of him; disheveled, naked, and seeming to be in a state of bliss. He opens his eyes and looks over to me as I groan, and he frowns at me. He comes a bit closer to me, and I shake my head.

"If you don't want to—" he puts his hand up to my mouth and silences me. As he slowly gets down on his knees, my heart accelerates in anticipation. He looks nervous, and looks up at me with his big eyes.

I place my hands on the sides of his face, and he assesses me before taking the head of my cock into his mouth. Immediately, I screw my eyes shut and move my hands so that they're in his hair. I moan, and he flicks his tongue over the tip before taking more of me into his mouth. I jerk myself into his mouth, and he gags on me as I try to force my way in.

It was about five minutes later of pure bliss that I felt a knot form in my stomach, and try to tell Scott that I'm about to cum but it happened too fast and I release in his mouth, and open my eyes in complete shock, quickly looking at Scott to see if he's comfortable with what just happened.

And then, he looks up at me and smiles, with tears in his eyes, he gives me a heart-wrenching smile. Confused, I pick him up by his shoulders so that he's upright, and start to ask him what's wrong but he cuts me off,

"I miss him," no stutters, no pauses, no hesitation. Suddenly sobs uncontrollably in my arms, he hits his balled up fists against my chest lightly. "I-I miss him," he mumbles out, chocking on sobs again and again.

"Sh, sh, it's okay, come on, let's get you out of the shower," I wash us up a bit, and then step out of the bathtub. Semi-dried, we leave the bathroom and enter the bedroom, at which point Scott has already fallen asleep in my arms. "Good, get some rest," I sigh, laying him down on the bed.

I wipe his face lightly, pushing the wet hair obstructing my view out of his face. Who? Who would hurt such a sweet, innocent boy? And why would he miss that person?

Questions soar through my head, and I open the mini fridge by the bed. I retrieve a bottle of tequila, and start to gulp it down as I sit on the couch.

Whether he likes it or not, Scott needs all the help he can get. And right now, I don't know how much help I can offer with the little information I have on his situation.

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