Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

September 4th 2028 10:00 Floor 50 Algade

That morning had been an early meeting, and Kirito and Asuna had, had to get up earlier than usual, which was already early enough. When they left the house, Yui and Midori were still sleeping. The meeting had gone well, however, going over the records from the day before. They also had started a project to make an airport, and had given it to some people who had attended the meeting. Nowadays, everyone who went there were called a member of the counsel, although truly, anyone could go to the front lines and fight. Mostly, the counsel consisted of the most influential, or the best fighters in the front lines. Most guilds that fought in the front lines gathered money vigurously, but used most of it for counsel uses. It seemed there would always be one guild that would step forward and take on a project.

Kirito weaved through the crowded familiar streets, pulling Asuna along behind him. He had an old friend, whom he knew might be able to help him. He stopped walked into a small alley, where he had to let go of Asuna's hand because it was only the width of two peole, and line with crates on one side. Eventually, they reached a stop to the crates, where there was a door, and a really small hole in the wall, with a dirty sign above the window, next to the door, that couldn't be read. Kirito knocked on the door, then stepped back, backing against the other wall. After a few seconds, the knob of the door turned, and then suddenly the door banged open, rebounding against the crates. A figure stood in the doorway, one that was about six feet. He was a taller and lankier than Kirito, skinnier. His chin was sharp, and his eyes were blue. Too blue. He wore royal blue robes that was pulled together with a belt that went across his chest, and across his waist, to meet at his left hip. The only thing strapped on it was on the back, a hammer. Goggles were on his forehead, pushing his hair, which was long, brown, and tied into a braid that lay against his neck. There were slots around his waist for a lot of tools, but none of them were filled. Before the guy could say anything, Kirito smiled and laughed, "You've forgotten me, your friend so soon, Ren? Or should I call you Taren? Or perhaps Takahashi?"

The guy's eyes widened and he laughed, "Kazuto! Kazuto Kirigaya! It's been a while since I've seen you! Come in!" The guy, Ren, or Taren, stepped back. "You know you're still the only person who calls me by my last name right?"he asked Kazuto as Kazuto walked into the small living area, shrewn with stuff. Asuna walked in hesitantly, staring at Kirito, as if asking him if he was sure this was safe. "Since when have you have you attracted pretty girls, Kazuto?"the guy teased. Kirito sighed, and introduced, "Takashi, this is Asuna, Asuna, this is Ren Takahashi, also known as Taren, and was my best friend, before I started playing SAO." "Yeah, this guy here got the beta version and didn't tell me, then cut everyone off. I was disappointed in him. We always used to play everything together. But I don't suppose that's why you came here is it?"Ren replied, as he waved Kirito and Asuna to a seat on one of the stools crowded around the small table in the middle of the room, as Taren himself went to get a kettle from the cupboards, and placed on the stove. "Are you still as good at buiding and crafting as your mouth is smart?"Kirito asked back. Taren stopped and turned, face slightly white. "Explain. I know you two aren't just friends, there's something going on between you two. You know I haven't done so. Not since back then. So at least you owe an explanation,"Taren ordered, almost at a whisper.

Asuna finally spoke up, "Perhaps, a re-introduction, would help. I am Asuna. In Aincrad, I am known as Commander, Beserk Healer, Lady Lightning Flash, and Kirito's wife, and longtime girlfriend." Taren's eyes widened. He like, everyone else in Aincrad and SAO had heard of the Lady Lightning Flash marrying the Black Swordsman, and the Beserk Healer who charged into battle, taking out more players than five people could just so she could kill the enemy healers. "You're the Black Swordsman?!"Taren asked Kirito. Instead of answering, Kirito waved it away and said, "That's not the point. We need you to help renovate our Log House on Floor 22, for our family. We just need a floor in between the roof and first floor. Can't be that hard. We'll pay you." Taren closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. "You do know how hard it is for me to even think about building, after my dad..."Taren asked, Kirito. "Yeah. But you're so talented at it. You were a master before you even started working in that line of business,"Kirito replied. Taren sighed, "Fine. Since I'm pretty sure if I don't agree willingly you two will probably threaten me or something. Plus, I guess I do miss it a bit. But I expect quality payment. Oh, and if you're really the legendary Black Swordsman, then you can probably introduce me to a few girls right?" Asuna's face darkened at that, but neither of the men noticed.

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