Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

March 3rd 2029 Floor 22

Asuna, Kirito, Yui, Kan, Leafa, Taashi, and Taren walked up to the Log Cabin. It wasn't merely renovated. It was now a cozy two story wood building with a porch. Taren pulled a ring of keys from his pocket. He pulled one fancy golden key from the ring, and handed it to Asuna. She nodded in appreciation, and then thanked him, "You've done so much more than we can ever pay you for." "Kirito bud, to pay for my work, live well and happy with your family. Thank you for forcing me to face my fear." Kirito nodded, opened his mouth to say something, but Yui squealed, "I want to see the inside!" Everyone laughed, and Kirito opened the door. Yui bounded in, as usual, pulling Kan behind her. It was exactly like it was before, except in the living room there was now a staircase. Even the furniture was the same. Yui excitedly dragged Kan up the stairs, and the very young adults let them.

When Yui and Kan walked up, Yui gasped. There was three rooms, one for each twin, and Yui. The door of the first room was engraved with the words Yui Kirigaya. Yui ran into the room, and Kan followed. It was a room, with a four poster princess bed, and blue walls, walls blue like the sky. "A room fit for a princess,"Kan thought. Then there was a scream downstairs, that interrupted their moment, that moment to observe the room.

Everyone was admiring the work, with new engravings on the wall that were special to Asuna and Kirito. It was literally a Kirito and Asuna personalized house. One moment, there was a smile on Asuna's face, as they talked about the house. The next moment, her face was contorted with pain, one hand going to her stomach, and the other onto the sofa, leaning on it heavily. Kirito spurred into action, as Asuna let out a blood curling scream, and her legs collapsed under her. Taashi rushed forward as well, but not as fast as Kirito. Kirito caught her. Then he slowly lowered her to the floor so that he was sitting behind her, Asuna's head leaning against his chest as he leaned against the sofa. Taashi rushed forward and shouted orders. Yui and Kan came downstairs, one of the clearer orders was for Taren to bring Kan and Yui somewhere else that was safe.

Kirito couldn't register that. He grabbed Asuna's hand, and as they finished placing towels on the floor under and around Asuna. "Asuna..."Kirito breathed into her ear. Asuna was trembling, already drenched with sweat. "K- kir- nngh..."was all Asuna got out as another wave of pain coursed through her body. "What is wrong, Taashi?!"Kirito cried, not able to bear seeing Asuna in pain like that. "It's too early. We can only hope that Asuna is strong enough to make it through. In Asuna's case it isn't wise to move her. We can't do a ceasarian section. It's not possible. Not here. We can only hope they'll be fine, and get them to the hospital as soon as possible afterward,"Taashi answered glumly. The young and in-experienced doctor was beaten down. He'd never seen a case like this, when he'd been training. Nothing so dire. Nothing so fast. "What do you mean you're not sure?!"Kirito answered, in a panicked yell. "Call Dr. Hamada!"Taashi finally ordered, ignoring Kirito's question. Leafa raced out of the house, leaving only Taashi, Asuna, and Kirito, as Taren had brought Yui and Kan far away from there a while ago.

Kirito was on a verge of a panicked breakdown. Anyone could see it. Asuna tilted her head back, and managed to say in between the pain with a trembling voice, "K-kazuto-k-kun. I w-will bring them t-to this world... a-and hold him..." Kirito looked into her eyes, those brave eyes with a fire of courage that he'd fallen in love with like every other aspect of her. He tucked a lock of her sweat matted hair behind her ear, and in his eyes, something seemed to break. He looked up at Taashi, his voice trembling as well. Dr. Hamada walked in with Suguha just in time for them to hear Kirito order, "If it comes to it... if you can... save Asuna." Suguha gasped. "N-no,"Asuna argued weakly. "Asuna. You know very well what I would do if you die,"Kirito said, saying her name firmly. Asuna tilted her head back as much as she could, and searched his eyes before looking down, defeated, and panting out, "V-very well..."

But when she looked up again, everyone could see the determination in her eyes. The determination of a mother. Over two hours, Asuna weakened, and so did that determination in her, even after she pushed. Dr. Hamada nodded to Taashi, and Taashi announced, "One more push, Asuna-san. Just one more, and the first twin will be born." Asuna nodded, and gave one final effort before sinking into Kirito, closing her eyes, and didn't open, as wails filled the room. That moment, Kirito felt a panic, and he nudged Asuna. Asuna opened her eyes, and saw the panic, giving a little smile, "I'm fine for now. Just a little tired. Suguha walked over with the baby wrapped in towels, and with a proud smile, she handed the baby to Kirito and announced, "It's a baby girl." "Yuuki,"Asuna breathed out, with a small smile. Kirito nodded. Their Yuuki and Yui. Perfectly healthy. This could be seen as a good sign, but Kirito knew his signs, and he knew this wasn't a good sign.

