Part 16

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Six months later


It's been five months since Katie has contacted Tom about wanting back into Amber's life. For a couple of weeks Katie did things with Amber, took her out for meals, keeping her over night at her flat, and taking her to movies. Then all of a sudden it all just stopped, and we haven't heard from her since. Amber was once again heartbroken by her mother, it took her several weeks to stop asking for her. Finally all has returned to normal, until....

Tom, Amber and I were sitting down for breakfast, so far it was a lazy Saturday morning. While Amber was stuffing Pancakes into mouth, Tom was talking about his up coming trip to the states for a promotional tour.

"How long will you be gone?" Tom takes a sip of tea into his mouth, swallowing it before answering me.

"A week maybe, two at the most?" Amber scrunches up her nose, as she stares at her daddy.

"Do I get to stay with mummy while you are gone, daddy?" Tom looks at Amber with questions written all over his face.

"No, honey, you will be staying with Kaylee, like you normally do." Amber's face lights up.

"That is Mummy, you silly Daddy." She says pointing to me, I about spit out my coffee at Amber's announcement.

"Amber, I'm not your."...Tom puts a hand up at me, stopping me from saying anything else.

"Amber baby, why do you think KayKay is your Mummy?" She gives Tom an exaggerated sigh.

"My friend at school says her Mummy always makes her breakfast, fixes her hair, walks her to school and reads her stories, all the things my Mummy does." Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, as I listen to Amber discribe what mummy's are supposed to do.

"Well that makes sence to me." Tom says smiling at me. I shrug my shoulders at him, wondering if it's a good idea to let Amber call me her Mummy.

"Amber if you're finished with your breakfast, why don't you go play with your toys." Tom says to her, patting her little head. She nods and jumps up and runs away from the table.

"Tom turns his attention back to me.

"What seems to be the trouble, little one? You love Amber probably as much as I do, why do you look so concerned about this?" I smile weakly at him.

"What if Katie comes back to cause trouble again? You know she took her parental rights back, she could make a lot of trouble for us, if she knew Amber was calling me mummy, and it might confuse Amber more than she already is." He nods understandably.

"Well Kaylee, I will fight Katie if she comes back, she is not a fit parent, and if I have anything to do with it, and I do, she will never see Amber again!" I look at Tom, from the angry tears in his eyes, I can tell, he's serious.


Over the next couple of months Amber and I became even closer, she is now out right calling me Mummy, but Tom had seemed to grow distant, he was gone a lot, and when he did come home, he would stay in his study or sit in front of Telly with Amber on his lap. He barely touches me, let alone have sex. One evening after Amber had gone to bed and after he had returned from a week long trip. I confronted him.

"Tom, is there something wrong?" I say, climbing onto his lap. His body grows rigid.

"No, why do you ask?" He asks coldly. I shake my head sadly at him.

"Do I really have to elaborate, Tom? You act like I don't even exist these days, you don't cuddle or kiss me anymore. Are you no longer attracted to me?" Tom looks at me with little emotion.

"Kaylee, I'm just busy and I have a lot on my mine." I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder.

"It seems more than that, you used to have trouble keeping your hands off me, now it seems like you have trouble just looking at me." Tom pushes me off his lap.

"Stop with the melodramatics, Kaylee, you're reading more into this, than there is." He says angrily.

"Really? I don't think I am, you have been standoffish with me for months, is there someone else, Tom?" He runs his hand through his hair, giving me a dirty look.

"You know what Kaylee, maybe you're right, maybe I don't want a live in girlfriend, maybe I don't want Amber to call you her Mummy, maybe I do have eyes for someone else, maybe I feel trapped, "playing house" with you!" He yells loudly. I step back with tears in my eyes.

"What changed? A couple of months ago, you were all for this, fuck, you even encouraged it, Tom." He sighs loudly.

"Well I'm aloud to change my mind, Kaylee. I'm growing bored with this conversation. I'm going to go wake Amber up, and we are leaving for a couple of days, why don't you move out, while we are gone, it will be easier on Amber that way." I stare at him like he has two heads.

"This will break Amber's little heart, she already lost one Mummy, I won't walk out on her!" Tom moves closer to me, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Kaylee, I will be the bad guy, I will tell Amber, this was my doing, okay?" I start to cry uncontrollably. I couldn't bear to hurt that little girl again, she has been through enough.

"I will get Amber up, and you can tell her goodbye."

Well that escalated fast, lol

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