Chapter 28:The end of the line

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As the fight continue between the five titan shifters,it was almost finally come to an end when Marcella and Annie work together to defeat the Colassal titan as one of them distract and the other went to the nape despite Bertholdt released steam from his body.Annie was strong enough to withstand it by crystallising herself and bite Bertholdt's nape taking his human form towards Levi's squad as they then arrest Bertholdt with a thick metal bar at his wrist.

Eren on the other side was dealing with Reiner as Reimer went full speed towrds him punching.him om his mouth.The Armoured titan didnt stop,he give an uppercut towards Eren that send him flying.Eren noticed that once Reiner was using brute strength.To defeat brute strength is by usimg techniques.Eren immediately used the technique that Annie taught him and he immediately make Reiner fall.

Eren was swooping Reiner's leg and Eren immediately gave a full punch to Reiner on mid air.Eren them ran towards him and bite his nape carrying Reiner human form to be arrested by Levi's squad.The three titan shifters went back to their human form.

"Good work you guys"Levi compliment Eren and the others giving a small smile.

"We couldn't have done it without Marcella"Annie said as Marcella stood front and Levi smirk.

"Well,your charges will be drop and be free since you help us in this mission"Levi gave her a salutation.Marcella was confused but followed what Levi just did.

"Alright then.Mikasa,lead Jean,Krista,Connie and Armin to bring these two titan shifters to their cell and yes they will have to share the same cell for interrogation.This is an order from Erwin."Hange added an instruction.Everyone nodded.

"This damage that has happen,will be recovered by tomorrow for convenience so help and do what you can and I will let other squads do the rest!"Levi said.

Everyone nodded and they went back towards the headquarter as they went to their dorm and lay on the bed.

"Eren,Reiner and the rest will tell you better about us so I hope you be ready for the truth"Annie said looking at Eren as Eren was on the bed laying,looking up to the ceiling as Annie was sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Dont worry,I am ready always"Eren grin and Annie laughed at his determination and gave him a kiss.
"Dumbass"she said.Eren laugh at her statement and return back the kiss.

"Not to disturb but do you want to join us for the construction?"Connie said with sweating.

"Yeah,theres nothing fun to do than that,we must at least do something you know"Armin and Jean said and Mikasa nodded.

"No thanks but we want to interrogate Bertholdt and Reiner later"Eren said and Annie nod.

"Umm,Annie can I ask you why Reiner did this...why us there this titan shifters?"Krista said sith a sad expression.

"That have to wait but I can say about us titan shifters have reason and every death is not in vain"Annie smile and assure Krista saying"Its ok,Reiner is not that bad of a person and that goes to you too Ymir.Bertholdt is a sweet person..its just that we have to do this mission but I got a different approach"

Ymir smile and said"Thank you for cheering us up Annie...for both of us and we trust our boyfriends"Ymir grin a  little and Krista agreed and laugh.

"Hey,lets go now!Sooner the better"Armin said waving at them and they all went to help the workers for the reconstruction.

Annie smiled at them and offer Eren"Lets go to the interrogation room"

"Sure,Annie"Eren said and hold her hand as they walk down towards the interrogation room.When they arrived,Erwin came out of the room fruastrated.

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