Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

December 25th 2028 6:00 Yuuki Mansion

Kirito, Asuna, Recon, Suguha, and Midori piled out of the van onto the luxurious walkway of the Yuuki mansion. Asuna lead the way to the front door, grabbing the familiar, grand, knocker, and knocking three times on the right door of the grand double doors. The Yuukis and Kirigayas were eating dinner as a family, on December 30th, as on the 31st, Recon and Suguha had to be at the HQ, and Kirito and Asuna would be hanging out with their friends at YUI. Everyone held a bag of presents for each other. The doors swung open, each door manned by a butler, and Kiouchirou standing on the door mat, with Yui and Kan, sporting a huge grin. Yui ran and tackled Kirito in a hug, screaming in glee, "Mommy! Daddy!" Kirito laughed, picking her up as she threw herself into his arms. Kiouchirou laughed, "Asuna! Kazuto!" He stepped to give Asuna a hug over her belly, and then stepped back and added for Recon, Suguha, and Midori, "Welcome! Asuna's family, is my family." It was quite literal, and meaningful. He stepped back to let them in, although even if he had just stood there, everyone could have just walked around him. Everyone filed in, following Asuna, Kiouchirou, and an overly excited Yui, who was draggin Kirito and Kan to the dining room. This room's door was already opened. Asuna stopped a bit at the doorway.

When Asuna had been a kid, her mother only allowed them to buy a tree once, and that was only decorated to impress a client. This was a huge joyful tree with stockings on the fireplace, a star at the top, ornaments, and Yui and Kan's arts and crafts over the days on the tree and walls. Decorations lined the walls, and windows. And that smell. It was the smell of the apple pie that her mother had stopped making, by the time Asuna turned eight. Then Yui pulled Kirito and Kan forward, bounding into the room. Kyouko looked at them with a small smile, more of a smile than anyone had ever seen her with for a long while. Kyouko got up at that point, and walked over to Midori with a smile, "I'm glad you could be here. Now that we're pretty much family." That night was great. Everyone was well fed, Yui received a mini Lambient Light, and Yui giving a BFF charm to Kan, and a whole ring of gifts, with Kan and Yui trying to spar each other, and Asuna and Kirito having a tournament of their own, of course, Kirito with only one sword, and letting Asuna win. Nobody took that fight really seriously. Not even Asuna. Everyone exchanged gifts, Kirito, Kan, Asuna, and Yui managed to fall asleep on the same sofa in a lounging area, of course, to be woken up later, Shouzou, and Kiouchirou passed out from a wine drinking contest, Recon and Suguha snuck off somehwere, Kyouko and Midori, talking about their children together, by the cheerful Christmas tree, and then watching their children, and their grandchild.

December 31st 11:00 P.M. 2028 Floor 48 YUI

Everyone was gathered in the squares and teleport plazas where there were screens set up of the official inauguration of the new Commander and Vice Commander. The first official ones. There was a curtain over a carved object in front of the HQ. Kirito, Asuna, Silica, Sinon, Klein, Lisbeth, Taren, and the Sleeping Knights all gathered in the lounging room of YUI each with cups of cider in wine glasses, to watch the square in front of the HQ, where most people had gathered. That was where Recon and Eugene currently stood, each on one side of the carved figure, with a screen above them. Agil was with his wife back at his cafe. Finally, there was three notes from an amplified trumpet that rang across the 55th floor square, and caught everyone's attention, silencing a lot of people across Aincrad.

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