Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

June 24 2028 Floor 100

Just as Recon was about to teleport away, Leafa touched his shoulder, blushing as she asked, "Do you have extra room in your apartment?" Recon's eyes widened, blushing. "I mean, because I don't really have any place to go, and I think Asuna and Kazuto may want some time alone. Recon nodded and replied rubbing the back of his neck, "Uhh, yeah. I've got a small house in Rovia, Floor Four. It's actually pretty in the nighttime there, even though it isn't really." Leafa nodded, and smiled,
"Lets go then. Nothing like a place to bunk down and is a pretty place."

June 24 2028 8:30 22nd Floor

Meanwhile, Asuna and Kirito walked into their door, as Yui rushed out. "Yui!"Asuna laughed, picking her up and placing her on her hip, and walking over to the sofa as Kirito locked the door, and they all sat down. "Mama, something's changed,"Yui said. "I know,"Asuna replied with a small smile. "I can no longer senes the cardinal system. It's like I have a brain. And I have a heartbeat,"Yui told Asuna, pulling Asuna's hand to her chest. Asuna smiled. Kirito suggested, "Yui, you should be tired by now. Why don't you go sleep?" Yui nodded, slipped off Asuna and padded off to the storage room they had cahnged a bit for Yui. They had paid a few Cor and redone the walls, taken out the storage items, and placed a bed in.

Asuna's smile quickly faded, as Kirito scooted over so that he was sitting next to her, Asuna letting her head rest on his shoulder. "What do you think of all of this? Everything is so much more real. What is the blood? What was that monster saying, when he apologized? It was as if the boss had feelings, and they're not supposed to. They're not even supposed to talk- I mean other than Heathcliff of course. And what was that about me being the commander?" Asuna ranted. Kirito smiled a bit and replied softly, "Didn't you tell everyone to relax for the night, at least? And plus, you were Vice-Commander before, so technically you are commander since, you know, there's no Heathcliff anymore." Asuna nodded, considering everything. Slowly she fell asleep, succumbing to the lulling smell of Kirito, and the exhaustion.

Kirito, himself, pondered what the events of the day meant, quenching his rising panic, before coming to the conclusion, that he himself should relax, at least for the night. By then, she was already in deep sleep. Kirito touched her cheek, feeling the soft silkiness of it. Then he pushed a strand of hair away from her face, the perfect, light brown hair. He smiled, lost in thought, for a moment, forgetting about reality, or at least, the whole non-reality, asking himself how and why he had such a beauty that would support him and have his back no matter what, sleeping on his shoulder. He pulled back, slipping one arm under her legs, and another under her back. She unconsciously moved into his chest. Kirito carried her bridal style to her bed, and placed her on it, collapsing onto it next to her. Too tired to see if his usual clothes were in the closet, too tired walk to the other side and get into the other bed.

July 24 2028 6:00 Tokyo

A month later, the newspapers still talked about the death of all people who was in ALO. Midori had taken a leave from her company, and her husband still hadn't answered to her phone calls. She knew he didn't care anymore. He'd had enough, having had to adopt a son that wasn't his, then have the boy get stuck in SAO, stuck on a hospital bed, then pull their precious daughter into VRMMO worlds as well, then have both of them die. He didn't have to deal with this anymore. Midori wasn't focused on that. She spent almost every day, rain or shine at her two childrens' grave. It was currently 6:00. She knelt there, putting another flower on the stack that was overflowing their tombstones. Just then, she happened to look up, as a very large object rose into the sky, darkening the world. A steel castle. A steel castle that shouldn't have been there, and couldn't have, one that she'd recognize anywhere after 2022. But it was.

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