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TITLE: Surprise
GENRE: chicklit
OC: Dexter April
FACE CLAIM: your choice;)

This is basically a 'My life with the ... boys/brothers' story, but then gender-swapped. Also, it's up to you of course, but I'd really like it if you kept it 'brothers-sister' love, because otherwise it's going to look very awkward in my head, as they're practically brother and sisters now.

'We'd never been to Malaysia before, it was supposed to be fun. And it was. In the beginning.
But let me tell you, it's quite a bit less fun to wake up in a hospital and to be told you're the only one who survived a plane crash.'

Dexter April's life changed drastically after he'd survived a plane crash, which killed both of his parents and his maternal grandparents. The choice after that, is even harder than processing all of the information: Where is he going to live?

He can choose between his paternal grandparents who are old and slightly demented, his crazy aunt from his mother's side or his godfather— and no choice feels right, he just wants his parents back.

In the end, the choice is easily made. But when he arrives at Jim Baker's house, he realises a lot of things have changed since the last time he went there. For example, Jim is married and has got ten daughters. Surprise.

"Wait— so..., so you got ten daughters?"

"Well, yes, but—"

"Ten?! And you forgot to mention this how?!"

"Well, it all went rather fast, but, er, soon there's not going to be ten anymore—"

"There's gonna be more?!"

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