Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

July 28 2028 9:00 A.M. Tokyo Military Airport

Three helicopters took off, leaving reporters behind, many of which still reporting to the world, of the effort to contact whoever was on the new, and very real Aincrad. The new hadn't stopped reporting this event since Aincrad had appeared and all those who were in ALO at the moment that the 100th boss was defeated, all died. Shouzou Yuuki and his son, Kouichirou Yuuki sat next to him. Kouichirou's heart beat like crazy, and his stomach squeezed. His sister. He was the reason he got stuck in SAO, and then got captured by the crazy man as well. Now his only sister, the one who he valued and agreed with no matter what, had died.

Of course, Kouichirou really wanted to see her again, but the question was, how much would she have changed? What if he got there, and she wasn't there? Then he couldn't hold onto that last hope at all. His thoughts were disturbed as the helicopters landed on an open field in floor one. A bunch of people came up to greet them as they stepped off the airplane. Two were obviously in charge, it seemed, or at least the people respected them. They were two girls, one with short, dark hair, and the hair tied up, and seperated into two, so it looked hung off the sides of her head. A blue creature sat on her shoulder. The one taller, with shorter hair obviously was in charge, and she commanded, "Silica, go get Kirito." Kirito. Wasn't that the guy Asuna was talking about, and the guy who kept visiting her at the hospital? So that was good news right? She probably was alive, right? He didn't have time to ponder as more people like the two girls who seemed to have authority and seemed to be fighters arrived. A man and woman took charge, until two familiar figures arived. One in black, and one in the familiar Knights of the Blood Oath, white.

The black one immediately took over, saying to the man and woman, "Thanks, Thinker, Yulier. It seems like they've finally arrived." "No problem, Kirito,"the man, who must be Thinker, replied. Kouichirou as Kirito greeted the officials who had arrived, he could only look at one person who was looking back at him. She ran to him with a familiar smile, and a huge weight lifte off his shoulders. "Father. Kiouchirou!"Asuna laughed in surprise, as she hugged Kouichirou. Lowering her voice so that only her brother would hear, Asuna whispered, "You have no idea how glad I am." "I know, because I'm even more glad,"Kiouchirou replied.

Everyone sat around the table in the meeting room that Thinker had provided, as he had once again taken charge of the first floor with Yulier. After explaining both sides of the story, Asuna takes charge. "I believe what we all want to know is what you're planning next,"Asuna directed. "Yeah, cause if you're gonna force everyone off Aincrad and try to destroy it, as well as imprison us and test on us we won't be happy,"Klein yelled, and in the heat of the moment, brought his fist down. The table cracked. All the representatives jumped. "Calm down, Klein. I'm sure that's not what they have in plan, right?"Kirito responded, talking to Klein, then looking at the representatives. The Mayor, the top representative, turned to Asuna. "Ms. Asuna Yuuki-,"he started to say, but Asuna cut him off curtly, slamming the table for effect, luckily not cracking it like Klein did. She growled, "I will be refered to as Commander. No other names need to be used." The mayor nodded. "Commander, we have a plan already, for those who want to go back, can go back to their former positions, and those who don't may stay here. This will be run like an independent country, although a small one, it'll be runned the way people want it to be. We have a plan in place,"the mayor explained.

With that, they started sharing their plans to reach out to every person on Aincrad, and who would go where, who would return, the NPC's and AI's that wanted a new life in Tokyo, and days for people to visit their loved ones. Everyone trickled away slowly, leaving a few people. Recon, a smart guy, turned to Asuna, quickly murmured something about meeting her in their apartment, blusing, correcting himself, saying his apartment, then walked out after giving her a quick kiss cheek of goodbye. That left, Kirito, Asuna, and most of their families. Shouzou started by turning to Kirito and greeting, "It is certainly nice to see you again Kazuto." "Ah, you must be the infamous Kazuto Kirigaya, the one I've heard so much about!"Kouichirou stepped forward, holding out his left hand. A lefty, Kirito noticed, as he shook his hand. Kirito also noticed, Kouichirou took note of the ring, and then the corners of his mouth moved just a bit, not even a millimeter, so that only Kirito could see it. Then Kouichirou stepped back.

"So, I assume, this beautiful young lady is your sister, Miss Kirigaya, Kir-"Shouzou started, but stopped before Suguha could even start blushing. That was because, Asuna's hand had shifted so they were clasped together, which brought attention to her hands. And on her left hand, there was that ring. Shouzou looked at Kirito's hand, finding the ring's mate, on his left hand. Shouzou looked at Asuna with a flood of emotions. Kouichirou stepped forward to say someting, to help Asuna and Kirito, placing a hand on his father's shoulder.

