Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

September 4th 6:00 P.M. 2028 Floor 22 Log House

Asuna was cooking the usual dinner as Midori played with Yui as usual. Suddenly she felt arms wrap around her, and she let out a yelp, that she couldn't help as she always did. But Asuna leaned back into the embrace, knowing perfectly well who it was as she tilted her head backwards to look him in his eyes and lazy grin. His hair hung over his eyes perfectly as usual, but from this angle, Asuna could see everything. Asuna dropped her utensils and spun around so they were practically chest to chest. Honestly, Kirito definitely wasn't the tallest guy around. But he was the one she had fallen for. "I've already called Dad. He says it's okay to stay at his house while this house is being renovated,"Asuna informed him, playing with his hair. Noticing sadness in Asuna's eyes, Kirito asked, "We move to your Dad's house. So why are you so sad?" Asuna's eyes widened, not expecting him to notice. Asuna sighed, "Dummy. I won't be moving to Dad's house. I'll be moving back to the apartment with Sinon. I need to stay here to make sure things go well. We'll still see each other when you're here checking out sites for the Institution while the airport is being built. It's just that I without you there it would be awkward with just your Mom, and Yui, and without me here, it would be chaos."

Kirito took a while to understand everything she had just told him, and then his eyes widened, and he pouted. Then he released Asuna, leaned in, and whispered into her ear, "Tell your Dad and Sinon it isn't needed." He slipped out of the door, grabbing his cloak, swords and straps on the way. By the time he came back in, Midori, Asuna, and Yui were had already started to eating. "Sorry we started without you. We were hungry,"Asuna apologized, instantly regretting eating. Kirito leaned in and kissed her cheek before sitting down in the remaining chair. "No worries. My princesses, and the little guy need to eat on time,"Kirito waved away Asuna's apology, instead, using it to flirt with Asuna, make Yui happy, and make his mother smile. Then looking at Asuna, he announced, "Ma, Nagata Shinichi and Suguha agreed to take you while our house is being worked on. You need to talk to Suguha then. She's the one who's really your daughter. The one you really need to tell." Midori looked up at him, accusingly, then realizing she couldn't argue her way out of this, because her son had other perfect reasons to send her to live with her daughter, she gave him a look of resignation.

Later in the day, Yui was video chatting in the living room with Kiouchirou, Midori had went to sleep, and Kirito was helping Asuna wash the dishes. They already acted like a perfect family, although in cramped quarters. As she handed him the last dish, Asuna leaned against the counter, and waited for him to finish the dishes. "What?"he asked, knowing her well. "You didn't have to do that. We could have toughed it out for a few months,"Asuna told him, obviously not liking the idea of pushing his mother away. "And miss most of your pregnancy? That would be being a bad boyfriend/fiance/husband. Plus, it's the way to get punched in the face by your brother, and you father, then yelled at by Sugu, Ma, and Mrs. Yuuki,"Kirito answered. Asuna blushed. "Well, the fact that we never had a wedding doesn't mean we're not married..."Asuna corrected him, "You know what I want to know." Kirito finished the last dish, placed it in the drying rack, pulled off the rubber gloves and turned to her, sighing. "Fine. I had to, because I got us rooms in the HQ of the old Knights of the Blood Oath building, where quite a few of the people in the council reside. Kiouchirou promised he'd take good care of Yui. Yui is eight. She can take care of herself,"Kirito explained. There was a squeal from Yui. "And that would be Kiouchirou telling Yui,"Kirito narrated. Then he continued as he saw Asuna frown, "I know you like the secretiveness of this place. I do too. I went around. Most of the council members there are people we've met that are at least semi-trustable, like Schmitt. Actually, Sleeping Knights are there too." Asuna's eyes briefly lit up at that, and the frown instantly disappeared. A soft smile slowly made it's way onto her face, "Fine. As long as rumors don't go flying, because most of the public still doesn't know that we're even together."

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