Chapter 3

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"Upgrade your style. Find yourself" I kept telling myself that weekend and that I did. I recruited Kayla and Marie to help me vamp my style a little and sure enough they did the same to theirs. Monday at school was so different from that point on. I'd never been looked at so differently because of what I wore. I wore a red quilted skirt that came well above my knees, a white crop top that showed my toned stomach and a gold chain across my neck and my hair dead straight. My style was more of what I was comfortable in and everyone in the hallways would stop to look at us all as we came in. Particularly looking at me.

"This is crazy" Kayla said and me and Marie laughed at her comment, knowing what she was talking about. "By the end of the day, I bet we'll be the talk of the school" "You got that right" Marie replied and we all fist-bumped each other and headed into our English class. I passed Diggy who was standing at his locker getting his books out and as he looked at me, he dropped his books on the floor and his draw dropped with them and his friend next to him rushed to ick them up. I shook my head as I passed him. He missed out a on good chance. 

We went to our English class and sat down in our seats. Instead of being snobby and acting like popular girls because everyone was looking at us, we stayed humble and just ourselves. We didn't change our insides and we just went about a normal day until lunchtime. 

"Oh my God, that's so awesome.." Kayla exaggerated to one of the boys who sat next to her. Seriously? Okay, maybe me and Marie maintained ourselves, but Kayla was soaking up her 15 minutes of popularity and we looked on amused. I looked to my left at the rest of the lunch hall and I saw Diggy with a tray of food. I looked away from him and shook my head and he stopped before he came rushing over to us. "Do you guys mind if I sit here?" he said to the boys that were sitting around and with us, particularly to the cute guy I was talking to. Knowing Diggy's status in school, they all immediately got up and left so it was just me, Marie, Kayla and Diggy. 

"Sup coach?" Kayla asked. "Nothing much, I really just need a minute with Y/N actually, is that okay wit you girls?" he said to them and they both looked at me. "It's fine guys" I reassured them and with that, they left. Diggy rested his tray of food on the table and slid in the seat opposite me. "What did you want?" I asked him and he stared at me for several seconds before answering. "I'm just wondering.. wow, you've changed" he said and I smiled the tiniest bit. "Change is something that happens, you know" "I can't help but notice you.." "Oh, so now you notice me?" I asked and he was stunned. "No, no I meant that it's noticeable how different you are now. Everyone's noticed" he said and I looked at him. "I just found a new style and I love it, it's more me and actually that's proof.." I laughed a little to myself before carrying on and Diggy looked at me confused. "Proof that people like you only see what's on the outside" I said and he looked down. "I knew it was because of me right?" "Do you think it is?" "Yeah" "Why?" I asked. 

"Because I didn't treat you in the right way, I didn't say the right things and I'm stupid" he said and looked down. I looked over at my friends who were sat on several tables behind us and they were ushering me to make a go of things. "You're not stupid" I admitted and he looked up at me in surprise. "I'm that person who is stubborn and really reluctant to give second chances. But I need to move on with things and not hold grudges. So let's move on from this" I told him. "Really?" And he was surprised. "Yeah.." I said. And I smiled and with that my girls and the boys we were with earlier came back over. "So, can we start over and.. can I take you on another date?" he asked trying to pressure me with the people around us. "Yeah we can start over... but no dates. I don't wanna go on a date with you" I said and I felt like I was being so cruel to his ego but kind to myself.

The guys around us jeered, snickered and laughed at Diggy at the rejection I just served to him and I could see in his eyes that his huge ego had shrunk to the size of a pea. He sat with his friends on a table next to ours and kept glaring over at me as I resumed talking to the guy from earlier, Jason was his name and he was pretty cute. I felt guilt in my heart with every look Diggy gave to us but then relief that I was moving on from something that didn't really exist...

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