Chapter 7

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I stood there in shock and anger but somehow, I couldn't even get the words out.. I couldn't believe it and I struggled to look anyone in the eyes... "Sorry.. I think I have to leave" I said and walked past Alyssa before Diggy grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Y/N, no wait.." he protested. "No" I snapped back at him, my eyes red, burning and full of tears while my cheeks were stained in my cries. "Get off me" I snarled and pulled my hand from him. "Don't touch me, don't go near me.. I'm done" I said and shook my head.

"Well where you going? You can't leave like that..." he told me. "I'm getting away from you as much as I can right now." I looked behind him at Alyssa who showed remorse for what she did and what she told me. "You can have her since she's showed you a good time when I wasn't there" I glared at her and then him before I left the lunch hall and disguised my emotions to the other students in there.

"You're fucking disgusting.." Marie said to Diggy and followed me. The others said nothing but all followed me out of the lunch hall and to my locker in the empty corridor. I opened my locker and looked inside and cried, closing my eyes tight and my mascara ruined as my tears streamed down my pale cheeks. "Y/N baby.." Kayla approached me first and hugged me. I pressed my face close to her fluffy jumper and cried my eyes out. "It's okay.." she whispered to me over and over. "He's a fucking.." "Don't even go there with that.." Kayla cut off Mack before he'd say something he'd regret. I didn't care right now. I didn't care at all but my feelings were hurt. 

"You deserve better than that.." Tristan told me and pulled me from Marie to look at him and Jerome. "You're a beautiful girl, we're all your friends and you don't need a guy right now. That's not where your head is at". he was right. It wasn't. I didn't want it to be so complicated like this, let alone stressful. I didn't know having a boyfriend was so much hard work... Jerome gave me a fresh tissue from his pocket to wipe my eyes and face with and the guys all hugged me for support. "You don't want Jason or Diggy... you need to focus on yourself" Jerome insisted and I blinked in response, unsure if he was right.

"Y/N" we all heard a voice running behind us and we turned to see Alyssa. I wiped my face and looked at her, but before I could reply, Kayla had already stepped forward. "Fuck do you want?" she threatened Alyssa. Knowing Kayla's violent streak when anyone messed with her, now was not the time to piss her off. "I wanna talk to Y/N.." Alyssa said trying to look past Kayla who blocked her view from me. "Y/N, it was nothing but a mistake.. I didn't mean for that to happen, I didn't know.." she protested to me. "Sure.." I scoffed and looked away and Alyssa stopped trying to please me. "You know what, it's whatever. You guys were on a break anyway, so I was entitled to him" she boasted and I was fired up and glared at her. My eyes felt like they were burning through her olive skin.

"He was all mine and I can have him when I want. I think I might have him again this weekend..." she smirked devilishly when she saw my anger. Just then, Kayla almost swung for her, but Jerome and I held her back. "Stop Kayla.." he warned her and glared at Alyssa. "She's not worth it. She never will be" I said and pulled Kayla fully away from Alyssa. "Fuck off bitch" Marie growled at her and Alyssa turned around and strutted back to the cafeteria, swaying her blondish-brown locks side-to-side.

I ran into the nearest school toilets and cried my eyes out in a cubicle. What was wrong with me? Why was I so stupid? I asked myself. I locked myself in and Kayla and Marie were banging on the door and talking to me on the other side, issuing me to come out or let them in while the guys were in the corridor waiting to see if I was okay.  Eventually I came out and I walked to the sink and stared at my reflection. Crying really did make me look worse. "Forget him. Please Y/N, I know you can..." Marie begged me. "You're stronger than this" she told me and I nodded to myself. I was. I just couldn't see it right now. 

"You can't go in there, stay away" "She doesn't wanna see you" "Haven't you done enough?" we all heard from the corridor and then Diggy burst in. "Get out" Kayla barked at him. "Stay outta here..." Marie stepped to him to warn him off. "Lemme talk to her, please" he begged them and they all looked at me while I sniffled and blinked my tears away. I raised my eyebrows at them. They knew what it meant. "Fine.." Marie said calmly and left with Kayla following her. 

"I'm sorry.." Diggy started and I rolled my eyes. "How'd I guess those were your first words?" I said to him sarcastically and unimpressed. "Hear me out.. come on,we were on a break" he insisted. "A break you wanted for me to figure out who I wanted" I responded. "Look, I didn't expect that to happen, but it did" "No, you wanted it. Alyssa was easy, pretty and available and you were on a break from your.. I mean our relationship and you didn't take time to think it over. You moved onto the second-best thing" I explained. "While I'm there thinking I did the worst thing to you and ruined our relationship and you made me choose, you've gone and slept with the school slut. You obviously made your choice"

And I left it there. "I think I need time to myself" I told him and walked out. "Can't we talk about this? I wanna put things right between us babe.." he pleaded. "We talked. There is nothing right between us.. and I'd rather if you left me alone" I said simply. I wasn't crying anymore. I didn't need to waste my tears. "And don't call me "babe"" I walked out of the toilets and my friends were all out there waiting for me. I didn't stop for them, instead I carried on walking through the corridors and they followed me. 

At basketball practice on Friday Diggy's coaching wasn't up to the standard it once was. He was distracted when I was there but focused otherwise. "Y/N.." he tried to call me back to him after practice was finished and I was quite frankly irritated to talk about it again, I mean, it'd been two days... "What?" I snapped at him and he approached me. "Can't we.." "No, I'm not talking about it again. Drop it." I instructed him. "But.." "No" I cut him off again. "What's done is done and we're done" I told him. "We were on a break..." "You know this reminds me of that Friends episode when Ross kept saying that" I told him. He should have remembered. When he was looking after me after my accident, we watched that episode. "The break is your only excuse. Yeah we were on one, but remember what for because you obviously forgot. Stop bugging me to talk about it" I told him.

"You've made your decision, l so go back to your little Greek Princess. I think she wants to hook up again" I rolled my eyes and headed to the changing rooms to Marie and Kayla. "You alright?" they asked in unison. "Yeah I'm good. You up for tonight?" I asked them and they both nodded and chattered to me excitedly. "I can't wait! I need a night out like this.." they said to me. "Alright, we're getting ready at mine yeah?" I clarified with them. "Yeah, let's go.." Marie said when she put on her top and we all left. A night in the city to eat, have fun and spend time with my girls? Just what I needed. 

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