Chapter 26:Its been a while

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As Eren and Annie went towards the  long corridor,Eren was still tensed as Annie hold his hand to know that she is there when he needs someone.As they entered the room where the unknown titan shifters was held.Annie sit on the chair across the titan shifters and Eren stand beside Annie.

"We are both have things in common"Annie said giving somewhat glare."A titan shifter huh?Finally"the unknown titan shifters said.

"So you knew then that we are gonna come eventually.So tell me what do you want from me and Eren?What is your name and why are you here to the wall?"Annie asked the titan shifters.

"Well my name is Marcella,and the reason is because Grisha Yaeger wants you three to come back from the mission since he said that the coordinate is you and he wants me to take you and the other two including Eren the coordinate"Marcella said pointing to Eren.Eren was getting confused as Marcella was pointing at him.

"If my dad was alive,why didnt he told me and Mikasa or something to let us know?!"Eren said raising his voice and Annie instantly putbher hand on Eren's chest to calm down making an eye contact with him worried.Eren quickly calm down and said"Sorry,Marcella.I dont mean to raise my voice."

"Its ok,Eren.I understand and the reason your father couldnt send at least a message is because he thinks that the death of your mother is his fault and he didnt want you to et angry than you already are"Marcella said with a sad tone.

"If you want to see your father,I can bring you to Valhalla and meet him yourself"Marcella offered to Eren.

Eren's eyes was widen to even answer the question and A nie wuickly said to Marcella"Marcella,he heard enough already!Let him be for now olease and thank you for telling us honestly"Annie said dragging Eren towards their dorm.

"Annie,whats wrong?"Eren said raising an eyebrows.

"I dont want you to get hurt than you're already are"Annie said worriedly.

"I'm fine,I mean its just feel weird to know my dad is still out there....and yet he felt bad for making my mum died..."Eren said started to feel tears streaming down from his eyes."Eren,your dad wouldnt want your mum to die but he have other reason why he and my dad asked us to do this mission"Annie was giving a sad expression and she couldnt look at Eren.

As they arrived at the dorm,everyone was already asleep since its midnight,so they went to bed.Annie out her arms around Eren and said"You know,Marcella have your looks.She have your hair like messy just black.She have your eyes,green emerald eyes but when she was a titan,she has black eyes which is weird"Annie said.Eren nodded and said"Well it might be because of her parents DNA like eyes colour and such"Eren said and he continued saying"Yeah,well Reiner looks liks you too then"Eren said teasing Annie and he continue saying"Annie,I have to go see my father eventually to know the truth"Eren said looking at Annie and thought that she would say no.

"If you want then I'll go with you to take care of you and maybe I'll show you around town."Annie said smiling and rest her head on Eren's chest.

"Wait you dont mind?"Eren said confused by Annie answer to be just a simple yes.

"Of course I dont,I mean I want to meet my dad anyway but we must not tell anyone that we are going to Valhalla which is I dont know when"Annie said and Eren smiled and said

"Ok then,goodnight least you dont over react like Mikasa used too but she is my sister so I understand"Eren said starting to close his eyes and sleep immediately.Annie giggled at Eren's statement and immediately she fall asleep too.

Eren was at the Shiganshina District.Eren see himself as a kid and he was helpless that time as he was carried by Mr Hanz and his mother was getting closer towards the grinning titan closer and closer and Eren's mother was eaten by the titan.Eren was then feel with anger and sorrow in his heart as he saw the incident"Mum!!"Eren shouted,he suddenly felt he was going to another world or place.

He was at a dark place.No light to guide him."Why am I so helpless that time.."Eren said as he felt to the ground feeling helpless until a light shine before his eyes in front of him.
As the light were getting brighter and brighter,he saa his mother was there walkinh toward him and hug him.

Eren was crying and hug back as he never felt his mother's affection for a long time."Mum,I am sorry if I never follow what you have to say to me and ask me to do things.I could have save you if I was strong"Eren said as he squeezed his hug.

"Eren,theres no need for that.I am just glad you are now a soldier for the humanity.I've only got a short time to talk to you but I will twll you this straight to the point"Carla said with a serious tone and this make Eren serious too.

"Listen Eren,the key you had around your neck given by your father to unlock our home basement back at the Shiganshina,you will find your answer there,everything you need to know about your father,sweetheart"
Carla said smiling as she put both of her arm on Eren's shoulder.

"Mum,I love you always...sorry for being stubborn and I promise to protect Mikasa and mum I will try to go to the basement"Eren said smiling and he continued saying"Mum,I found a girl that you might like.Shebis just like you and her name is Annie,Annie Leondhart"Eren smiled at her mum.

"My son has a girlfriend already?Then you better protect her with all cost then and I approved it"Carla said with the same smile as Eren and she continued saying"I'll see you soon Eren,I promise but now I have to go now"Carla said as she start to fade from her leg towards her upper body.

"But mum,I have many things to say to you about my story,I've make many friends and about Annie too"Eren said as he was crying and Carla make a reassuring smile and said"That habe to wait dear,we will meet again one day"

Carla then vanished and Eren immediately wake up from his nightmare oanting for air.Annie was awaked since he could felt his body was moving.

"Eren are you ok?"Annie said worried about him.

Eren smiled and said"I saw my mum and she was saying that this key was used for my home basement at Shiganshina"Eren said as he take the key out and show it to Annie.

"Well,Reiner and Bertholdt must have know this too.We must try to capture as soon as possible Eren"Annie said with her usual tone.Eren nodded in agreement.

"Yeah,if we want to know the truth,we must do it quickly"Eren said and they start to rose up from their bed and showered.They dressed themselves and head towards Erwin's office.


Hi there readers!I hope you enjoyed the story so far and sorry for not updating it sooner since I'm pretty busy lately but hey,here it is!We've reached 1K for the story so yay!Its all thank you for your support since the begginning and thank you for making it happening :D So if you have anything to share relating to the story so far,then share it and I see you guys soon peace! :)

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