Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

July 28 2028 11:45 A.M.Floor 22

After a really long while of rummaging through the cabinets, which Asuna would probably throw a fit about later, Kirito noted, Kicouhirou placed a kettle on the stove and a pack of teabags on the counter. "Kiouchirou, you told me to tell her that, and tell my dad what I really had planned. But to do what I have planned, I need your help,"Kirito finally sighed. He didn't want to admit he needed help, but Kiouchirou was the only one he knew that would have enough money and experience. "I want to start an Institution, and I need one partner with money to start it off. You're the only one I know who has money and power like that, since Mr. Yuuki has practically given his position as CEO to you,"Kirito explained further, "It will mostly be for research, and teaching people in Aincrad. Basically, we get money from teaching people, and we use it for research to find more to teach to them." Kiouchirou said nothing, only staring at Kirito intensely, as if gauging if he should do this or not. Kiouchirou finally ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "In the business perspective, this project is most definitely worth it. I just worry about what everyone thinks... But I'm in. I'll fund most of your stuff if I get 20% of the company. Just don't tell Asuna yet, so I can gather my wits, and enough money and support." Kirito stepped forward, raising his right hand to shake Kiouchirou's and they both declared at the same time, "Deal."

September 3rd 2028 7:00 Yuuki Mansion

Asuna grabbed the familiar silver knocker, in the shape of two crossed swords, that she had never had to use before this, because she'd always had a key. Kiouchirou opened the door. "Just in time for dinner,"Kiouchirou said, grinning. The Yuuki family, had of course been expecting them, because as one of the top VRMMO companies, they were kept in the loop with everything. Kiouchirou led them through the halls to the big double doors to the dining room, although, really it was only Kirito that needed leading. Kiouchirou pushed open one door, stepping aside to let them in. Asuna went in first, and Kirito hurried to pull a chair across from her mother for her, as it was good manners as a gentleman. Shouzou sat at the head of the table, and Kiouchirou sat down next to his mother, across from Kirito, who sat next to Asuna.

The places were already set, and there was already set with steak, dessert, and soup, and a lot of fancy utensils, which Kouchirou and Asuna tried to discreetly guide him through, and almost got away with, but of course, couldn't escape Mrs. Yuuki's sharp eye. Everyone knew Kyouko had ordered the chef to make a meal like this and had the table set for so many courses, with utensils matching each course, just to trip up Kirito, and see how well his table etiquette was. Nobody had quite finished all their meals, but once they were satisfied, meaning, once it got too awkward to eat, Shouzou called the maid to clear up the plates, and bring wine.

Kirito felt uncomfortable as everyone stared at him. "My husband tells me, you have a convincing plan, to gain my blessing for our daugter's hand?"Shouzou asked, starting bluntly. Kirito blinked, keeping his eyes closed for a second longer than needed so he could gather his thoughts, then looked at Kiouchirou, Shouzou, and then Asuna before looking back at Kyoko. "The reason why I'm hear is gain your blessing for us to live together in this world, because I promised her. I promised her knowing she would always feel bad if you never gave your blessing. So yes, more or less, I have a plan, or I wouldn't have promised Asuna,"Kirito replied, making sure it was understood he was doing this for Asuna. Then he took a breath and requested, "Can I speak to you, alone?"

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