Part 4

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I can't believe he fired me, that stubborn man just doesn't like the truth. I love Amber, I just wanted him to see that he's not doing her any favors, by keeping her a secret. I guess, I overstepped my bounds. Where am I going to stay? I have a round trip ticket, I can't get a flight out for another two days, and I can't afford to stay at the hotel that Tom put us up in for two more days.

The nice things is, I get to stay in Australia, for another two days, all by myself. I'll figure out my sleeping arrangements later, I'm hitting the hotel bar.

I was happy to see the bar was pretty much empty, so no one would see me carrying my luggage in with me, but the staff. I sat there for two hours, and since I'm a light weight, I got drunk on like three drinks, I'm even a cheap date to myself.

Just as I was about to leave the bar, I see a couple people filtering in, one of them being Chris H. Our eyes meet, and he starts walking towards me.

"Kaylee, what are you doing here? I looked for you at the party."

"I had my own party right here, with my three friends, me, myself, and I." I laugh at my own stupid joke.

"Are you drunk? I giggle at him.

"I sure hope so, or you have been cloned three times." Chris covers his eyes, and laughs.

"Do you want me to help you to your room?" That makes me laugh again.

"I would let you, if I had a room here." Chris looks confused.

"You do sweetheart, are you really that drunk?" I shake my head.

"No, Thomas fired me tonight, and told me to fly home, but I can't get a flight out until Monday, and now I have no where to stay." I say, starting to cry.

"Shhh, sweatheart, it's okay, you can stay with me, hold on, let me tell my friends I'm leaving." I nod, trying to dry my tears.

Chris comes back, and picks up my bag, and we head to the elevator. Once in the elevator, I find my legs no longer want to hold me up, I lean up against the wall and let myself slide down it, until I hit the floor.

"You okay Kaylee?" Chris asks, trying not to laugh.

"I can't feel my legs." I say nonchalantly, making Chris laugh out loud.

Once the elevator door opens, Chris helps me stand up, then he throws me over his shoulder, good thing I didn't put on the dress I bought for the party, I would be giving the nice older couple walking past us a nice show.

Chris unlocks the door, and walks in, he puts down my bag, then drops me down on the bed gently.

I look up at him, "Damn, you're pretty." Chris ignores me, and calls room service, asking for a couple bottles of water and some pain relievers.

I start to explain why Tom fired me, when there was a knock on the door. It was room service.

Chris offers me the pain pills and the water. "You'll need these, if you don't want to be in pain tomorrow morning. The last thing I remember was, Chris taking my shoes off and covering me with a blanket.

I open my eyes, and look around, Where am I?....then I remembered. Oh shit! I made a fool out of myself in front of Thor himself. I'm so stupid. Just then Chris walks into the room, holding a bag of muffins and coffee.

"Good Morning, Sweetheart, feel okay?" I moan loudly.

"My pride my be hurt a little." He waves his hand at me.

"Don't worry about it, I've been there." He says, trying to make me feel better.

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" Chris wags his eye brows at me.

"Down boy, I'll be taking a shower alone." He just smiles, and takes a sip of his coffee.

I turn the shower off and get out and dry myself off, then I realize I didn't bring my clothes in with me. So I open the door and peek out, I see Chris standing by the bed shirtless, talking on the phone. I find myself staring at him, instead of going for my clothes. Chris ends his call and smiles at me.

"See something you like?" I nod my head, speechless.

He walks toward me, never taking his eyes off mine, my breathing increases, as he reaches me. His hand snakes around to the back of my head, crashing his lips down on mine, his tongue moves across my botton lip, then darts it into my mouth, tangling his tongue with mine. I moan against his mouth, making him kiss me deeper. I start to feel my legs giving out on me, he must have noticed, because he moves me over to the bed, his lips never missing a beat, as he lays me down, and hovers over me.

"Are you okay with this, sweetheart?" I smile.

"Yes, oh yes." That eggs him on.

He unwraps my towel from my body, like a chritmas present. Moving his eyes down my body, his eyes turning dark with lust.

"You are beautiful, Kaylee." I grab his hard muscular shoulders, bringing his mouth down on mine again. I feel his massive hard on, rubbing against my wet folds.

"Do you have a condom?" I ask, and he grabs his wallet out of his back pocket, pulling out a condom. He quickly removes his pants taking his boxers with them. He slides the condom on, then returns to rubbing the tip of his cock, through my folds. Making me beg for him.

"Fuck me, Chris, now." He thrusts into me roughly making me scream out, he continues to thrust in and out, until I come undone around his cock, and he grunts loudly, as he cums shortly after me. He rolls off of me, laying down next to me, both of us trying to catch our breath.

Then there's a knock on the door.
"Chris, have you seen Kaylee?" Tom yells though the door

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