Chapter 9

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"You've gotta be kidding me.." I looked at Diggy in such disbelief and annoyance. "Y/N.. this has gotta be a joke.." "You're telling me!" I shouted "Now hold up.." Marie stepped forward. "This bitch has slept with half the boys in school!" Marie joined in. "Y/N, please believe, I didn't want anything to do with this.." "Trust me, neither do I. Teen pregnancy isn't my thing" I said and walked away. "Okay, party's over.. everyone out."Kayla said and everyone groaned. "No, keep it going.. let everyone else have fun, I'm gone" I said and I left. "Y/N..!" Marie called and ran after me when I left. I ran outside and started up my car. "What are you doing, get out the car Y/N.." Marie told me. "Marie, please let me just go..." I cried a little but subtly as she stood in front of my car. "You're not gonna hit me with your car so you might as well get out here.." she told me and I eventually got out. I walked over to her and she immediately hugged me, warmly and tight like she always did when I was upset and I cried into her shoulder.

"That's right, get the fuck outta here, pregnant or not, you're not coming in this house!" we heard Marie yell, loud as anything else. Me and Kayla turned around and she was shouting at Alyssa onthe doorstep while we were outside the property. "It ain't even your house!" Alyssa retaliated. "No, but it's my house and my party, so you better get the fuck outta here" Kayla looked at her and narrowed her eyes. Some of the people in the house were looking outside, but we didn't give a damn. "Y'all okay?" Mack ran up to me and Kayla and looked at me in particular. "I'm fine.." I mumbled and he pulled me in for a tight hug. Kayla nodded at her boyfriend as we hugged an so Mack took care of me for the rest of the night. Making sure I wasn't alone unless I wanted to be and so no one bothered me with any shit.

I stayed upstairs on my own while the rest of the party went on and the music echoed through the walls and floorboards. I was just thinking and thinking.. it took ages for me to avoid him, but the second we're back together, it's all clear that he's fucked up? And even more than the last time... I felt like crying, but I was too deep in thought to do that. There was a knock on the door and then it opened. Marie. "Hey bub.." she said and came in with a glass of water, knowing we'd been drinking all night.. "Thanks" I took it from her and drank half of it. "You okay?" she asked and rubbed my back. "No.." I shook my head. "At this rate I feel like I should be done with him because there's too much I can'thandle... but then I din't wanna give it all up because I still like him so much.. love him even" I said. "I understand" she said and leaned her head on me. "Im here.. me, Kayla, Mack, Trist, Jerome.. we're all here" she smiled. 

There were three little knock on the door during the quiet moment me and Marie shared. "Can I come in?" Diggy poked his head out and looked at us both. "Go away" Marie said, she was fed up and as tired as I was, but something in me said "No, come in". Marie looked at me. "It's fine" I said. "Well since it's fine, I'm staying right here" she insisted and sat on the end of Kayla's double bed and looked at me and Diggy. "I'm sorry... I never wanted this to happen Y/N, you gotta believe me" "I believe that you didnf't use a condom and she didn't use the pill... and I believe it happened when we were on a break. But I can't believe I'm stuck in all this shit again" "He got on his knees and held my hands desperately. "You ain't boutta propose are ya?" Marie asked. "No.." Diggy told her. "I want you to forgive me.. I really do. I don't want this, I never did.. so please.. take me back, again? I wanna make us work Y/N.." he looked right in my eyes and his were watering like mine. I looked back at Marie. "Marie, what should I do?" I asked her as she sat on the edge of the bed. "You're in love with him.. you love him Y/N.. listen to your heart" she said. I turned to Diggy and pulled him in for a hug. He kissed my cheek and hugged me tight. "I won't let you down.." he whispered..

The next week at school... that wasn't awkward at all. You know, everyone staring at you and your friends and whispering about you... I wasn't a stranger to this. "Hey Kayla, great party!" someone say to her as we passed by. "Thanks!" she replied. She got a lot of those today.. and there was a lotta alcohol left over... "Y/N, are you okay since the party?" once girl approached me all sympathetic and genuinely concerned. "I'm fine.. me and Dig are back together and we're great" I smiled and carried on walking... But then down the corridor, I saw Alyssa. Rumour had it.. I know it's ironic that I'm listening to rumours... but rumour was that Alyssa had moved in with one of her other sexual partners.. I knew she wouldn't move in with a guy if she didn't tell him it was his baby. "Hey, how's the baby?" I asked sarcastically. "How do you parents feel about their first unwanted grandchild?" Marie snarled at her. "Shut up.." Alyssa said on the verge of tears. "Y/N, I know you hate me.." "Hate you?" I scoffed. "I can't stand the sight of you, let alone the sound of you breathing or even seeing you move..." I narrowed my eyes at hers. I saw the green of them turn from dark to soft and almost clear. I knew she was upset. "I'm sorry...!" she ran off past me in tears. I didn't care if she was crying or pregnant, I hated her.