However, Asuna stepped up, saying the words she had dreaded saying, because she was scared of the reaction she would get. Taking a deep breath, she introduced, "Father, Kouichirou, I want you to meet my husband, Kirito, or Kazuto Kirigaya, the Beater, and Black Swordsman, defeater of SAO." Then, she walked to the corner of the room, placing her hand lightly on the of a certain black haired girl that had been neglected. As Kirito walked over to join her, she said, "This is our adoptive daughter, Yui. Former Mental Health Counseling Program."

Floor 22

Kirito, Asuna, Kiouchirou, and Shouzou arrive at the teleportation gate after sending Yui off with Recon and Leafa. They walked in silence, Kirito and Asuna leading hand in hand through the village and towards their house, eventually walking next to the lake. Kirito doesn't shake like Recon, but he's nervous, more nervous than ever, and Asuna can tell, as she tries to soothe him by rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. That is why they didn't react fast enough when they heard the thunk, and then the a man's cry for help. Right behind them. Kirito let go of her hand, and swung around, just in time to see Shouzou flail over a rock and into the lake, into depths where Kirito could almost see the Lake King lurk, before springing into action. Kirito jumps into the lake, as Asuna jumps at the same time, as the King of the lake burst out of the river to grab its rare prey.

Kiouchirou watches in wide eyed amazement and terror as his sister and now brother-in-law sprang into action at the same exact time, knowing what each did. The black blur dove after Kiouchirou's fallen father. The white blur rushed to meet the huge orange shape, leaving only a trail of smoke. In an instant, the orange monstrosity explodes, and Asuna lands on the other side of the lake, one knee, one foot, and one hand on the ground to break the impact from her jump. At the same time she lands, Kirito shoots out of the water, and tumbles onto the road with Shouzou on top of him. Something like a phone ringtone sounds. Kirito pushes Shouzou off him, pulls a tablet like device, which was water proof like all other phones these days, and puts it to his ear, and says, "Yeah?" Then as he listens, he puts two fingers and a thumb to Shouzou's wrist, checking for a pulse. Kiouchirou could only stand there with his mouth open. Already, Kazuto Kirigaya, and his sister Asuna worked in perfect sync, something that many people could never do in their lifetime. Kiouchirou now had a reason to support them. Not just because he owed it to his little sister. Because they were meant to be and work together.

Kouichirou and Shouzou sat across from Asuna and Kirito in the dining room. Shouzou was now sporting a dissapointed face as well as a towel over his suit. Asuna hated dissappointing her father. She'd always been a daddy's girl before the SAO incident. The tension, awkwardness, and nervousness in the silence was altogether frightening. After a while of silence, Kirito couldn't tell, because he was that nervous, Kouichirou finally broke it, by asking Kirito, "Should we go see if there are some refreshments in your kitchen, Kirito?" It was more of a command than question to Kirito. Glumly, Kirito followed Kouichirou into the kitchen. Kiouchirou leaned against the counter, and tilted his head, watching Kirito fidget. He clucked his tongue. "Why so fidgety and pouty?" "I'm not pouty!"Kirito growled, even though he blushed. "Ah, there's the aggression Asuna mentioned,"Kiouchirou commented. Kiouchirou took in his relaxed stance, and tousled hair. Kiouchirou was no expert, but he also knew that having your blades on your back probably wasn't as convenient as having it right by your side. (I actually don't know, so please correct me if I'm wrong.) How could he be so relaxed, even when all of this had happened?

That's exactly what he asked Kirito. "Why waste a day, being all uptight, and tire yourself out, when you can relax the day? No matter what, or where, or when, this is where I am, and the situation I am in,"Kirito replied, eyes still on his shoes. He continued, saying, "That's exactly what I said to Asuna." He stopped there, and looked right into Kiouchirou's eyes, with almost as much determination as when he asked Asuna both times, as when reality forced itself upon him. His voice cracked a bit, then steadied and hardened as he promised Kiouchirou, "I also said to Asuna I will protect her. That my life belongs to her. That is also still true. I do not intend on failing her again. I love her." Kiouchirou nodded and with a satisfied smile, unfolded his crossed arms, then tugged the fridge door open, murmuring, "Now lets see if you've got any refreshments."

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