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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

June 3rd 10:00 A.M. 2039 Floor 48 YUI

Waking up, Asuna takes in the now familiar surroundings, of her and Kazuto's joined office. She smiled, seeing Kazuto looking out the large windows down into the courtyard in the middle of the Institution. Pulling his cloak onto her shoulders, she walked over, and watched in the direction were Kazuto was watching intently. Asuna watched as her own daughter, Yuuki weakly defended against six college students led by an all too familiar bully. Goro. Jo Goro. Three years older than Yui and Kan, at 21 years old. Asuna sucked in a breath as Kichiro collapsed behind Yuuki, another episode of narcolepsy. Asuna shifted her gaze to Kirito. She could tell it was killing him not to rush down there and punch Goro in the face. But he had to let Yuuki and Kichiro tough it out, or they'd never know what to do when they faced real life, when their parents and Yui, and Kan couldn't protect them. Goro had always been the arch nemesis of Yui and Kan, and bullied Yuuki and Kichiro.

The on thing good about him, was the rumors he managed to spread, and the information that he completely helped time erase. People tended to forget things as time went on, and Goro helped it. For example, five years in, Goro declared he was going to ask Asuna out before he graduated from YUI. By the next year, everyone called Asuna Ms. Yuuki, and Kirito Professor Kirigaya. From then the rumors only got more ridiculous. Kazuto and Asuna were supposed to be arch nemesis's because they sometimes argued against each other, with icier glares than anyone had ever seen (thanks to SAO). This had helped Asuna and Kazuto. The couple decided it was better for Yuuki and Kichiro not grow up with too many priveleges, not grow up with the burden knowing that Asuna and Kazuto were the best fighters, period. Kirito and Asuna hid away their swords and cloaks, and wore regular clothes and labcoats. They didn't need to know their older sister used to be an AI. They didn't need to realize until they were ready. Kazuto visibly relaxed when Kan and Yui raced across the courtyard, hand in hand, Yui fending off the bullies, having inherited Asuna's set of commander skills, and Kan picking up Kichiro, making sure that Kichiro's head was okay. Sometimes, Asuna wondered what would happen if Kazuto's restrain as a father snapped, and gave in to his instincts.

June 3rd 1:00 P.M. 2039 Floor 48 YUI

Sometimes, Asuna wondered what would happen if Kazuto's restrain as a father snapped, and gave in to his instincts. Asuna found out that very day. Every staff and student had to go to the cafeteria to get foods or drinks. Of course, they were allowed to bring it wherever it pleased them. Kazuto, Asuna, Klein, and Sinon were buying their lunch (which wasn't half bad, unlike other schools). Goro, was once again terrorizing Kichiro and Yuuki, and this time Kan stepped in, dragging Yui with him. Asuna could feel Kirito tense up next to her, but she didn't reach for him. It would attract too much attention. "Pick on somebody your own size,"Kan cut into Goro's words. "Oh, really? You're one to talk. I mean, you pick her of all people! The know it all!"Goro said in an ugly tone. At this, Kazuto's fist clenched, Asuna lost her cool as well, gripping the sides of her tray. Goro went on to say, "You'll be stuck with these three if you keep sticking up for them. I, on the other hand, will get Asuna, in my bedroom in no time. I don't believe that she doesn't have a dirty side!" Goro flashed a dirty grin.

Everyone burst into action at that. Kan's fist flew out, but Asuna was faster, lab coat flying off, and rapier flashing before Kan could reach Goro. And yet, Kirito was even faster, everything falling including his swords and labcoat, and sparks flying as his heels kicked off, and his hands reached Goro's throat, and pushed Goro against the wall, faster than Asuna's rapier could reach him, even at sonic speed that she had, and faster than Kan, who had trained so many years with Kazuto. Goro's head hit the wall with a resonant thunk, Kan hitting empty air in front of him, and Asuna stopping short half way, mouth open, not believing that after all these years, Kirito would snap at a comment like that about her. Kirito's teeth was clenched, and he spoke with barely leashed force that seemed to whip Goro in the face as Kirito screamed, "You never, ever, insult Asuna!" Everyone in the cafeteria and courtyard was watching by now. Goro strunk under Kirito's glare, even with Kirito's soft and round face. "I get that you insult Yuuki for standing up for Kichiro, and tease Kichiro for his condition! It's normal for a kid to be teased! I understand when you challenge Kan, and mock Yui! That's fine that you don't like all of my children, and stir trouble around them! I can stand and watch that, and not punch you in the face, as a good father, master, teacher, and Headmaster!"Kirito spat out, voice raised, but not screaming yet. Then it got ugly. Kirito started then roared, "I CANNOT, AS A GOOD HUSBAND AND PROTECTOR, LET YOU INSULT ASUNA LIKE THAT!"

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