"She'll be just like Yuuki,"Asuna said. Kirito laughed despite the circumstances, and answered, "Yeah, cause I don't think Aincrad could take much more of us." Asuna opened his mouth and let out a guttural scream. Asuna fought and fought, pushing, for another thirty minutes, before she whimpered, "It hurts." "Did you finally notice that?"Kirito asked, what meant to be teasing, but no grin could make it's way onto his face as he watched her. "Asuna, you have to keep going,"Dr. Hamada told her. Asuna took a deep breath, and gripping Kirito's hand for support, she pushed once again. This time, however, it seems she tried harder than ever, because this time, when she squeezed Kirito's hand, there was an audible pop. Kirito's eyes bugged out, his mouth turned into a thin line, and he paled, although not as much as Asuna. "Wasn' that..."Suguha observed. Kirito nodded silently, confirming the fact that his had just been rendered useless for now. Finally, Kirito waved to Suguha, and handed her his daughter, Yuuki.

He saw the light fading in Asuna's eyes. She let out one big breath, one last push, before sighing, and leaning against him. "Asuna, Asuna!"Kirito said, terrified this time. Nothing compared to the time before. Asuna opened her eyes feebly. "I'm...just tired,"Asuna whispered feebly back to him. He nodded, and told her, "I'm going to get him okay, Asuna? You promised you'd hold him. And that's what you'll do." Asuna gave a slight nod of acknowledgement as he slid out from behind her, to get his first son. But when he reached Taashi, Taashi was holding a pinkish white figure, with a mop of Asuna's chestnut hair, but unlike his sister, he made no sound, and didn't move at all. Taashi handed the baby to him, and choked out, "I'm sorry." Kirito siddled back over to Asuna, but she didn't react. Her eyes were closed. Something broke in him. Everything rational went spinning off, as he screamed, "Asuna! Asuna!" All with no avail. Kirito was about to place the little boy in Asuna's lap, their little boy, Kichiro. He already had his two girls. But Asuna never got to hold her little boy she had wanted so much. "No Asuna. This can't be,"Kirito cried through sobs. Suguha walked forward, Yuuki wailing, in her arms. As Kirito felt his head spinning, like it did when he first defeated the Gleam Eye, there was a small sound that pulled his focus back.

It was a choke, more like a small cough, but it was a sound, from Kirito's little boy. Taashi lunged for him, grabbing Kichiro, placing the baby on the floor, and started pumping his hand over the baby's chest, as hard as he dared. Which wasn't very hard. The baby let out a strangled cry and then five seconds later, a real cry, and Taashi pulled off his shirt, as they had run out of towels, and wrapped it around the boy. Kirito took of his shirt as well and wrapped it around his baby boy, Kichiro, too, when Kichiro was handed to him.

Kirito's heart felt slightly better, but his shoulders still sagged, and his back was still hunched as he looked at Asuna. He leaned forward and placed his head on her shoulder, against the crook of her neck, and breathed in the smell that was still Asuna. He cried. Kirito had no idea how long he did so, but it must not have been very long, because they'd have to bring Kichiro to the hospital soon, and Asuna's skin would not still have been warm. Then he felt a familiar warm breath over the back of his neck, and a feeble whisper, "Kazuto Kirigaya." Kirito looked up, and his heart glued itself back together, just to skip a beat, and then start beating faster than ever. "Asuna,"Kirito said in surprise. Her eyes were barely open, and sweat still drenched her, but there was a hint of a smile. "I told you I'd do it. I told you,"Asuna told him. Kirito smiled and handed Kichiro to Asuna. "Yes you did. You did,"Kirito answered, as Suguha stepped forward and handed him Yuuki.

They were still missing Yui, and for some reason, Kirito felt they were missing Kan as well and was about to mention something about them, before Taashi stepped up to take Kichiro, which Asuna tried to protest against, but then thought better of. Taashi raced out of the house. Dr. Hamada took Yuuki, and raced after Taashi. Kirito sighed, and draped his coat over Asuna's bloody and messy figure, and pulled her up from the floor. By now, Asuna was drained, and her pale figure was limp in sleep. "Clear the way in front of us, Sugu,"Kirito ordered, and they charged after Dr. Hamada, and Dr. Takahashi. 

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