Part 5

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Chris looks at me and smiles.

Do you want to hide in the bathroom?" I shake my head.

"Nope, I'm going to lay right here, just like this, I look down at my naked body, and think a little different about it. Well, lay here with a blanket on, at least." Chris gives me a wink, pulling his jeans on, and walking to the door. Before Chris was able to open the door all the way, Tom barges in, stopping in his tracks when he sees me laying in Chris's bed.

"What, are you doing in here?" I give him a bitter laugh.

"Umm, you fired me and kicked me out of my room, genius." His eyes throw daggers at me.

"So you jump in bed with my best friend, as soon as you get the chance." I almost get out of the bed to confront him, but remembered I didn't have any clothes on.

"You never were my boyfriend, and now your not even my boss, you have no right to judge me." Tom throws his hands in the air.

"Well I would have never hired you to take care of my child, if I knew what a whore you were." That's when Chris intervenes.

"Hey, Tom, you're out of line, man, what's got into you, this isn't like you. She's right though, you have no right to barge in here, and start judging her."

"Tom starts to apologize to me, when I cut him off.

"You need to go, I have nothing else to say to you." I say, feeling close to tears.

"Okay, I'll go, have a nice life Kaylee." I huff at him, then I calm a little.

"Hey, Tom, Please give Amber a kiss for me, and please, don't make her hate me, I love that little girl." Tom looks at me, with a slight look of guilt and nods.

"Of course." Then he turns around and leaves the room.

I pull the covers over my head, and start to cry, hot angry tears. I feel Chris lays down on the bed next to me, he grabs the covers and pulls them down, uncovering my head, and pulls me into his hard bare chest.

"Kaylee, Don't let the things Tom said get to you, I know him very well, he didn't mean those things, he's obviously upset about something. Give him a chance, he'll apologize, I know it." I look up at him, and he wipes the tears away under my eyes with his thumb.

"Maybe I won't accept his apology."

"Well, that's up to you, but if you really love Amber, you'll accept his apology and go back to taking care of her." I get out from under the blankets and climb out of bed.

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, for now, I never want to speak to that asshole again." I say getting dressed.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you, but I think I should find a motel I can afford, for tonight, so I don't have to run into Tom again today. Chris gives me a puppy dog look.

"Are you sure? I would love to have you stay with me another night." I smirk at him.

"I would love that too, but you may never get rid of me, if I spend another night with you, I'll be hooked. He flashes me a sexy smile.

"Would that be so bad?" I throw a pillow at him, shutting him down

A week later


Hey, Tom, I was wondering if I can pick up the rest of my stuff this evening?"

"Yes, that would be fine." I tell him I'll be there soon and hang up.

When I show up later, Amber and Tom, are having supper. When Amber see's me, she jumps up from the table and runs into my arms.

"Kaykay! You came home!" She says in a squeaky happy voice.

"Hi, Monkey, I'm so happy to see you, baby." I say, bringing her into my arms and I hug her tightly. All the while, Tom is watching us.

"Daddy made dinner, you gonna eat?" I give her a sad smile.

"No monkey, I just came to pick up my stuff, then I have to leave." Tears well up in the little redheaded eyes.

"Are you really busy too?" I look at her, confused at her words.

"Mummy went bye bye, because she was too busy, to stay." I see Tom struggling to keep it together as Amber cries in my arms.

"Mummy was so busy, she never came back." My heart is breaking, for this little child.

"Ummm, Kaylee, can I talk to you, in private please?" I nod my head.

"Okay, sure." Tom motions for me to follow him.

"Kaylee, I want to apologize, for saying the things I did, in Chris's hotel room. I was so far out of line, and I shouldn't have fired you, you were just worried for Amber, thank you for that. Please, come back, her mummy walked out on her, we can't do that to her again.

I look at him for a minute, before answering.

"I'll come back for her, but you and I, are not ok, this doesn't mean I have forgiven you." He clenches his jaw.

"I understand, but thank you for taking such good care of Amber, welcome back."

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