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"Amber, come on honey, mummy's, going to be here soon to get you." Seconds later a little redheaded girl, comes bouncing into the kitchen.

"Sit down at the table, while I make your eggs." Amber scrunches up her nose.

"I want toast." I shake my head.

"No, baby, toast isn't enough to eat."

"Toast and chocolate milk, please daddy." She says, in her sweet little baby voice. How can I resist? She has me wrapped around her little finger.

"Okay little one, Toast and chocolate milk it is then." Just as I pop the bread in the toaster, my phone rings. I look at my call id, and see it's Kate, Amber's mum, my ex girlfriend.

"Hi Kate, are you on your way?" There's a silence on the other end.

"About that Tom, I can't do this, I can't be a mum." I hear her sniffling through the phone.

"It's a little late for that, don't you think, Kate?" She starts to cry.

"My career is suffering Tom, and I'm moving to the states, before I leave, I'll give up my parental rights to you." I stand there shocked, then I notice, the big blue eyes watching me from acrossed the room. I step into the hallway, to move out of her earshot.

"Kate, this has to be the most fucking selfish thing you've ever done, do you understand, once you walk out of her life, you're not getting back in. You will be dead to her." Another silence fills the line.

"I understand that Tom, please kiss her sweet little face for me, take care." With that, the call ends. I stand there with tears in my eyes. How could she abandon this precious little thing, and how am I going to explain this to her.

"Daddy, my toast went pop." She yells, knocking me out of my trance.

"Ok, Amber, daddy's coming."

"I want jam on my toast." I give her a stern look.

"How do you ask for something, Amber?"

Please daddy?"

"Good girl." I lay her breakfast in front of her, and I sit down in the chair next to her.

"Is mummy going to be here soon?" I stare at my little child, as she picks up her cup of milk with both hands, taking a big gulp.

"No, Amber, Mummy's not coming, she is really busy, and she might be busy for a long time." She gives me a strange look.

"How long, Daddy?" She asks, with big tears welling up in her eyes.

"But I'll miss her." I'm trying to hold back tears.

"I know, baby." I say picking her up and sitting her on my lap."

"Daddy's here Amber, I'm not going anywhere." She wraps her tiny arms around my neck, holding on for dear life.

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