"Hey guys..." Diggy came over and sat with me, Marie and Mack at lunch. "Y'all okay?" "We're good.." Marie replied and ate her fries. We all chatted happily, Diggy put his arm around me comfortable and once people in school had finally stopped whispering and talking about how close we were, we went back to normal... Kayla and the rest of the guys and some seniors came over and chatted and laughed with us all. "So have you sorted that thing with Alyssa?" I whispered to him as we sat together. "I told her.. I'm not involved. I know it's not mine. She's causing trouble. But if it was my baby, you know I'd be there for it. It would be my child.." he told me. "Even if it comes between us?" "that won't happen..." "How long ago did you sleep together?" I asked. "Like two and a half months ago..." he shrugged. As I walked out of the lunch hall to go to the bathroom, I ran into Alyssa. "We need to talk" she said. "I have nothing to say to you anymore" "No seriously. I need to talk to you. No bullshit, no lies... we need to get this over with after school, in the ground floor bathroom, okay?" "Okay" I shrugged and walked off...

I walked out of my last class and I was saw Alyssa head into the bathroom. I remembered what I had to do. "Y/N, you coming to mine?" Marie asked. "Um.. yeah in a sec, I'll catch you in a minute, just give me two seconds.." I said and headed to the bathroom where Alyssa was waiting, alone. "What is it?" I asked folding my arms. "I've decided... I wanna get my life over with. I need to move away, I need to start afresh and somewhere II'mnot known... my parents have agreed to put me in boarding school" she told me. "Okay..." I said a little confused. "You're the reason why. I came between you and Diggy... And I want you to have this" she said and handed me a document. "What's this?" "The details of my abortion" she said and I looked up at her then down at the paper she'd given me. "I ruined your life. I'm gonna have an abortion.. and.." "Wait" I interrupted her and put my finger on one printed detail. "This says you're two and a half months pregnant.." "Yeah?" she shrugged. I thought.. Diggy said he slept with her that long ago... then my eyes widened. 

"This is Diggy's baby" I gasped and she nodded. "If you want me to get rid of it.. I will" she said. "I can't ruin your lives... and he loves you so much" she explained. "Do it" I said and handed the papers back to her... "No, I don't want them" she shook her head. "I have a copy" I took back the paper and looked at the dates at the top. "It says the abortion is.. today" "Yeah, today.. in an hour so I have to leave and then catch my flight right after. I'm gone today" she said. "Oh.. okay" I nodded the slightest. "I'll see you around" she said and sighed before she left the bathroom. 

I came out after a few minutes, stuffed the papers in my bag and walked out in a rush. The guys and girls were waiting for me. "What took you so long? We've been waiting forever!" Tristan exclaimed at me. "Nothin.. sorry, I was being a girl.. make up and all" I said a little uneasily. "You always look perfect" Diggy put his arm around me and kissed my cheek while I just I smiled a little. "So... Alyssa.." I said plainly to Diggy when we were all chilling at Marie's house. "What about her?" "What if the baby is yours?" "Then I'll be there for her.. I'd wanna bring it up and care for it. I don't believe in abortions.." "Even though you'd be throwing away your life?" "Even if. I have to own up to my responsibilities... I know it ain't mine. Otherwise she woulda talked to me about it..." Diggy shrugged. "Poor nigga, whoever's baby that is" he added and I sat under his arm and thought for a little.

I got home and when I stepped in my house, mom told me there was a letter with my name on it. She handed it to me and I tore it open instantly She said a young girl brought it by and it was really important and "school-related". I opened it. It was a letter from Alyssa.

"Dear Y/N.. you're the only person I told that I was leaving... promise me you won't tell anyone about it, or the baby.. don't say anything, as much as you hate me for everything I've done. It's done. The abortion is done and is the last thing I've done apart from write and post this letter to your home for you to get. Don't tell Diggy, don't tell Marie or Kayla and Mack.. none of them... what they don't know won't hurt them, especially because you and I now know this was Diggy's baby... I'm sorry for everything. I'm so, so sorry. I'm going to live in another state... My plane leaves soon and I'm on my way to the airport as you read this. I don't know where I'm going but probably Ohio or North Carolina somewhere I'm not known which is anywhere... I just hope you keep this between me and you. It's done, it's all done and it's over and I hope you and Diggy can move on and love each other... From Alyssa."

That's it. It was done. It's over. There was something else in the envelope. A sonogram picture... I looked at it. Damn, that woulda been Dig's baby... it hit me hard int he stomach with what felt like a punch. The life that existed a few hours ago was no more. No more baby, no more Alyssa.. now Diggy wasn't a father. But... why did I feel so guilty?

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