Part 12

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I give him a long look, wondering who this person is, I've never seen him react that way. I grap Amber's hand.

"Give daddy cuddles, I need to walk you to school now." Amber cautiously moves toward Tom, as he stands there, running his hand through his hair.

"Come here love bug, daddy's not mad at you, baby." Amber gets a big smile on her face and runs into his arms. As he holds Amber, he looks up at me, looking remorseful.

Once he lets go of Amber, he stands up, and wraps his arms around me.

"Daddy's not mad at you either little one." He whispers in my ear. Making me hug him tightly.

"I'll be back in a couple days, you girls behave okay." He says playfully. I smile sadly at him and take Amber's little hand in mine, and we walk out into the cool London air.


I board the plane, heading to the States, with anxiety in my belly. I don't want to deal with this, but I need to shut this down, before it makes it way into the public eye. After the eleven hour trip, we finally land at LAX. I quickly exit the plane into the clutches of the paparazzi.

"Tom, is it true you have a kid?"

"Tom, Who's the baby mamma?"

"Tom, why are you in LA?"

I manage to make it through the media circus, without saying a word, and not making eye contact with anyone. I grab my bag and head outside to find my driver. When I get to my hotel room, it's already filled with people, already working on damage control. I see my lawyer and Luke standing in the corner talking quietly, and looking quite serious.

"Okay talk to me." I say to my lawyer Alan.

"Well it looks like a women by the name of Chrissy, is accusing you of getting her pregnant, then leaving her, and she wants big money, to keep it away from the press." I stand there trying to take in what I was just told.

"Anyone have a picture of this, Chrissy." Alan nods.

"We can do one better than that, she's here, and waiting in the adjoining room." I bury my hands in my pockets.

"Then out with her, I want to see my accuser face to face." Luke gives me a warning look.

"Before we bring her out, we need to warn you, she's very young, that's why we need to take care of this quickly and carefully." I stare at Luke like he has two heads.

"How young?" Alan scratches his arm nervously.

"Just turned eighteen, that means you would have had sex with her, when she was a minor." I rub my hand down my face in frustration.

"Nope, never would have happened, I wouldn't sleep with a minor, that's a disgusting allegation." Luke pats me on the shoulder.

"I know man, that's why we don't believe her, plus her story has more holes in it, than a slice of swiss cheese." I nod, feeling sick to my stomach.

I stand in the middle of the room. " If you're not my lawyer or Luke, would you kindly step out of the room, we need to give this young lady some space, before we bring her in here." The handful of people quietly exit the room.

Luke goes to the adjoining door and motions for her, to step into the room. As she enters, I see a very small girl, with bright red hair, freckles, and a big pregnant belly, looking every bit of her eighteen years. I have never seen this girl in my life, I'm mad beyond belief, but I keep my cool, and decide to hear her side of the story, before I judge to harshly.

"Please have a seat, darling." I say, trying to make her feel comfortable. Seeing that she is already close to tears.

"Chrissy, can you tell me why you think your carrying my baby?" She swallows hard, rubbing her thumbs together, staying quiet.

"You told us, you met Tom at a party, and he came on to you, and proceeded to have sex with you, with your permission, of course. Even though you told him you were only seventeen, right?" Alan recalls her story. She nods quietly, looking at the floor, As big tears run down her face.

"Chrissy, you know that never happened, yeah?" I ask gently, not really knowing this girls mental status.

She starts to gulp for air as she begins to speak. "I'm pretty sure that's what happened, I don't know, I forget." I grit my teeth, trying not to get angry.

"Sweetheart, you need to tell the truth here, slander is a crime Chrissy." I say trying to scare her a little.

"She bites her lip. "I'm sorry, Mr. Hiddleston, I didn't mean to lie." I sigh with relief.

"What do you mean, you didn't mean to lie, what are you saying, love?" She bounces her knee up and down.

"She told me to do it."

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