Part 7

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A month later

I was trying to get Amber moving so I could get her already for bed before Tom got home, so I could go on my date. I haven't told him about my date yet, but hopefully if he sees the house cleaned up and Amber taken care of, he won't have an issue with it.

Chris H had called me yesterday, asking me if he could take me out to dinner tonight. I figured, I haven't had a night off in awhile, so I accepted.

When Tom comes in, he looks dead tired, and asks if there's any dinner left. I pull his plate out of the fride and pop it in the microwave.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I look nervously at him.

"I have a date tonight." He stares at me, his eyes turning dark.

"With whom?" I shift from one heeled foot to the other.

"Chris, we're going out to dinner." He paces the floor angrily.

"I don't want you to go, in fact, I won't allow it." I stomp my foot.

"You won't allow it, well that's rich, you're not my dad, you can't tell me what I can and can not do!" I yell out, as Tom's face turns red.

Before he could say another word, I was already running out the door, and into Chris's car, who happened to show up, at just the right time. Chris gives me a concerned look.

"Why were you running, sweetheart? I was still trying to catch my breath, before I could answer.

"Tom and I had a disagreement, he said he wouldn't allow me to go out with you." Chris looks at me like I had two heads.

"What? Tom's my bestfriend, why would he have a problem with you going out with......well fuck, Tom is jealous, he wants you for himself Kaylee. Why didn't I see that?"

"As the night went on, I couldn't help but think about Tom, he's probably brewing with anger right now, but why do I feel bad about it, why do I want this night to be over with already?"

After dinner, Chris asked me, if I wanted to come back to his place. I tell him no, "I just want to go home, if that's okay?" He nods his head, even though he looks disappointed, he turns and smiles at me. "Of course, whatever you want."  In a short time he drops me off at home, and kisses my cheek, as I'm getting out of the car.

I walk up to the house slowly, I hope Tom is already in bed, but I know he's probably waiting up for me. I was right, boy was I right. Just as I close the door behind me, Tom appears in front of me.

"Have a nice time darling?" I look for anger in his face, and when I didn't see any, I felt relieved. I see Tom's eyes turn dark, not with anger but with something else. He moves close to me, so close I can feel his breath in my hair.

"I'm not happy about you disobeying me, what do you think I should do about that?" I swallow hard, not because I'm scared, but because the rough tone he is speaking to me in, is actually turning me on.

"What? Cat got your tongue, little one?" I lick my lips.

"Why are you talking to me, like a child?" He moans quietly.

"Before you left with Chris, you told me, I wasn't your dad, which is correct. I don't want to be your dad, but what I wouldn't give to hear you call me daddy, when I'm rubbing your sweet wet pussy, or when asking to suck my cock." My cheeks start to burn.

"Tom, we talked about this, it's not a good idea, to get romantically involved." Tom grabs onto my shoulders, "Come on Kaylee you can't deny you want me, anymore than I can, but first things first, daddy needs to punish you, for running off with Chris."

The next thing I know, Tom has my dress up around my waist,  my panties pulled down, and I'm pinned to the wall, face first. My first reaction was to fight him off, but the other part of me wanted to be punished by him, I was so fucking turned on now.

The first wack came out of no where, surprising me. The next wack was equally surprising but arousing. The third, fourth and fifth, had me dripping wet, by the time he gets to the last wack, I'm crying, I'm almost coming, and I'm calling him daddy.

He moves close to my ear and whispers, "What a good little girl, you are, Daddy likes how turned on you got by your spanking, You're pussy is absolutely glistening." I moan loudly, as he rubs his cool hand over my sore warm ass. He pulls my panties up, and puts my dress down, where it belongs.

"Okay darling girl, you better get to bed, it's late." He say's kissing my forehead. I nod and do what I'm told.

Once I'm in my quarters, I lay down on my bed, thinking about what just transpired. I was turned on beyond belief, by a spanking, and for calling a man that's not my father, daddy.

Who would of thought, I would be into this weird, kinky shit, but Tom brought the bad girl out of me, that I didn't even know existed.

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